Members Get a Taste of the Theatre at May’s First Business After Hours

Ensemble interns perform excerpts from AHA! Amazing Inventors and their Extraordinary Inventions at Chamber Business After Hours on May 16.
Chamber members had a chance to see some excerpts from an ongoing production of the Bloomsburg Theatre Ensemble while also enjoying some delicious appetizers, beer from Berwick Brewing and other drinks, during a lively Business After Hours on May 16 at BTE, as the Ensemble continued the celebration of its 40th season, which is wrapping up and has just two shows remaining.
In addition to the usual networking, catching up with old and current friends and acquaintances and meeting new ones that routinely occurs at Business After Hours, actors from BTE’s Theatre in the Classroom tour performed for attendees, an excerpt from their ongoing 2018 production, AHA! Amazing Inventors and their Extraordinary Inventions. BTE managing director Jon White-Spunner briefly addressed attendees and made note of the rarity of having a local theatre company in a rural area such as Bloomsburg, and the equal rarity of such an organization being around for 40 years (and counting). BTE board of trustees president Mark Gardner of M&T Bank (also a member of the Chamber’s board), also made an invitation to anyone interested in serving on the BTE board, as it is looking for new board members. Anyone interested in serving on the BTE board should contact White-Spunner by email. Around all of these activities, members also had a chance to feast on some great tasting appetizers and drinks, including some beer from fellow member Berwick Brewing, which included some of its recently bottled IPA (being bottled in the video below).
Business After Hours provide regular opportunities to build business relationships while learning about the services offered by other Chamber members. The next Business After Hours will be held at Bloomsburg University’s Soltz Hall, located at 400 East 2nd St., Bloomsburg, on Wednesday, May 30, from 4:30-6:30 p.m.