Members Get a Look at Expansion Proposal and Current Programs at CMVT at January Business After Hours

Attendees were able to view a short presentation that featured a pair of proposals for expansion at Columbia-Montour Area Vocational-Technical School and also had an opportunity to take a tour of the school and its 17 current programs at the first Business After Hours of the year hosted by CMVT on Jan. 30.
A recent feasibility study gave three possible options for the school, two of which involved expanding the current programs to allow for more participants and possibly even adding new programs. Attendees were able to hear a little bit about these options, as well as some of the adult education programs offered at the school. A group also got a tour of the building and the 17 vocational programs currently offered. Many are out of space and cannot accept all of the students that wish to enroll in their first-choice program. One of the expansion options would allow for more space in certain programs and would allow not only more students that are accepted into the school to get their preferred program, but also potentially more slots for each participating school district, which would allow the school to accept more students overall. The “Taj Mahal” option would also expand the number of programs available to beyond 17. The school’s joint governing board, made up of two school board members from each participating district, will consider these plans in the coming months.
Attendees also enjoyed some delicious food prepared and served by students in CMVT’s food service & preparation program.
Business After Hours provide regular opportunities to build business relationships while learning about the services offered by other Chamber members. The next Business After Hours will be held at Bloomsburg University’s Gallery at Greenly Center, located at 50 East Main St., Bloomsburg, on Thursday, Feb. 28, from 4:30-6:30 p.m.