Dept. of Labor & Industry Official Gives Briefing on Compliance with Americans With Disabilities Act

Attendees at a lunch seminar organized by the Chamber and PA CareerLink Columbia/Montour Counties heard a presentation from Charlie Protasio, business services representative from the Pennsylvania Department of Labor & Industry’s office of vocational rehabilitation on compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act on Thursday, Feb. 21.
The seminar, sponsored by PPL Electric Utilities, was held at the Hampton Inn Bloomsburg, with lunch provided by Berrigan’s Subs. Among the topics discussed were what constitutes a disability, requirements for employers under the ADA, especially as it relates to hiring, what is a reasonable accommodation, and more. While employment and hiring requirements were what most of the presentation was devoted to, it also touched on the other elements of the ADA, including accessibility and telecommunications.
The entire seminar, which is just over 45 minutes in length, can viewed below. The PowerPoint presentation in PDF format is also available for download.