National Walking Month

From rabbittransit
Did you know that May is National Walking Month? Walking is a full body workout with many health benefits: it strengthens the heart, helps you lose weight, can prevent depression and anxiety, and can lower risk of dementia. Are you looking for a ride to a park, mall, or other interesting walking destination? Let us take you! rabbittransit can provide safe, reliable transportation for you. Seniors 65 years of age and older are eligible for Paratransit, often referred to as “Shared Ride.” Shared Ride is door-to-door bus service providing trips that are grouped together between multiple customers. There are no restrictions on the reason you may use our services, so the Senior Shared Ride Program can be used for all kinds of trips such as; medical appointments, grocery shopping, beauty salons, banking, recreation, physical therapy, visiting, fitness, Adult Day Care and more! There may a co-pay each time you board the vehicle. The cost depends on many different factors. You’ll love how easy it is to schedule your own appointments using
Call 1-800-632-9063 today to speak with the mobility planning department to discuss your transportation needs and what you need to do to start using rabbittransit!