PA Chamber Joins Speaker Turzai, Lawmakers in Support of “Energize PA” Initiative

From PA Chamber of Business & Industry
“Energize PA,” an economic development bill package, was touted at a press event last week where PA Chamber President Gene Barr joined House Speaker Mike Turzai, R-Allegheny, lawmakers and members of the Operating Engineers Local 66 union in support of legislation that collectively would help to create jobs, drive investment by manufacturers and redevelop Pennsylvania’s infrastructure with no additional taxes or fees.
The eight-bill package would achieve a number of pro-growth initiatives the PA Chamber supports:
- H.B. 1100, sponsored by Rep. Aaron Kaufer, R-Luzerne, mirrors the existing Pennsylvania Resource Manufacturing Tax Credit that was established during the 2012-13 state budget and would help large manufacturers using Pennsylvania-based methane in production.
- H.B. 1101, by Rep. Natalie Mihalek, R-Allegheny, would increase the cap on Net Operating Losses from 40 percent to 45 percent in 2020, and 50 percent in 2021. This will encourage businesses to grow and invest in technology.
- H.B. 1102, by Rep. Josh Kail, R-Beaver, would establish the Keystone Energy Enhancement Act to create 20 energy enhancement zones where businesses would be eligible for local tax exemptions and credits. This would especially encourage investment within Pennsylvania’s natural gas, manufacturing and petrochemical industries.
- H.B. 1103, by Rep. Jonathon Fritz, R-Susquehanna, would expand the valuable Pipeline Investment Program to make low-cost natural gas energy available to Pennsylvania residents, manufacturers and pad-ready sites.
- H.B. 1104, by Rep. Tarah Toohil, R-Luzerne, would establish a registry for abandoned manufacturing sites across the Commonwealth that are now available properties for development.
- H.B. 1105, by Rep. Eric Nelson, R-Westmoreland, would help to create a streamlined permitting process that would encourage businesses to engage in brownfields cleanup and redevelopment.
- H.B. 1106, by Rep. Mike Puskaric, R-Allegheny, would overhaul the permitting process for all general and individual environmental permits, as well as general plan approvals. This would help prevent industries from facing bureaucratic delays.
- H.B. 1107, by Rep. Tim O’Neal, R-Washington, would create the Pennsylvania Permitting Commission as an independent commission that will alleviate the Department of Environmental Protection from having to collect and approve permitting permits.
Video of the press event is available on the PA House GOP website.