NEPIRC Announces Grants for Regional Manufacturers

Through PA MAKES, an initiative funded by the Appalachian Regional Commission, NEPIRC is offering regional manufacturers grants of up to $10,000 to cover 50% of the costs of process improvement, industry certification, market diversification, advanced manufacturing technology and other growth-focused consulting engagements. Companies within NEPIRC’s 11 counties are encouraged to pursue these easy-to-qualify grants to expand and grow. NEPIRC Business Advisors stand ready to assist manufacturers with fewer than 250 employees in securing these grants.
For additional details, see below or check out NEPIRC’s website, and for more information, contact Eric Joseph Esoda, NEPIRC’s President & CEO, or Dale Parmenteri, NEPIRC’s Vice President of Consulting Operations, or at
The ARC PA MAKES Mini-Grant Program is funded by the Appalachian Regional Commission and features grants available only through local Industrial Resource Centers, including NEPIRC. The PA MAKES Mini-Grant Program is designed to assist manufacturers within regions of Pennsylvania that were once dependent upon the “coal economy” diversify and grow. As such, the mini-grants are intended to support small and medium sized manufacturers in their strategic efforts to increase production capacity, improve efficiencies and increase revenue. Ideally, those efforts will stimulate job creation and drive economic impact.
Funding Availability
Applicants may request a grant up to 50% of the total consultant costs, up to a maximum of $10,000 of grant funds, for eligible projects. This includes projects in Continuous Improvement, Industry Certification, E-Commerce/Security, Strategic Planning and other diversification and growth initiatives. Awards will be made on a first come, first served basis with priority given to first-time applicants. Mini-grant dollars may be used to support direct, project-related consulting costs, contracted services and similar one-time costs related to the implementation of the proposed project.
Program Eligibility
Applicants requesting mini-grant assistance through this program must meet all of the criteria listed below to be eligible for funding consideration:
• Be a privately held small to medium sized manufacturer, with fewer than 250 employees at the facility in which the project will be performed, located within NEPIRC’s 11 counties.
• Have not received a PA MAKES grant in the past.
• Have completed, or be willing to complete, a business assessment by NEPIRC to ensure that the proposed project will have strategic and meaningful impact.
• Provide at least a 50% match to total project cost. That is, applicants must be able to cover the total project costs until grant reimbursement is issued.
• Submit reasonable project paperwork upon request to allow reimbursement (ex: proof of payment to consultant, copy of consultant invoice, etc…).
• The proposed project must be complete by November 30, 2019.
• Participate in post-award survey to collect information on project status, economic impacts, and other information as requested.