House Passes State-Run Health Care Exchange Legislation

From PA Chamber of Business & Industry
In a nearly unanimous vote last week, the state House passed a measure (H.B. 3) to create an authority that would operate a state-based health insurance exchange for individual market plans under the Affordable Care Act.
The legislation advanced with broad bipartisan support in light of President Trump’s Executive Order that provides greater flexibility and cooperation with states in implementing their own healthcare programs. Since the EO was signed, the Center for Medicaid Services has issued new guidance for states seeking more flexibility through waivers – a move that has allowed for greater innovation in seeking solutions to reduce healthcare premium costs. The PA Chamber supports H.B. 3 to help bring stability and lower costs in Pennsylvania’s health care sector.
Before the bill passed in a 198-1 vote, the PA Chamber sent a memo to the House expressing support and thanking elected officials for reaching consensus on this important issue. “The creation of a state based exchange coupled with a reinsurance program that is properly managed and remains solvent can benefit many individuals,” the memo stated. “We commend the Administration and legislative leadership for their commitment and swift legislative action.”
The bill now awaits consideration by the state Senate.