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Round Two of Columbia County Grant Program Closes November 9th

Small businesses in Columbia County that have been negatively impacted by the COVID-19 crisis are invited to apply for up to $20,000 in financial assistance.  Applications are being accepted now through Monday, November 9th.

Businesses that did not receive a loan or grant through the Federal Paycheck Protection Program, or the Economic Disaster Loan Program will be given priority, though all eligible businesses are encouraged to apply.

-For-profit businesses or individuals operating businesses with a base location in Columbia County.
-One owner per business may apply.
-Businesses that applied for and/or received grant funding through the first grant round in August are NOT eligible to apply again in round two. 

Approval requirements:
-Must be in business by March 1, 2019 and still in business on July 1, 2020
-Must intend to stay in business through, at least, July 1, 2021
-Total employees less than 100 OR an entity primarily engaged in the Tourism industry
-Business must be based in Columbia County, PA
-Net profit in March 1-June 30, 2020 window must be less than net profit in March 1- June 30, 2019 window.
-Must not owe federal, state or local taxes
-Must not be subject to criminal justice process as per the question in the application

Document requirements:
-Most recently filed federal tax return
-Entity documents including DBA or FBN certificate and proof of ownership
-Business license (if sole proprietor)
-Government-issued ID
-Evidence of fixed costs, including mortgage/rent/lease payments, utility costs, license fees, property tax bills, property and liability insurance bills, attest to any lost inventory

Grant applications must be completed and submitted through the Central Susquehanna Community Foundation’s website,

Timeline of the Grant Process:
• October 15: Commissioners approve the amount of funding, grant process and timeline 
• October 16: Grant application window opens
• November 9: Grant application window closes
• November 16: Team compiles data, determines qualifying businesses, determines 5-month fixed cost calculation or ceiling amount, calculates pro-rata share in applicable
• November 19: Grant amounts recommended to Commissioners
• November 20: Letters of approval sent out to qualifying businesses including Grant amount and Grant contract
• Checks will be issued upon return of grant contracts to the County Commissioners Office
• Checks must be accepted December 11 or Grant will be forfeited

The online application deadline is 11:59 p.m. Monday, November 9th. For questions about the application, contact Christine Orlando, CSCF Senior Program Officer,, 570-752-3930, extension 2.

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