Telework Now Encouraged, Not Mandated by the State
From PA Chamber of Business & Industry
As progress continues on the state’s vaccine distribution effort, the Wolf administration last week updated its mitigation order to strongly encourage, but no longer mandate, telework for businesses. Organizations choosing to conduct in-person operations are still required to implement safety measures to help prevent the spread of the virus – including social distancing, masking and following gathering and occupancy guidelines.
In a statement announcing the order revision, Department of Community and Economic Development Secretary Dennis Davin said, “We’ve made significant progress in our battle against COVID-19, so we must continue abiding by all guidelines and orders, including masking and social distancing when out and about. The best way to support our local businesses is to create a safe environment for everyone so that we can combat the virus’s spread, which will help position us to bounce back easier and faster long term.”
Prior to this change, telework was mandated except in circumstances where it was not possible. The updated telework order went into effect on Sunday, April 4. Sunday also marked the lifting of restrictions for the restaurant industry – including increasing capacity limits to 75 percent and allowing for bar seating and service.
More information on the updated orders can be found here.