Member News- April 7, 2021
MARC Application to Montour County Zoning Hearing Board
Notice is herby given that the Zoning Hearing Board of Montour County will hold a public hearing on a request filed by MARC.
The applicant desires to secure a special exception to allow unpowered watercraft for rental to the public at the Montour Preserve and offer for rent or sell fishing, boating, and picnic supplies as deemed appropriate by MARC. The Montour Preserve is located in Anthony Township, Montour County, and is presently zoned public/semi-public.
Interested persons should make arrangements to appear at the hearing which will be held at the Montour County Administration Building, located at 435 East Front Street, Danville, PA, on April 19th at 3:30pm. Please note that social distancing and masks will be required.
Spring Graduation to be held in person at Redman Stadium
Bloomsburg University is thrilled to announce plans to host in-person commencement ceremonies for the Class of 2021! The ceremonies will be held outdoors (rain or shine) at Redman Stadium from May 14 to 16. Each ceremony will follow the appropriate COVID-19 safety guidelines from the CDC, the PA Department of Health, and Gov. Tom Wolf’s office.
NEPIRC to Offer Legal Aspects of COVID-19 Vaccination for Employers Webinar Part 2Since Part 1 of this webinar aired in February, there have been many developments and updates regarding COVID-19 vaccination that have been reported. During Part 2 of this no-cost webinar series, Attorney James Devine will cover these developments in detail for small to mid-sized manufacturers. The webinar will be held on May 5th from 10:00-11:30 am.
If you have a question you’d like to ensure is covered during this event, please submit it to by Friday, April 23rd. We will once again prepare a complete Q&A document after the webinar airs that will be available for download on the NEPIRC website.
Register here.