Bloomsburg Mayoral Candidates to Share Views at Public Forum
Bloomsburg’s Mayor and another member of Council vying for that position will share their views during an upcoming candidate forum being co-hosted by The Columbia Montour Chamber of Commerce and Downtown Bloomsburg Inc. Incumbent Bill Kreisher and Justin Hummel are the only registered candidates and will be on the Democratic ballot in the May 18th primary. The candidates will meet Wednesday, April 28th at 7:00 p.m. at the Alvina Krause Theatre.
The format will be a modified debate. Each candidate will be presented with the same questions in rotating order with a set amount of time for each response. A limited number of questions from the audience will also be presented. Fred Gaffney, president of the Chamber of Commerce, will be the moderator. Candidates will also be given two minutes for closing remarks.
The public is invited to attend the event. Safety protocols, including physical distancing and masks, will be in effect.