Businesses Encouraged to Check Statewide “Non-compliance” List
From PA Chamber of Business & Industry
The PA Department of Labor & Industry has launched the Worker Protection and Labor Law Non-Compliance List, a list of organizations which they contend are either violating Pennsylvania labor laws or owe unemployment compensation taxes, the latter of which includes about 11,800 businesses or 4 percent of all Pennsylvania businesses.
Last October, the Department announced its plan to compile these lists and the PA Chamber responded in a press release, acknowledging that employers who intentionally skirt the law should be held accountable, but also recognizing that violations are often unintentional and recommending that any public list only include companies who willfully fail to comply after exhausting any administrative resolution process.
Employers are already reporting being on the list mistakenly. Businesses are encouraged to check the list and if they are on it, mistakenly or not, to take steps for removal:
Unemployment Compensation: Contact Collections Support at 412-565-5121 if you are on the list mistakenly to make payments or set up a payment plan. Employers can also make payments electronically at This is the largest list which includes 49 employers from Columbia County and 10 from Montour.
Labor Laws: Email the Bureau of Labor Law Compliance, at to make a payment or set up a payment plan.
Workers’ Compensation: Organizations can make payments and set up payment plans by contacting the Bureau of Workers’ Compensation at or by calling 717-772-3702.
If you have further issues, please reach out to PA Chamber Director of Government Affairs Alex Halper at