Injunction on RGGI a Win for Consumers and an Opportunity for Long-Term Solutions
From the PA Chamber of Business & Industry
PA Chamber President and CEO Luke Bernstein issued the following statement on the Commonwealth Court’s granting an injunction suspending the state’s implementation of the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, which took effect July 1:
“This delay is an important, much-needed step for Pennsylvania residents and businesses. We appreciate the Court pressing pause on this policy, which threatens to significantly increase energy prices at a time of high inflation, while also pushing more economic activity to states on our grid that are not in RGGI. Businesses and families are already facing high energy prices due to a lack of supply and infrastructure, and this is an opportunity for policymakers to embrace abundant domestic energy production, facilitate building new infrastructure, support competitive markets, and set long-term policies that encourage innovation.”
“As we noted at the onset, and as we did throughout the comment process and through an amicus brief, the regulation did not sufficiently protect the state’s electricity and manufacturing sector, nor did it guard against the potential for significant run-up in electricity or commodity prices. Businesses, whether they generate or consume power, need both affordable energy and long-term certainty. We look forward to working with the General Assembly, this administration, and the next governor on policy that leverages our state’s strengths for the benefit of our economy, national security, and the environment.”