Bloomsburg Municipal Authority Announces Sewer Rate Restructuring
The sewer rate schedule for customers of the Town of Bloomsburg will change effective January 1, 2023 (the first billing period that begins after this date). In an effort to develop a rate schedule that allows the Municipal Authority to meet its financial obligations to operate the local wastewater treatment plant, the Municipal Authority partnered with its engineering firm, Rettew, Inc. to conduct a comprehensive sewer rate study. The results of this study identified the need to establish a base rate for sewer service for town customers. The wastewater treatment plant and pump stations incur expenses regardless of the volume of wastewater that is treated. Operations at the wastewater treatment plant and pump stations must be maintained 24 hours a day, 7 days a week in order to meet the state and federal requirements for permitting of the treatment plant. For this reason, a minimum base service rate of $30.00 will be assessed monthly for all properties connected to the Bloomsburg sewer system. The minimum service fee will no longer include up to 2,000 gallons of consumption. Customers will pay for consumption using the following rate schedule in addition to the monthly base service rate effective January 1, 2023:
Water consumption is determined by information provided by Veolia Water PA. Veolia Water PA is the water service provider for customers with public water in the Town of Bloomsburg. Veolia Water PA is not affiliated with the Bloomsburg Municipal Authority and is a separate utility with a separate rate schedule for water service.
The new rate schedule will result in a decrease in cost for those using less than 2,000 gallons of water monthly. For example, customers who currently use zero gallons of water pay $34.00 per month. Under the new schedule, these customers will pay $30.00. Those using 1,000 gallons currently pay $34.00 and with the new schedule, those customers will pay $32.50.
For customers using over 2,000 gallons, the increase will vary based on water consumption. Most residential users of water will see rates increase by $1.00/month (those using less than 10,000 gallons of water monthly) and users in excess of 10,000 gallons monthly could experience increases of 3-22% dependent on water usage.
All properties connected to the sewer system in the Town of Bloomsburg will pay the minimum monthly service fee regardless of whether the property has water service. If there is no water consumption at the property as reported by Veolia Water PA, the property will be charged just the $30.00 minimum monthly service fee.
Contact the Municipal Authority office at 570-784-5422 with any questions.
The Chamber of Commerce is also interested in receiving information from businesses on cost increases. Details can be shared with Fred Gaffney at 570-784-2522 or