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President’s Message: Happy Philanthropy Day!

Longtime Chamber member and Chair of the Community Giving Foundation Board, Harry Mathias has a friendly bone to pick with Waze, the GPS navigation system that regularly brings commuters to their desired destinations. (Truth be told, after hearing Harry speak about it at this morning’s Community Giving Foundation Annual Meeting, I do too.)

Have you ever been on a trip and had your GPS announce, “You have arrived at your destination,” only to have it glitch out when you circle the block trying to find a parking spot? When that happens to me, I just want to say, “Be quiet, GPS, I’m not done yet!” In a far more eloquent version of this metaphor, Harry laid out the case for the recent success and the inspired future of the Community Giving Foundation. Drawing attention to the compelling story told by CGF’s Dashboard, Harry boasted about our amazing neighbors and what they’ve accomplished this year. By “neighbors”, I mean the philanthropy-minded people who are all around us and lift us up through their generosity.

These neighbors of ours, through Community Giving Foundation alone, generated a record-breaking $6,417,464.00 in charitable gifts through 1,369 unique donors in 2024. These unsung heroes equipped the organization in awarding $3 million through 722 grants and 310 scholarships. In short, the region’s proud tradition of impactful charity was on full display. The numbers speak to Harry’s point - the organization isn’t “circling the block”, or even tapping the brakes. No, Community Giving Foundation, through new initiatives, programs, grants and scholarships, continues their journey to leave our region a better place. They’re a testament to what makes this such a wonderful place.

But that’s not all. If ever there was a case to be made for a regional holiday to celebrate philanthropy, many in the non-profit sector would join me in dubbing today, March 12, 2025, “Philanthropy Day in the Columbia-Montour Region.” That’s because this morning’s event was just a part of the picture of ongoing charitable impact. I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention that in addition to the fine work of Community Giving Foundation, the First Community Foundation Partnership (CGF’s neighbor in Williamsport) and their annual “Raise the Region” campaign, a seven-county, 30-hour online giving event, begins tonight at 6pm. Many of our area’s nonprofits engage in the program, and I’d encourage you to consider visiting the site in support of these amazing nonprofits.

I’m encouraged and humbled to be part of a community that supports one another, especially as I realize that my children will benefit from the contributions of countless others. No doubt if you’re reading this, you’ve supported our community generously yourself. Thank you – but our work isn’t done.

Now more than ever, nonprofits need our help. At the conclusion of today’s meeting, the call to giving was not the most pressing call in the room. Rather, there was universal acknowledgement of one of our greatest opportunities – the need to develop volunteers who will give time, talent and treasure. The Chamber is committed to help on this front, through the work of our own Chamber Foundation and our flagship program, Leadership Central Penn, but most of all, we want to help you make the connections that leave a lasting impact on your hearts and minds. Help us connect you to the places you want to support.

If you’d like to support the Chamber’s nonprofits directly, I’d encourage you to take a look at the Chamber Directory, which is full of great organizations who serve the community. To make a connection through our staff, all you’ve got to do is call or email.

To give through the Community Giving Foundation, visit their site, and to give through Raise the Region, visit

Happy Philanthropy Day to all!

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