Danville Awarded $11,788 to Improve Signalized Traffic Intersections
Last week PennDOT announced that the Borough of Danville is one of only 38 municipalities throughout the state that will be awarded funding through the 2014 round of Pennsylvania’s Municipal Partnership Program, also known as the “Green Light – Go Program.” Established by Act 89 of 2013, the Municipal Partnership Program is designed to improve safety and mobility by reducing congestion and improving efficiency of existing traffic signals on state highways.
The Borough is slated to receive $11,788 towards a project to retime and synchronize all nine of its signalized vehicular intersections as well as its single signalized pedestrian crosswalk. This project will help ensure more efficient and improved traffic flow patterns while also alleviating congestion along the major roadways that pass through the Borough such as SR 54, US 11, and Mill Street. The project will also guarantee that the Borough’s signalized intersections are operating in a synchronized and coordinated manner, particularly during the morning and evening commutes. The Borough anticipates completion of this project sometime in late 2015.
The total cost of the project is estimated to be $23,575. The $11,788 grant award represents 50% of the project’s total cost. The remaining 50% will be evenly split between the Borough of Danville’s local funds and a $5,894 monetary contribution from Geisinger Health System.