3D Printer Now Available at McBride Memorial Library Aims to Help Promote STEM
Thanks to a grant, there is now a 3D printer available at McBride Memorial Library. The library began using the 3D printer last month with a few special events centered around holiday ornament printing. For now, the 3D printer is only available for public use as a part of similar special events. However, the plan…
Read MoreMember Spotlight: AGAPE – Love From Above To Our Community
“Being a member of the Chamber has enhanced our relationships with businesses and corporations, extended our outreach for making the business community and others aware of what we do and increased our ability to get the word out about our events. It has also enhanced our community donations beyond churches and individuals.” – Kelly Dent,…
Read MoreLeadership Central Penn Learns About the Cost of Justice and Being Unprepared
January took Leadership Central Penn participants to court for some education on our proactive judicial system in Columbia and Montour Counties. The morning kicked off with some morning motivation provided by Tina Welch with Welch Performance Consulting. The highlight was a class participant sharing her story of adoption of her children presided over by the…
Read MorePPL’s Operation HELP Program Assists Families in Need
From Tracie Witter, PPL Electric Utilities Regional Affairs Director Well here we are in January and February – the coldest time of the year! They’re months of short days, long nights, snow, wind and ice. While these months do have their charm, we all know they can be tough to get through sometimes. For people…
Read MoreGeisinger Community Health Needs Assessment Community Partner Forums to be Held in January
In conjunction with the 2019 fiscal year Community Health Needs Assessment, Geisinger and its partners, Allied Services and Evangelical Community Hospital, invite you to join with other regional community partners for conversation about our research findings from the CHNA, the impact and challenges of health needs in our community and how we can increase collaboration…
Read MoreColumbia Montour Chamber Year in Review: Top 25 Stories of 2017
What do block party in Bloomsburg, the Montour County readdressing, essential oils and 2017 new member Just a Drop, the Atlantic Sunrise pipeline, Leadership Central Penn, and Geisinger’s fresh food pharmacy all have in common? Stories about these subjects were among some of the top 25 most read stories on the Chamber website during 2017. …
Read MoreWolf Administration Invites Pennsylvania’s Environmental Stewards to Apply for 2018 Governor’s Awards for Environmental Excellence
From PA Dept. of Environmental Protection The Wolf Administration invites all Pennsylvanians who’ve recently worked on successful environmental projects to apply for the state’s top environmental recognition: the 2018 Governor’s Awards for Environmental Excellence, honoring individuals and organizations whose dedicated efforts have improved air, land, and water quality in Pennsylvania. “The commonwealth would be a…
Read MoreMontour Address Updates Now a Waiting Game
Updated addresses for Montour County were sent to companies that provide GIS mapping services in August. However, some County residents are experiencing difficulty in receiving deliveries using their new addresses. The Montour County Commissioners say the companies are updating their databases on varying schedules. The County GIS office provided the new addresses to companies in…
Read MoreSusquehanna Nuclear Power Plant Continues Focus on Safety and Efficiency
The Susquehanna Nuclear Power Plant located in Salem Township is on track to generate more power in 2017 than in any other year in its 35-year history, according to Tim Rausch, Senior Vice President and Chief Nuclear Officer of Talen Energy. While nuclear plants across the country have been shutting down in recent years due…
Read MoreLeadership Central Penn Goes Back to School
November took the Leadership Central Penn class to the Central Columbia School District’s office for an education round table with superintendents Harry Mathias (Central Columbia), Dr. Donald Wheeler (Bloomsburg), Cynthia Jenkins (Millville) and Director of Curriculum for Berwick, Bob Croop, Jr. The educational leaders had four questions on the agenda, but it became apparently quickly that…
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