Businesses & Individuals Encouraged to Explore Health Insurance Options During Open Enrollment
As evaluating and selecting health insurance in today’s ever-changing environment is confusing, resources exist to help individuals and businesses choose the best option. At a recent community forum co-sponsored by the Chamber, panelists advised people on the marketplace to reevaluate their coverage. This year’s timeline for making changes is considerably shorter than in previous years,…
Read MoreShop Local All Year Long
By Fred Gaffney, President, Columbia Montour Chamber The Saturday after Thanksgiving has become known as Small Business Saturday, thanks to a campaign started by the American Express credit card company in 2010 to encourage holiday shopping at small businesses. Indeed, small businesses should be patronized and celebrated, but not just one day a year. The…
Read MoreJoint Venture Partnership Opportunities Available in Pennsylvania Through Department of Community & Economic Development
Pennsylvania’s Office of International Business Development (OIBD), part of the Department of Community & Economic Development, regularly receives economic development lead opportunities from its authorized international representatives concerning businesses that have expressed interest in locating in, investing in, trading with, contracting with, or partnering with businesses located in PA. Visit DCED’s website to view the latest…
Read MoreFuture Careers Expo Helps Students Explore Career Options
Middle and high school students from the region and their parents explored career options at the 3rd Future Careers Expo held Thursday, Nov. 9 at Bloomsburg University. Nearly 40 employers and education providers were on hand to talk to young people about opportunities that exist in our area. The event was held in the evening at…
Read MoreBloomsburg University Business Conference Helps Students Prepare for Careers
Bloomsburg University’s Terry and JoAnn Zeigler College of Business (ZCOB) and the Zeigler Institute for Professional Development (ZIPD) hosted the 7th Annual ZIPD Business Conference, “Inspiring Future Business Professionals,” Nov. 2-3. Approximately 100 business professionals (including several BU alumni) participated. Over the two days, students had numerous opportunities to make valuable connections and gain knowledge…
Read MoreWilliams Announces Grant Recipients, Which Include Four Chamber Members
Williams recently announced the latest recipients of the company’s Atlantic Sunrise Community Grant program. In all, 35 organizations in 10 counties will receive a combined $292,834 in funding. Two cycles of Atlantic Sunrise grant awards are announced each year – spring and fall. This cycle’s grant dollars were dispersed in the following broad categories: emergency response ($169,500), education ($59,000)…
Read MoreLeadership Central Penn Heads to a Special Place to Learn About Special Services and Leadership Development
In Millville in northern Columbia County, you’ll find Camp Victory where the signs read a “A Special Place for Special Kids.” Tucked away in the countryside outside of Bloomsburg, among the trees clinging to summer green, refusing to give way to fall colors, is a truly amazing venue for learning about organizations trying to make…
Read MoreChamber Provides Input on Family Sustaining Jobs to Governor’s Task Force
A task force comprised of representatives of business, labor, education, and Governor Wolf’s cabinet are holding a series of panel discussions around the state to gather input on how to support and grow Pennsylvania’s middle class through family sustaining jobs. Following the conclusion of the meetings, the Middle Class Task Force will present recommendations to…
Read MoreChamber Helps Cut Ribbon on Columbia Child Development Program’s Newly-Dedicated Playground
The Chamber had the pleasure of being on hand to help cut the ribbon on the newly-dedicated Florence Thompson Memorial Playground at the Columbia Child Development Program on Friday afternoon, Oct. 20. Nearly 20 friends, donors and board members of CCDP were on hand to celebrate the new renovations on the playground, which included…
Read MoreChamber Renews Call to Bloomsburg Council for More Information
On Monday, Oct. 9, Bloomsburg Town Council voted 6-1 to advertise an ordinance that would add considerable detail to the Town Manager’s job description. In previous public meetings regarding this issue, the Chamber has suggested that Council take a more comprehensive approach to detailing the processes of Town Hall. At the most recent Council meeting,…
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