Mini Casino Survey Results
Last month, we asked our members to respond to a brief, three-question survey regarding a possible casino in our area, which followed the Bloomsburg Town Council passing a resolution that would allow a “mini casino” to locate within the town. Several other municipalities in Columbia and Montour counties have also indicated they are open to…
Read MorePenn College and Focus Central Pennsylvania Representatives to Tout Region For Investment at International Plastics Showcase
From Focus Central Pennsylvania Focus Central Pennsylvania will be joining several partners, including Pennsylvania College of Technology’s Plastics Innovation & Resource Center, in the Pennsylvania booth to promote the region for capital investment and company location expansion projects at the NPE Plastics Show, May 7-11. Focus Central PA is excited to be joined by the…
Read MoreCalling All Skilled Trade Students: Apply Now For a Scholarship Toward a Rewarding Career
From PA Chamber of Business & Industry Starting this week, individuals with a goal of pursuing a career in the skilled trades can apply online for the 2018 Work Ethic Scholarship that will help to make this goal a reality. In 2017, through donations from Pennsylvania’s business community, the PA Chamber Educational Foundation and the…
Read MorePA Private Sector Integration Program Aims to Engage Businesses in Emergency Management Operations
From PA Emergency Management Agency Pennsylvania is committed to resilient communities and Pennsylvania’s businesses are a critical part of that. The Private Sector Integration Program fosters important relationships to increase information sharing between the private and public sectors before, during and after disasters. The Private Sector Integration Program engages businesses through: 1. Private-sector driven planning and discussion sessions…
Read MoreBloomsburg University Business Competition Seeking Judges
Students from Bloomsburg University as well as high schools from across Pennsylvania will be competing in a “Shark Tank” inspired business competition on campus on Thursday, April 26. The second annual Husky Dog Pound is being presented by the Zeigler College of Business. Chamber members are being invited to help judge the high school competition. Each…
Read MoreDepartment of Homeland Security Offers Bombing Preparedness Resources
From U.S. Department of Homeland Security As result of the recent bombings in Texas, many organizations are reviewing their preparedness plans & procedures for prevention, response and recovery to bombing incidents. Individuals and organizations are encouraged to review their emergency plans and procedures and make sure they are up to date and cover bombing incidents,…
Read MoreBloomsburg University Working to Reverse Enrollment Trend
Enrollment at Bloomsburg University has been on a slow but steady decline since the fall of 2013. The lower number of students, combined with flat funding from the state, is resulting in a projected revenue shortfall for the current fiscal year and a deficit for 2018/19 of over $7.4 million. University President Dr. Bashar Hanna discussed…
Read MoreGovernor’s Cabinet Members Discuss Education, Substance Abuse and Infrastructure
Members of Governor Wolf’s cabinet were in Bloomsburg on Monday, March 12, as part of a series of “Cabinet in Your Community” meetings across the state. Community members were invited to ask questions of the secretaries of Agriculture, Transportation, Corrections, Education, and the Commissioner of the PA State Police. During the 90-minute meeting, topics included…
Read MorePA Senator, Geisinger Representative Brief Local Chambers on Energy Policy and Efficiency
From Chambers for Innovation & Clean Energy To some, Pennsylvania may be best known for its great historical significance — as home of the Liberty Bell and the place where the Declaration of Independence was signed and the U.S. Constitution drawn up. But Pennsylvania has an equally strong history of innovation: being home to the…
Read MoreLeadership Central Penn Gets Political
So you think you know what LCP stands for. So did the class participants. That might have been true until arriving at Central Susquehanna Community Foundation in Berwick for February’s class when LCP stood for legacy, change and politics. Punxsutawney Phil was seen this month, and the class welcomed back Tina Welch of Welch Performance…
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