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Members Enjoy Cookout, Check Out Vehicles at Ken Pollock Ford Lincoln Business After Hours

May 17, 2019

Ken Pollock Ford Lincoln was the host for May’s Chamber Business After Hours on Thursday, May 9, and as they have done for previous Chamber and other community events (not to mention good deals on vehicles), they did not disappoint.

Attendees were once again treated to a cookout as well as drinks while enjoying a warm mid-spring afternoon of catching up with fellow members and checking out Ken Pollock’s large selection of new and preowned vehicles, which included the Ford Mustang on display in the main showroom (above). This was also the first Chamber event at the dealership since the completion of the remodel of the showroom, which gave it a new modern look and feel.

Business After Hours provide regular opportunities to build business relationships while learning about the services offered by other Chamber members. The next Business After Hours will also be held in Berwick, at Atlantic Broadband, located at 911 North Market St., Berwick, on Wednesday, June 19, from 4:30-6:30 p.m.

Northeast Environmental Partners Seeks Nominations for Northeastern PA Environmental Partnership Awards

May 16, 2019

Nomination Form

The Northeast Environmental Partners (Northeastern Pennsylvania Alliance, Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, Pennsylvania Environmental Council’s Northeast Office, PPL Corporation, Procter & Gamble Paper Products Company, and Wilkes University) are proud to announce that the 29th Annual Evening for Pennsylvania’s Environment will be held at the Woodlands Inn & Resort, Wilkes-Barre on Thursday, Oct. 24, 2019.  Additionally, nominations are being sought for the 29th Annual Environmental Partnership Awards, the 25th Annual Thomas P. Shelburne Environmental Leadership Award and the 2019 Emerging Environmental Leader Award.

The Northeastern Pennsylvania Environmental Partnership Awards are presented annually to recognize the achievements of individuals or organizations that, through partnerships, have achieved excellence in environmental protection or conservation. The Evening showcases the Recipient of the Thomas P. Shelburne Environmental Leadership Award, which was established to recognize an individual who stands out for his or her long-term commitment to environmental quality through inspirational leadership, dedication and commitment to partnering.  The 2019 Emerging Environmental Leader Award will also be awarded to a youth who demonstrates young environmental leadership, creativity and dedication to inspire others to adopt similar actions to protect the environment.

“Northeastern Pennsylvanians have greatly benefited from the fruits of collaboration, which can be seen every day in our communities,” said Meg Welker, Sr. Environmental Professional at PPL and dinner planning committee chairperson. “Please help us identify those leading the charge so we can thank them for diligently working to improve our quality of life through environmental partnerships in our region.” 

The Awards are open to any group, individual, company, program, or organization whose work has had a positive impact on the environment in Northeastern Pennsylvania’s following counties; Bradford, Carbon, Columbia, Lackawanna, Lehigh, Luzerne, Monroe, Montour, Northampton, Northumberland, Pike, Schuylkill, Sullivan, Susquehanna, Wayne and Wyoming.   

During the past 29 years, over 230 individuals and groups involved in agriculture, forestry, business, industry, education, science, environmental awareness, community service, and government have been honored. Nominations may be made by a person or persons involved in the activity, or by a third party. 

In order to be considered for the 2019 awards, nominations must be postmarked no later than June 30, 2019. Nominations received after June 30, 2019 will be considered for the 2020 awards. 

Member News – May 15, 2019

May 15, 2019
  • The Northern Tier Partners for the Arts, a partner of the Pennsylvania Partners in the Arts, will provide a free workshop this afternoon, May 15, at the Bloomsburg Public Library, from 2-3 p.m., on grant writing for arts programming. This workshop will educate attendees on grant guidelines, application processes and criteria. For additional information, call 570-268-2787 or email




  • This week, Penn DOT will begin a water main project along the southbound lane of Route 11 near Danville between Woodbine Lane in Mahoning Township and Ridge Drive in Cooper Township, Montour County. This work will be performed at night along the shoulder of the road. Traffic will be shifted away from the shoulder, but one lane will be maintained in each direction. Traffic patterns will return to normal during non-work hours. The contractor will work Wednesday and Thursday nights this week (May 15-16), beginning at 9 p.m. and ending at 6 a.m. the following day. The contractor will maintain the same hours Monday through Thursday night next week (May 20-23). Motorists should be alert, drive with caution and watch for changing traffic patterns in the work zone. Subscribe to PennDOT news in Bradford, Columbia, Lycoming, Montour, Northumberland, Snyder, Sullivan, Tioga and Union counties at


  • Bloomsburg University’s IT Outreach Webinar Series has one more upcoming webinar on IT-related issues on Wednesday, May 22, at noon. Ronald Fussell, program manager at Zel Technologies, LLC, will present “Software Systems Design Considerations.” BU’s IT Outreach Webinar Series engages its local constituents in a purposeful manner about the trending topics in the IT field. Webinars are approximately 30 minutes in length. There is no cost to participate, however participants must register. For more information on these webinars or the series, visit BU’s dedicated website page.


  • BIDA, Luzerne County Community College and the other tenants in the Eagles Building, located at 107 South Market St., Berwick, will host an open house on Wednesday, May 22 from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. at the building. There will be information regarding each of the organizations that have their offices in the building, including the dental clinic and VA Services. There will also be light refreshments and tours of the facility as well as the additional spaces that are currently available in the building. Employers, the general public and anyone interested in seeing available office space are welcome to stop by. 


  • The Central Susquehanna Community Foundation will hold its Berwick area luncheon on Friday, May 31, from 12-1:30 p.m. at Rolling Pines Golf Course & Banquet Facility. Twenty years ago, the Foundation made a commitment to invest in programs and projects that improved the greater Berwick area. Each year, this luncheon celebrates the continuation of this mission and recognizes the generous giving of local community members. Featured speakers will include fundholders, grantees, scholarship recipients, and board members who will reflect on the story of the Foundation and its 20-year history. See the invitation for more information, and to reserve your seat at this event, call 570-752-3930 or email by May 24. 


  • Bloomsburg University’s digital forensics certificate program classes have been added to the National Initiative for Cybersecurity Careers and Studies (NICCS) training catalog hosted by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.  NICCS is a national online resource for cybersecurity training that connects government employees, students, educators, and industry with cybersecurity training providers throughout the nation. The catalog listing also ties into an executive order by President Donald Trump meant to boost the government cybersecurity workforce, standardize and incentivize cybersecurity education, and get everyone working with a common cybersecurity “language.” It will also include an annual President’s Cup Cyber challenge to identify the best and brightest, awards programs for primary and secondary school educators, and more, all with an eye toward increasing the sense of urgency about closing the gaps in protecting critical infrastructure and plugging the many holes in the workforce. In addition to the catalog listing, Bloomsburg’s certificate program is featured on the NICCS CAE Highlight Page through June 30. Bloomsburg offers the only digital forensics certificate program in the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education and one of the only bachelor level digital forensics certificate programs in the country. Completing the program will qualify the certificate recipients to apply for abundant employment opportunities in the cybersecurity and digital forensics fields.


  • The Central Susquehanna Community Foundation announced the creation of a new scholarship fund in memory of Justin “Pete” Slusser. Created by friends and family, the fund will provide an annual scholarship to a graduating senior from Berwick Area High School who is attending a Penn State University campus.

    Justin “Pete” Slusser

    Special consideration will be given to students pursuing a career in engineering. A native of Nescopeck, Justin passed away a week shy of his 30th birthday after a battle with stage IV melanoma. He graduated from Berwick High School in 2007, and earned his bachelor’s degree in civil engineering from Penn State in 2011. At the time of his passing, he was employed as a highway designer for Borton-Lawson. Contributions can be made to this fund online at (click Donate and search “Slusser”), or mail to the Central Susquehanna Community Foundation, Attn: Justin “Pete” Slusser Scholarship Fund, 725 West Front Street, Berwick, PA 18603.

Job Fairs Planned for Displaced Workers

May 14, 2019

The PA CareerLink is coordinating two job fairs in the coming weeks to provide opportunities to meet with former employees of Wood-Mode. The Snyder County company announced on Monday, May 13h that it would be closing, effective immediately. Approximately 900 people worked at the cabinet making business.

One job fair is scheduled for Wednesday, May 22, from 1 to 5 p.m. at the Selinsgrove VFW. Register for that event online. A second event is being planned for the week of June 3. Businesses interested in participating should contact the CareerLink office in Sunbury at 570-988-7300. To list employment opportunities, contact the Union-Snyder Community Action Agency at 570-374-0181 or via its website.

Welcome Marr Property Management Group

May 13, 2019

More than 400 businesses and organizations belong to the Chamber to receive benefits and support efforts to strengthen their businesses and our region. Increased membership allows us to offer additional programs and benefits, have a stronger voice in advocacy and be involved in more activities and initiatives in our communities. The Chamber welcomes its newest member, Marr Property Management Group, to help us fulfill our mission.

Marr Property Management Group is a new business launched earlier this year that like Northeast Pennsylvania Business Center, is owned by Marr Development. You could also get online property management services. Get help from experts like the rental property management melbourne. It offers an array of commercial and residential services to assist landlords, enabling them to focus more on their businesses. Services include cleaning, home and property improvement and repair, handyman services, HVAC and more. MPMG also offers marketing services for available properties, leasing and rent collection services, property inspection and more. For more information, visit its website, Facebook page or call 570-245-6373.

Helbok Presented Tourism Award

May 12, 2019
Oren Helbock (right) accepts the Buddy Award from Visitors Bureau executive director Otto Kurecian (left) at the Visitors Bureau’s annual meeting held earlier this month.

Oren Helbock, the executive director of The Exchange, was recently presented with the Buddy Award by the Columbia-Montour Visitors Bureau for his support of the organization and the region’s tourism industry. The award was presented at the Visitors Bureau’s annual meeting held Tuesday, May 7 at Rock God Brewing Company in Danville.

Named for the first recipient, Buddy Knoebel of Knoebels Amusement Resort, the award goes annually to a Bureau member, business, or event who/which has emulated Buddy Knoebel’s characteristics as an advocate for the tourism industry in the two counties.

“I consider it an honor to receive an award named for someone in the Knoebel family,” Oren says. “Knoebels Amusement Resort epitomizes the very best of what this area has to offer, and it makes a lot of people happy year after year after year. The Exchange likewise works to make people happy through the sharing of art and music, and to help make this the region where we all want to live, work, and play.”

The Visitors Bureau also recognized outgoing board members Lauren Martz, Town of Bloomsburg and Joe Scopelliti, Key Partners Realty for their service to the organization. Nancy Bishop, Board President, thanked Chris Hill, Pine Barn Inn, for his past service as President. 

Keeping Small Businesses Running Following Disasters

May 11, 2019

From PA Emergency Management Agency

Pennsylvania is a state of small businesses, with our one million small businesses forming the bulk (more than 99%!) of our business economy. Small businesses employ almost half of Pennsylvania’s workforce.

National Small Business Week recognizes the critical contributions of America’s entrepreneurs and small business owners. It is also an important time to learn and plan for how to get your business back to business after disaster strikes.

An estimated 40% of businesses do not open again after a major disaster, according to the Institute for Business and Home Safety. Protect your small business by identifying the risks relevant to your location, both natural and human-made. Then, keep your plan of action updated.

Want Help?
Pennsylvania Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) can provide assistance and confidential consulting on topics such as:
• Creating, updating and refining business continuity plans
• Acquiring capital, before and after the event
• Developing mobile-ready strategies to prepare for employees working
off-site when needed
• Finding ways to maintain connectivity during a business disruption
Find a center near you at

More Sources For Assistance
Learn more about starting, registering, operating and growing a business in Pennsylvania visit the PAs business, “One-Stop Shop.”
Emergency and Continuity Planning
Business and emergency planning

PA Chamber Joins Speaker Turzai, Lawmakers in Support of “Energize PA” Initiative

May 10, 2019

From PA Chamber of Business & Industry

“Energize PA,” an economic development bill package, was touted at a press event last week where PA Chamber President Gene Barr joined House Speaker Mike Turzai, R-Allegheny, lawmakers and members of the Operating Engineers Local 66 union in support of legislation that collectively would help to create jobs, drive investment by manufacturers and redevelop Pennsylvania’s infrastructure with no additional taxes or fees.

The eight-bill package would achieve a number of pro-growth initiatives the PA Chamber supports:

  • H.B. 1100, sponsored by Rep. Aaron Kaufer, R-Luzerne, mirrors the existing Pennsylvania Resource Manufacturing Tax Credit that was established during the 2012-13 state budget and would help large manufacturers using Pennsylvania-based methane in production.
  • H.B. 1101, by Rep. Natalie Mihalek, R-Allegheny, would increase the cap on Net Operating Losses from 40 percent to 45 percent in 2020, and 50 percent in 2021. This will encourage businesses to grow and invest in technology.
  • H.B. 1102, by Rep. Josh Kail, R-Beaver, would establish the Keystone Energy Enhancement Act to create 20 energy enhancement zones where businesses would be eligible for local tax exemptions and credits. This would especially encourage investment within Pennsylvania’s natural gas, manufacturing and petrochemical industries.
  • H.B. 1103, by Rep. Jonathon Fritz, R-Susquehanna, would expand the valuable Pipeline Investment Program to make low-cost natural gas energy available to Pennsylvania residents, manufacturers and pad-ready sites.
  • H.B. 1104, by Rep. Tarah Toohil, R-Luzerne, would establish a registry for abandoned manufacturing sites across the Commonwealth that are now available properties for development.
  • H.B. 1105, by Rep. Eric Nelson, R-Westmoreland, would help to create a streamlined permitting process that would encourage businesses to engage in brownfields cleanup and redevelopment.
  • H.B. 1106, by Rep. Mike Puskaric, R-Allegheny, would overhaul the permitting process for all general and individual environmental permits, as well as general plan approvals. This would help prevent industries from facing bureaucratic delays.
  • H.B. 1107, by Rep. Tim O’Neal, R-Washington, would create the Pennsylvania Permitting Commission as an independent commission that will alleviate the Department of Environmental Protection from having to collect and approve permitting permits.

Video of the press event is available on the PA House GOP website.

New Graduate Business Degree from Penn State Targets Aspiring Corporate Leaders

May 9, 2019

From Penn State World Campus

Note: Employees of all Columbia Montour Chamber members, their spouses and dependents are eligible for a 5% discount on tuition through the PSU World Campus. 

Penn State, one of the top CEO-producing universities in the country, has launched a new degree aimed at educating the next generation of corporate leaders.

Penn State is accepting applications for the master’s in strategic management and executive leadership. The degree’s curriculum focuses on the formulation and implementation of effective strategies and developing leaders who can build a culture of commitment across their organization.

The degree is being offered exclusively online through Penn State World Campus in partnership with the internationally ranked Penn State Smeal College of Business.

“The world has changed so rapidly, and many principles of strategy and leadership have changed,” said Al Vicere, professor of business and strategic leadership in the Smeal College of Business and the faculty director of the new degree program. “There is an increased demand for leaders who are skilled in strategic thinking and strategy development. Those skills require work experience, but they also require enhanced academic knowledge to formulate, articulate and implement strategy.”

Penn State has been recognized as one of the leading institutions in the country for its development of top corporate talent: In 2018, LinkedIn said Penn State graduated the second-most CEOs in the country. In 2016, Time ranked Penn State in the top 10 of universities with the most alumni as CEOs of Fortune 500 companies.

Vicere said the degree has been designed for those business professionals who want a specialized business degree in the areas of strategic leadership and strategic management. They may be about eight to 10 years into their careers with five to six years of management experience and want to take the next step in their career, or they may be executives who want to develop their ability to think strategically beyond their organization’s operational duties.

“They aspire to increased levels of responsibility and are seeking to expand their perspective on leading an organization in a constantly changing and complex environment,” Vicere said. “They want to enhance their ability to connect their organization with the outside world and set direction and strategy to ensure the organization is able to grow and remain successful both today and in the future.”

The curriculum consists of core courses in global strategic management, strategic leadership, strategy implementation and organizational change, strategic leading and identity, ethical leadership, and power and influence.

Students also will choose between a concentration in either negotiation and influence or corporate innovation and entrepreneurship.

Vicere said the instructors in the new degree program will be faculty from the Penn State Management and Organization Department, which consistently ranks among the top 10 of the most research-productive management departments in the world, according to the KUBS Worldwide Business Research Rankings.

Penn State World Campus has been offering degrees online for more than 20 years. Its graduate business degree programs have been ranked in the top 10 by U.S. News and World Report for the past three years.

“Business leaders who want to advance their careers need the flexibility that an online master’s degree offers,” said Shubha Kashyap, director of academic affairs for World Campus. “This degree will allow them to learn while they continue leading their organizations, with opportunities to apply their skills for professional and educational advancement.”

Visit the Penn State World Campus website for more information about this new professional business degree.

Member News – May 8, 2019

May 8, 2019
  • Bloomsburg University has implemented a clear bag policy for its Commencement events on campus this Friday and Saturday, May 10-11. There are also restrictions on the size and types of bags that may be brought into its facilities. See this flyer for additional information.


  • Lightstreet Rd. will be closed and a detour will be in place running through next Wednesday, May 15 for construction of the new pedestrian bridge. The Bloomsburg University campus and surrounding local roads will still be accessible, and crews will be working seven days a week to keep the closure and detour as short as possible. The formal detour will go down East Street, U.S. Route 11 and up Central Road. 


  • The Northern Tier Partners for the Arts, a partner of the Pennsylvania Partners in the Arts, will provide a free workshop on Wednesday, May 15, at the Bloomsburg Public Library, from 2-3 p.m., on grant writing for arts programming. This workshop will educate attendees on grant guidelines, application processes and criteria. For additional information, call 570-268-2787 or email


  • Bloomsburg University’s IT Outreach Webinar Series has one more upcoming webinar on IT-related issues on Wednesday, May 22, at noon. Ronald Fussell, program manager at Zel Technologies, LLC, will present “Software Systems Design Considerations.” BU’s IT Outreach Webinar Series engages its local constituents in a purposeful manner about the trending topics in the IT field. Webinars are approximately 30 minutes in length. There is no cost to participate, however participants must register. For more information on these webinars or the series, visit BU’s dedicated website page.


  • BIDA, Luzerne County Community College and the other tenants in the Eagles Building, located at 107 South Market St., Berwick, will host an open house on Wednesday, May 22 from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. at the building. There will be information regarding each of the organizations that have their offices in the building, including the dental clinic and VA Services. There will also be light refreshments and tours of the facility as well as the additional spaces that are currently available in the building. Employers, the general public and anyone interested in seeing available office space are welcome to stop by. 


  • The Central Susquehanna Community Foundation will hold its Berwick area luncheon on Friday, May 31, from 12-1:30 p.m. at Rolling Pines Golf Course & Banquet Facility. Twenty years ago, the Foundation made a commitment to invest in programs and projects that improved the greater Berwick area. Each year, this luncheon celebrates the continuation of this mission and recognizes the generous giving of local community members. Featured speakers will include fundholders, grantees, scholarship recipients, and board members who will reflect on the story of the Foundation and its 20-year history. See the invitation for more information, and to reserve your seat at this event, call 570-752-3930 or email by May 24. 


  • Service 1st Federal Credit Union’s 12th branch location is now open at 196 West Valley Avenue in Elysburg. This fully renovated office features a one-lane drive through, a drive-up ATM and night depository, and a state-of-the-art “Pod” station (service station) for credit union members to conduct transactions. The “Pod” station is a variation of the traditional teller line, but offers a more personal experience for performing transactions.Elysburg Office Hours:
    Lobby & Drive-up
    Monday – Thursday 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m.
    Friday 8:30 a.m. – 6 p.m.
    Saturday 8:30 a.m. – 12 p.m.

    The Service 1st Elysburg Team welcomes you to stop in their newest location at 196 West Valley Avenue in Elysburg.
    Front row (L-R): Brittany Chesney, Member Service Representative; Yvonne Bradley, Member Service Representative; and Amy Bordell, Member Service Representative II. Back row (L-R): Robert Gonzalez, Assistant Market Manager; John Yoder, Assistant Vice President Elysburg Market; and Bobby Jones, Member Service Representative.

    The credit union will host an Open House June 17-29 to celebrate the new location. Watch Service 1st’s website, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram pages for more details and plan to stop by to enjoy refreshments and a chance to win great door prizes! The Chamber will also hold a Business After Hours at this new location later this year on Wednesday, Oct. 9. 


  • Focus Central Pennsylvania received $1,000 from PPL Electric Utilities to support the mission of Focus to attract and support expansion of capital investment that creates quality career opportunities for the families of Central Pennsylvania. The investment was presented at the site of one of the region’s premier industrial business parks, Great Stream Commons.

    Tracie Witter, PPL Electric Utilities and Lauren Bryson, Focus Central Pennsylvania at Great Stream Commons. Great Stream Commons is an industrial and business park designated as a Keystone Opportunity Zone and marketed by Focus to prospective businesses.

    Located on U.S. Route 15 just four miles north of I-80 at the New Columbia interchange, the park is a designated Keystone Opportunity Zone thru 2027 and offers full infrastructure, including municipal water & sewer, natural gas, electricity and is rail served. Focus Central Pennsylvania is part of a committed team in the region that is driving economic development for communities in Centre, Columbia, Montour, Northumberland, Union, Snyder and Mifflin Counties communities.

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