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Know Your Numbers: Are you an Applicable Large Employer?

February 24, 2019

From ChamberChoice and Smart Business Pittsburgh

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) doesn’t require all employers to offer coverage to their employees. Only those employers defined by federal law as applicable large employers (ALEs) must make health insurance available.

“Accurately calculating and knowing your company’s ALE status is crucial to ACA compliance and helping your company avoid a costly penalty,” says Judy Griffith, compliance officer at JRG Advisors.

Smart Business spoke with Griffith about how to determine your ALE status to see if you must offer health insurance.

What exactly is ALE status?

An employer that had an average of at least 50 full-time employees on staff per month during the prior calendar year is an ALE.

ALE status must be determined each year. This determination is vitally important to a business or organization’s ACA compliance. ALEs are subject to the employer shared responsibility and information reporting provisions for offers of minimum essential coverage to employees.

How do employers determine if they are an ALE or not?

You must consider many items to determine whether an organization employs 50 full-time employees and is therefore an ALE. The first question to think about is how are full-time employees defined under the ACA? Full-time employees include an employee who works 30 hours or more per week or employees working 130 or more hours in a calendar month.

Full-time equivalent employees are also included in the count of full-time employees. Full-time equivalent employees are not full-time employees. Instead, the number of full-time equivalent employees is determined by combining the number of hours of service for all part-time and variable hours employees working 120 hours or less during the month and dividing that total by 120.

This number only counts toward the total number employees per month for determining if the employer is an ALE. It won’t change an individual employee’s status from part time to full time, which affects whether an offer of coverage must be made.

How are seasonal workers reflected?

Employers who exceed 50 full-time employees (including full-time equivalent employees) are not considered ALEs where the business employs seasonal workers if certain conditions apply. First, the company’s total workforce must only exceed 50 full-time employees for 120 or fewer days during the year. Second, the employees who exceed 50 full-time employees during those 120 or fewer days must be seasonal workers. Seasonal workers are generally defined as employees who work on a temporary or seasonal basis, such as retail employees who work during the holiday season or summer staff at a swimming pool.

What happens if a company is part of a larger ownership group?

Companies with common ownership may be part of a controlled group, which requires employers to aggregate the total number of employees across the group to determine if the included companies are ALEs. In other words, the employees of every company within a controlled group determine if any company within the controlled group is an ALE.

Also, for a calendar year in which an employer is an ALE, the regulations applicable to ALEs apply to each company within the controlled group regardless of whether the individual company has 50 or more full-time employees or full-time equivalent employees.

What else do employers need to know?

The final item to consider is the definition of a common law employee. Common law employees are generally defined as workers whose work schedule is controlled by the employer (rather than by the worker himself or another employer).

Employers should closely review the job duties and expectations for workers from temporary staffing agencies and those classified as independent contractors because their employment status can be easily confused. These workers may be considered employees who count toward a company’s full-time employee or full-time equivalent employee number. Failure to correctly account for these employees can result in a false conclusion as to whether an employer is an ALE.

Thank You to all Annual Meeting Attendees, Award Nominees, Frosty Valley and T.K. Witch Staff

February 23, 2019

In addition to all of the Annual Meeting sponsors, the Chamber would also like to publicly thank some other groups of people that without their support and help, having an event like the Annual Meeting wouldn’t be possible each year. It is because of their continued support that the Chamber is able to continue fulfilling its mission of offering programs, benefits and events to its members, giving them a stronger voice in advocacy and being involved in more activities and initiatives in our communities. 

First, thanks to all 23 award nominees in each of the four award categories. While only one organization/person could win each award, this year marked an exception year in both the quality and quantity of the nominees, which speaks to the outstanding work being done by our members and individuals that work for our member organizations — both in their organizations and throughout the community. Their work helps make our community stronger and a better place to live, work and play. Several of the nominees that did not win this year will be eligible for consideration for next year’s awards, and members as well as the public are encouraged to submit nominations for the 2020 awards when they are opened this November. 

Second, thanks to all of the more than 230 individuals that attended the Annual Meeting. This year’s event was one of the best-attended in recent years, and your support of the Chamber and its work, as well as the individuals and organizations that were up for the four awards is much appreciated and the Chamber looks forward to continuing its work with you and your respective organizations to help them grow in the future. The success of both the Chamber and this annual event depends on the continued support and attendance of our members and guests, so we again thank you for your support. 

Third, a big thank you goes out to the staff at both Frosty Valley Resort and That Kitchen Witch. For the first time, the Annual Meeting was held at Frosty Valley’s new Barn at Frosty Valley this year, the area’s newest banquet facility, and T.K. Witch was the caterer for this event for the first time as well. The staff from both did a great job taking care of everything and the guests were all impressed. 

Finally, thanks to the Chamber and Chamber Foundation staff — Matt Beltz, Phyllis Jones, Deb Sokol and Jeff Emanuel — for their efforts on the day of the event and in the planning. 

Thank You Sponsors of the Annual Meeting

February 22, 2019

The Chamber wishes to publicly thank all of the valuable contributors that helped make the 2019 Chamber Annual Meeting a successful and enjoyable event for its members and guests. It is the continued support of these businesses, organizations and individuals that helps the Chamber fulfill its mission of offering programs, benefits and events to its members, giving them a stronger voice and advocacy and being involved in more activities and initiatives in our communities. 

Thanks to all of the sponsors of this year’s Annual Meeting.

Event Sponsor
PPL Electric Utilties





Small Business of the Year Aware Sponsor
First Columbia Bank & Trust

Large Business of the Year Award Sponsor



Community Progress Award Sponsor
Commonwealth Health – Berwick Hospital Center


Outstanding Citizen Award Sponsor
Berwick Industrial Development Association

Reception Sponsors

Atlantic Broadband









Kinect Energy Group





The River 105 & 103.5





Nuclear Powers Pennsylvania






That Kitchen Witch 




Corporate Tables
Atlantic Broadband
Bloomsburg Theatre Ensemble
First Columbia Bank & Trust
First Keystone Community Bank
For The Cause
Geisinger Bloomsburg Hospital
Geisinger Health Plan
Ken Pollock Ford Lincoln
Key Partners Realty
Lucy’s Kitchen & Catering / Rolling Pines Golf Course
M&T Bank
PPL Electric Utilities
Service 1st Federal Credit Union (3)

Working Across the Aisle: PA Chamber Committed to Smart Policies That Everyone – Regardless of Political Party – Can be in Favor of

February 21, 2019

From PA Chamber of Business & Industry

The 2019-20 state legislative session has started out much like the one before it – with a divided government.  The state House and Senate remain under Republican control and the Executive Branch is still led by Democrats, with Gov. Tom Wolf being sworn in last month for his second term.  However, there are some differences in the political dynamic. Last November’s General Election resulted in losses for some moderate Republicans, which has led to a smaller and more conservative Republican majorities and larger and more ideologically liberal Democratic caucuses.

But these differences weren’t the focus of Gov. Wolf’s Inaugural speech last month, when he focused on bridging political divides to get things done for the betterment of all Pennsylvania’s citizens.  The PA Chamber is also taking this optimistic approach this session, realizing that there are many areas for improvement in the Commonwealth that everyone – regardless of political party – can be in favor of.

Building a Skilled Workforce

One area is in workforce development.   Pennsylvania businesses are facing a workforce crisis.  In our most recent Economic Survey, our members’ number one concern was finding skilled and qualified employees to fill open positions and actively seeking solutions that will help close the skills gap in PA.  The Pennsylvania Chamber is taking the lead across the state, responding to the needs of the state’s job creators.  We have named workforce development as our top priority and have launched a major grassroots initiative to help bridge the gap between Pennsylvania employers’ current and future employment needs and the skills of today’s workforce: Start the Conversation HERE

Through this program we are collaborating with educators, developing solutions-based workforce programs, highlighting company success stories and providing resources describing how businesses can develop programs to attract the talent they need in Pennsylvania.  We are spotlighting student success stories and the steps they took to reach their achievements, and raising awareness of the jobs that are in-demand in the state, describing the occupations, the education and skills needed and the salary potential they offer.  And we’re also in our third year of teaming up with the mikeroweWORKS Foundation, in which—through the generosity of Pennsylvania businesses—we have donated more than $200,000 in Work Ethic Scholarships to 70 Pennsylvania students who have chosen to pursue careers in the skilled trades. 

On the legislative side, we stood last session with a bipartisan group of lawmakers and the governor as he signed a “Clean Slate” bill – a first-of-its-kind measure that provides a mechanism for people with low-level, non-violent criminal offenses to have those records sealed from public view.  This gives them a better chance at securing a better paying job and housing, which allows them to become productive members of society and lower their chances of recidivism.

Building a More Competitive Economy

There are other areas in which we are excited to work across the aisle this session.  In last week’s Inaugural speech, Gov. Wolf referenced Amazon, the Seattle-based mega-corporation that ultimately decided to split a second headquarters between New York City and outside of Washington, D.C. instead of Pittsburgh or Philadelphia (the two cities were among the final contenders).  The governor said he wants Pennsylvania to be a place where “we don’t wait around for Amazon to move here, because we’re building the next Amazon.”  This is where the PA Chamber’s influence, through the support of our members, can make all the difference.  Our business is in ensuring that for businesses of all sizes, the Commonwealth is the best possible place to invest, grow and hire.  That’s why last session, we secured $2 billion in savings for our members by working to defeat a number of proposals that would have raised business costs; while also helping to enact money-saving initiatives (i.e., bonus depreciation and workers’ compensation reform) that are encouraging employers to make investments in their facilities, their workers and in new hires.

It’s true that a lot of work lies ahead to secure Pennsylvania’s reputation as the best possible place for business growth.  Throughout our more than 100 year history, our job has been to work closely with elected officials to ensure that they understand the needs of business owners who are committed to building a brighter economic future, through smart public policies that don’t favor Republicans or Democrats, but ALL Pennsylvanians.

Member News – February 20, 2019

February 20, 2019
  • A free job fair will be held this Thursday-Saturday, Feb. 21-23, at the Bloomsburg Fairgrounds in the Industrial, Arts & Crafts and Educational buildings. Any business interested in booking a space should complete the one-page vendor application. For questions, please call Diane Considine at 570-479-0636 or Barb Belles at 570-387-4144.
  • The Danville Business Alliance will host an economic vitality meeting and informational session this Friday, Feb. 22, at 8 a.m. at the DBA office at 620 Mill St., Danville. It has invited Paul Macknoskey, regional director from PA Department of Community and Economic Development for an informational session to explain what the Opportunity Zone designation, the Neighborhood Assistance Program, and a Façade program means for the area, how it works, and who can benefit. Jackie Hart, director of codes & building development for Danville Borough, will provide information on the Borough’s LERTA Ordinance. The Neighborhood Assistance Program/Enterprise Opportunity Zone and LERTA ordinance are incentive programs that provide tax credits to businesses or private companies investing in rehabilitating, expanding, or improving buildings or land located within designated areas. Please RSVP by email is you would like to attend this meeting.
  • The Central Susquehanna Intermediate Unit is seeking professionals in the business community to serve as judges in specific categories at its PA Media and Design Competition (formerly called the PA State Computer Fair). There will be separate regional competitions, one for middle school students on Monday, March 4, and one for high school students on Monday, March 25, both at CSIU #16 located at 90 Lawton Lane, Milton. If interested in participating in these events as a judge, please email Bill Herald by this Friday, Feb. 22. For more information about the event, including a list of categories, visit the event’s website.
  • AGAPE is in desperate need of warehouse and driver volunteers. Even if you might only be able to help one day per month, that would be of tremendous value to AGAPE as it works to ensure it serves those in need. If interested, or for questions, please contact AGAPE at 570-317-2210 or stop in their office at 19 East 7th St. in Bloomsburg and fill out an application.
  • Currently, and running through April 4, the United Way of Columbia and Montour County is again offering free basic tax help to low and moderate-income residents in the community. This program will be held Tuesdays and Wednesday from 2-6 p.m. and Thursdays from 4-8 p.m. at Wesley United Methodist Church, located at 130 W. 3rd St., Bloomsburg (use the rear entrance). No appointments are necessary, only drop-offs and walk-ins will be accepted. For questions, call the United Way at 570-784-3134 or email, and see the flyer for additional information.
  • Knoebels Amusement Resort will hold its annual job fair on Saturday, March 2, from 10 a.m. – 1 p.m., at the Elysburg Fire Department, located at 1 East Mill St., Elysburg. There are seasonal positions available in games, ride operations, food service, gift shops, grounds crew, security & first aid, admissions, crystal pool, campground, guest services, and more. If you have a particular interest or skill set, Knoebels has a job for you. Visit the Facebook event for more information. 

Columbia Alliance for Economic Growth Votes to Dissolve

February 19, 2019

Economic development activities of the Columbia Alliance for Economic Growth are now being handled by DRIVE, a two-county council of governments created to consolidate the activities of several organizations. The Alliance Board of Directors voted to dissolve the organization at its annual meeting on Tuesday, Feb. 19, held at the Inn at Turkey Hill. Recent efforts of the Alliance include development of the Columbia County Business Park at the Lightstreet exit of Interstate 80, preceded by the development of the Bloomsburg Regional Technology Center on Market Street in Bloomsburg.

DRIVE’s other initiatives include marketing and reuse of the former Metso Minerals property in Danville, and developing wireless broadband in northern Montour County. More information about DRIVE is available at its website.

Welcome Java Momma

February 18, 2019

More than 400 businesses and organizations belong to the Chamber to receive benefits and support efforts to strengthen their businesses and our region. Increased membership allows us to offer additional programs and benefits, have a stronger voice in advocacy and be involved in more activities and initiatives in our communities. The Chamber welcomes its newest member, Java Momma, to help us fulfill our mission.

Founded in 2017, Java Momma is an online direct sales specialty coffee business that sells direct to consumers, baristas and others through its website. Based in Danville, it also sells other beverages in addition to coffee, including tea, cocoa and mocha, as well as variety of other specialty beverages and beverage accessories. Java Momma can be reached by email, call 570-594-8682, or visit its Facebook or Instagram pages.

Student Loan Repayment Benefits

February 17, 2019

From ChamberChoice

Many employers currently offer tuition reimbursement as a component of their employee benefit programs, but this benefit is of limited use for employees who have already completed their education and who do not expect to take further coursework that would be eligible for reimbursement. At the same time, large numbers of prospective employees are burdened with significant student loan debt obligations. This student loan debt can limit the degree to which employees participate in taxdeferred benefit options such as health savings accounts (“HSAs”), dependent care assistance programs (“DCAPs”), and retirement savings programs such as 401(k) accounts.

Currently, an employer cannot make tax-advantaged contributions toward an employee’s student loan debt or offer employees the option to elect a portion of their income to be directed toward student loan debt repayment on a tax-advantaged basis. But in a 2018 IRS private letter ruling, the IRS found that a 401(k) contribution program did not violate the 401(k) “contingent benefit” rule. Under the program, the employer made regular matching 401(k) contributions equal to 5% of the employee’s payroll period compensation if the employee contributed at least 2%. The employer’s proposed amendment to the program, which the IRS addressed in its ruling, allowed employees with student loan debt to voluntarily opt out of the regular matching contributions and earn a similar employer contribution provided that the employee made student loan repayments of at least 2% of their payroll period compensation. This benefit allowed the employer to reward the employee for making student loan payments by increasing the employer’s contribution to the employee’s 401(k).

This letter ruling is not precedential and should not be solely relied upon to adopt a student loan repayment benefit. There are unresolved nondiscrimination, administration, and verification issues that will accompany any student loan repayment plan. Further, pending legislation may dramatically alter the scope of student loan repayment benefits and tax advantages to employers and employees related to these programs. Employers should consult with their legal, accounting, and benefits advisors to consider whether there is a role for a student loan repayment benefit in their broader benefit package and the possible costs and benefits associated with this in-demand benefit option.

This article gives a basic overview of recent regulation as in effect on the date of the article. Please be aware that the determination of the requirements and the application of these rules to each employer may differ due to a number of variables. Nothing in this article should be construed as legal advice.

Governor’s Fifth Budget Proposal Focuses on Workforce Goals; Contains Elements Employers Oppose

February 16, 2019
Jen Swails, PA Budget Secretary, and C. Daniel Hassell, PA Revenue Secretary, provided an overview of Governor Wolf’s proposed 2019-20 budget to members of the PA Chamber on Wednesday, Feb. 6, 2019.

From PA Chamber of Business & Industry

Gov. Tom Wolf presented his fifth budget address last week to a joint session of the state House and Senate.   His 2019-20 proposal calls for a spend amount of $34.1 billion – a 2.79 percent increase over the current year. 

Speaking with optimism about the work elected officials achieve when political divisiveness is put aside, Gov. Wolf focused much of his speech on a bipartisan issue on which the PA Chamber is heavily engaged – workforce development.  During the address, the governor announced the formation of the new Keystone Economic Development and Workforce Command Center that will be co-chaired by PA Chamber President Gene Barr and PA AFL-CIO President Rick Bloomingdale and will engage state agencies that are involved in workforce efforts to develop a multi-tiered, public-private strategy to close the jobs skills gap and build a competitive 21st century workforce in Pennsylvania. 

What the governor did not mention during his speech but was unveiled in the days prior to the budget address were several proposals about which the PA Chamber has already voiced opposition: first, an increase in the minimum wage to $12 an hour with gradual increases until it reaches $15 an hour and elimination of the tipped wage; another severance tax on the natural gas industry that would help to pay for a bond that would fund Gov. Wolf’s new “Restore Pennsylvania” initiative; and a move to combined reporting in exchange for a reduction in the state’s Corporate Net Income Tax.  The PA Chamber wholeheartedly supports a reduction in the CNI, which is among the nation’s highest and raises a red flag for would-be investors to come to the Commonwealth; but has long argued that combined reporting would bring unnecessary complexity and economic hardship to many Pennsylvania companies.   

Despite areas of disagreement between the Wolf administration and pro-business lawmakers, the general takeaway from the governor’s budget address was that both sides should work on areas on which they can agree.  The more positive outlook can certainly be attributed in large part to a strong economic year which has seen revenues coming in higher than expected.  In a statement following the budget address, PA Chamber President Gene Barr also embraced a positive tone – particularly in regard to prospects for greater collaboration on workforce – while warning of the elements of the proposal that would end up hurting the state’s competitiveness.

“We commend the governor for using his budget address to shine a spotlight on the need for the private sector and government to work together to ensure Pennsylvania’s workforce is equipped to meet the needs of the state’s evolving jobs market,” Barr said.  “We are, however, concerned with some components of the governor’s proposal – including an aggressive mandated increase to entry level wages …. Additionally, we are disappointed by the administration’s continued call for an additional tax on the state’s natural gas industry.  We are at risk of losing our competitive edge in the critical energy arena if state elected officials continue to look at higher energy taxes as a way to generate more revenue for government spending.”

Businesses and Individuals Recognized at Columbia Montour Chamber Annual Meeting

February 14, 2019

Member businesses and individuals of The Columbia Montour Chamber of Commerce were recognized during the organization’s Annual Meeting on Wednesday, Feb. 13, 2019, at the Barn at Frosty Valley in Danville, and sponsored by PPL Electric Utilities.

More than 240 people attended the dinner meeting which celebrated outstanding member achievements, elected members to the Board of Directors, highlighted Chamber activities of the past year, and previewed the year ahead.

The Chamber’s four annual awards were presented to businesses and individuals for their significant contributions to the community. The following awards were presented to the following recipients:

Small Business of the Year
(Sponsored by First Columbia Bank & Trust)
For The Cause

Large Business of the Year
(Sponsored by DRIVE)
Knoebels Amusement Resort

Community Progress Award
(Sponsored by Commonwealth Health-Berwick Hospital Center)
Community Strategies Group

Outstanding Citizen
(Sponsored by Berwick Industrial Development Association)
Linda Brown, Service 1st Federal Credit Union

The Small Business of the Year award goes to a member business or organization of 30 employees or fewer than has done one or more of the following: demonstrated business or community leadership evidenced by diversification and creativity in the development of new products, services and/or markets; demonstrated staying power and positive response to adversity; or demonstrated community involvement.

Founded in 2009 during the height of the recession by Marc, Jon and Josh Nespoli, For The Cause has a mission to make the greater Berwick area a region of pride, where the communities thrive as they live, work and play. What For The Cause has been able to accomplish in its first decade is nothing short of remarkable.

The annual Speedo Run has raised over $100,000 to date for the fight against breast cancer, for which For The Cause received the 2011 Friends in the Fight Award from the local Susan G. Komen Foundation chapter. Its Run for the Cause raises money to support its various youth and food-related initiatives. Through that and other various campaigns, For The Cause has been able to distribute over 200,000 meals to local families in need, including sending nearly 1,700 snacks and meals home to elementary students with identified needs each Friday during the school year.

The nonprofit’s latest venture, the 3,500 square-foot Teen Center, opened in September 2017. In just over a year, it more than quintupled its membership and successfully partnered with about a dozen local businesses and the Berwick Area School District to create a successful extension of home and school for over 300 local teens per month on average, which including more than 700 engagement last September alone. Its Youth Action Board has given its participants a chance to learn about leadership and the importance of giving back to their community, and it recently partnered with the ThinkBig Pediatric Cancer Fund to raise over $6,000 to support families battling pediatric cancer.

While For The Cause has very ambitious plans to accomplish even more as it enters its second decade, it has made a notably positive impact on the greater Berwick community in just 10 short years, while also positioning itself to make even larger positive contributions to the community and its youth over the next 10 years and beyond.

The Large Business of the Year Award, goes to a business with 31 or more employees, and the criteria is the same as for the Small Business of the Year honor.

For those that live in this area, especially those whose families have gone to
Knoebels Amusement Resort for generations, it can be easy to take it for granted and not recognize just how much of a jewel and driver of economic activity is right here in our own backyard. Now in its third and fourth generations of family ownership and operation, Knoebels welcomes nearly 1.5 million guests per year – many of whom come from beyond a day’s drive. This is significant because of the numerous nights of local hotel room occupancy during the summer and the accompanying hotel tax revenue, which benefits many. One local hotel sales director estimates that during any given week from Memorial Day to Labor Day, 70% of its occupancy is due to Knoebels.

At the park, campground, golf course, restaurant and cottages, Knoebels has been delivering family fun for generations. America’s largest free-admission amusement park has consistently been recognized by the amusement industry. Its grand carousel has received Amusement Today’s Golden Ticket Award for best carousel every year the award has been presented, and Knoebels annually ranks among the top five parks in the country in several categories with other well-known amusement parks such as Disney World and Busch Gardens.

During the peak of its season each summer, Knoebels employs over 2,300 people, ranging from teenagers working their first job, to retirees looking to keep busy. In the last two decades, it has given away more than $100,000 in scholarships to its school-aged team members, and through its educational partnership program, is able to encourage students in their educational journey while assisting schools with certain programming. Perhaps most impressive is the way Knoebels is able to quickly mobilize these 2,300-plus employees and with military-like precision, prepare for, manage and clean up following floods. They flawlessly executed this flood preparedness plan once again this past summer, ensuring that this economic engine and family fun wasn’t closed for more than a couple of days.

The Community Progress Award goes to a member business or organization that showed improvement in the internal or external appearance of a commercial property through either new construction, renovation, restoration or remodeling, and completed that construction within the last three calendar years or by December 2018.

An offshoot of the Columbia County Housing & Redevelopment Authority, Community Strategies Group is a comprehensive community, economic and housing development organization serving Columbia County and surrounding areas. While it is receiving this award for a pair of housing projects, its services go beyond just housing development. For example, it offers qualified first-time homebuyers up to $5,000 of matching funds to put towards down payment or closing costs. It has also partnered with the United Way of Columbia and Montour County and First Columbia Bank & Trust to establish the revolving car loan program, which aims to assist individuals and families in need of transportation in order to gain or keep employment. In the 20 months since this program’s inception, it has helped eight families with their basic transportation needs.

Community Strategies Group’s most significant accomplishments of late have been the completion of the Bloom Mills apartments in Bloomsburg, and several single-family homes in Berwick. The Bloom Mills apartments, completed in 2016, were built on the site of the former Bloomsburg Mills silk and textile mill. When it shut down in 2009, the property sat vacant and deteriorating, and the mill was demolished in 2013. Community Strategies Group purchased the property in 2016 and by the end of that year, turned the property into a dynamic 40-apartment community that provides much-needed affordable housing for seniors, as well as a boost to the property tax base in the Town of Bloomsburg. Later this year, the second phase of this project will be completed when the 64-apartment Silk Mills opens across the street.

Just as significant is Community Strategies Group’s work on the LaSalle St. neighborhood in Berwick. Formerly a vibrant neighborhood in the first half of the 20th century, the area fell into decline. In 2005, the neighborhood was designated a Blueprint Community, a designation and initiative that has helped nearly 60 similar communities across Delaware, Pennsylvania and West Virginia revitalize toward a brighter future and gain access to the resources needed to make it a reality. Community Strategies Group has led and managed this revitalization, which included purchasing and demolishing several blighted properties, and replacing them with new, energy-efficient homes that were sold or rented to working families. The latest group of 24 homes was completed in late 2018, and will be rented to more working families, who will have the option to buy them. Since this project began in the last decade, reported crime in the neighborhood is down by over 30 percent, children regularly play in the neighborhood park, and there is an overall sense of pride not seen in the neighborhood in a generation.

The Outstanding Citizen Award is presented to an individual that is an employee or volunteer of a member organization who is involved in civic activities beneficial to the Columbia Montour region and who projects a positive community image.

Linda Brown has worked in the financial services industry for over 30 years, including the last 22 and counting at Service 1st Federal Credit Union as the chief administrative officer. She began her career in marketing and human resources and has since expanded her scope of knowledge to include member service, training, security and information systems. She is responsible for setting the strategic direction of the credit union in these areas. Linda is an inaugural member of the Filene Research Institute’s i3 group that focuses on ideas, innovation and implementation to advance the credit union movement.

A former direct report of Linda’s commented that “Linda’s leadership and forward thinking have really added to the growth and stability of Service 1st.” Another current colleague remarked that “her leadership has spurred aggressive growth for Service 1st and she continually seeks out ways to improve the experience for our members and employees. I am lucky to have her as the phenomenal mentor she is.”

When not helping Service 1st reach achievements, Linda spends a good portion of her time volunteering in the community and lending her expertise to several other organizations. She is a member of the board at Leadership Susquehanna Valley and Rural Business Innovation, as well as a member of the steering committees for the Central Susquehanna Community Foundation’s Women’s Giving Circle and Bridges Out of Poverty. She also is a member of Soroptimist International of Montour County, the Montour County Industrial Development Authority and the Greater Susquehanna Valley Toastmasters.

Linda also serves as the treasurer on the board for the Ronald McDonald House of Danville, where her commitment was described in one simple word: awesome. She has on more than one occasion enlisted the help of her Service 1st co-workers to prepare meals for the families at the house. She attends every event and if she isn’t there, the staff knows that she is out of town or has to be sick.

One might think with all of this volunteering that Linda doesn’t have much free time. Yet, nearly 25 years after she earned her undergraduate degree from Bloomsburg University, she recently returned to BU to earn a Master’s degree as a way to sharpen her skills and keep pace with technology and instructional design. Linda resides outside Danville with her husband, Terry.

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