From PA Chamber of Business & Industry
Last week, the Justice Action Network – a national coalition of chambers of commerce, corrections programs and business associations – sent the legislative leaders of the U.S. House and Senate a letter urging passage of the bipartisan FIRST STEP Act, which will help address a skills gap within the nation’s workforce and provide incarcerated persons a second chance.
The legislation aims to provide job training, treatment and rehabilitation programs to those who are currently cycling in and out of America’s jails and prisons. It provides tools for business and trade associations to implement their own job training programs behind prison walls to help incarcerated people learn skills that are tailored to jobs employers have difficultly filling and can help them transition successfully from “prisons to paychecks.”
In making the case for the bill’s passage, the coalition letter lists some of the industries that could benefit from the FIRST STEPS Act, including trucking, construction and manufacturing. One example provided was the National Association of Home Builders, which is experiencing labor shortages in all specialties and trades and has 300,000 unfilled construction jobs nationwide. Likewise, the manufacturing sector will need to fill 3.5 million jobs over the next decade – 2 million of which are expected to go unfilled due to a lack of skilled candidates.
“That is why chambers of commerce and business leaders in states like Michigan, Pennsylvania, Oklahoma, and Kentucky have strongly supported state criminal justice reform efforts that break down barriers to employment for the formerly incarcerated, and why the U.S. Chamber of Commerce has gone one step further by endorsing the FIRST STEP Act, which will help ensure that incarcerated people are job-ready before they take their first steps of freedom,” the coalition wrote.
The PA Chamber supports this legislation as a good step toward addressing Pennsylvania’s workforce development challenges. Last session, we supported “Clean Slate” legislation. This bill, signed into law by Gov. Tom Wolf, is a first of its kind program to provide a mechanism for individuals with low-level, non-violent criminal offenses to have those records sealed from public view and give them a better chance at securing housing and a good job.
Our members and their guests have helped us set a record for the largest registration in the history of the Holiday Open House. Because parking will fill up quickly at the Pine Barn Inn, we have made arrangements to have the use of two additional overflow lots and a shuttle to bring attendees from these lots to the Pine Barn.
The two overflow lots are: Geisinger’s overflow valet lot at the corner of Bloom St. and Poplar St. (lower left corner of map below) and Geisinger’s Knapper Clinic lot (upper right). The shuttle, courtesy of Susquehanna Valley Limousine, will run in a continuous loop from these lots to the Pine Barn from 4:30-8:30 p.m. There will be a sign (left) in both lots at the pick-up and drop-off points.
Special thanks to the Pine Barn, Geisinger and Susquehanna Valley Limousine for their cooperation in arranging the extra parking and shuttle service. We look forward to seeing all of our members and guests on Thursday night.
Member News
The dealerships of the Ken Pollock Auto Group are currently holding their annual coat drive through Dec. 18 at all of its dealerships through northeastern Pennsylvania, including Ken Pollock Ford Lincoln in Berwick, located at 1120 West Front St. (Rt. 11). Those interested in making a donation can drop off new or slightly used coats of all sizes for both men and women, and the donations will be given to the Columbia County Head Start.
- HR4ALL will hold a free luncheon and executive briefing on affordable healthcare options and human resources consulting services on Thursday, Dec. 13, from 12-12:45 p.m., at the Farrington Place, located at 416 W. 3rd St., Williamsport.
This event will feature a trio of strategic partners, including HR4ALL, a professional human resources expertise consultant, speaking about a group of small and medium-sized businesses getting together to pool resources that will hopefully enable them to access less expensive, self-funded health plans in the future.
For more information, call 570-592-0518, or see the event flyer at right, and to RSVP, text HR4ALL to 555888.
- Service 1st Federal Credit Union kicked off a Winter Open House at its new Montandon office with a ribbon cutting ceremony on Dec. 6. The Montandon office is located at 2613 Route 45 in Milton. Service 1st was joined by members, representatives from community organizations and local business leaders to celebrate its 11th location. This new office is a result of a merger with NU Community Credit Union which was effective earlier this year.
The Montandon office features an ATM, night depository, and state-of-the-art “Pod” station (service station) for credit union members to conduct transactions. The “Pod” stations are a variation of the traditional teller line, but offer a more personal experience for performing transactions.
More than 400 businesses and organizations belong to the Chamber to receive benefits and support efforts to strengthen their businesses and our region. Increased membership allows us to offer additional programs and benefits, have a stronger voice in advocacy and be involved in more activities and initiatives in our communities. The Chamber welcomes its newest member, Dutch Hill Painting, to help us fulfill our mission.
Dutch Hill Painting is a new business located in Bloomsburg that was founded earlier this year by Brandon Ortman. It serves Bloomsburg, Lewisburg, Selinsgrove, Danville and surrounding areas and provides residential and commercial painting services and makes customer services its top priority, working with customers from estimating through project completion to stay on time and within budget. It provides both interior and exterior residential painting services as well as commercial. Dutch Hill painting can be reached at 570-951-6200 or by email, or visit its website for more information.
More than 400 businesses and organizations belong to the Chamber to receive benefits and support efforts to strengthen their businesses and our region. Increased membership allows us to offer additional programs and benefits, have a stronger voice in advocacy and be involved in more activities and initiatives in our communities. The Chamber welcomes its newest member, Bloomsburg Care and Rehabilitation Center, to help us fulfill our mission.
Formerly known as the Bloomsburg Health Care Center, the Bloomsburg Care and Rehabilitation Center was previously a part of the Bloomsburg Health System and later Geisinger after it acquired BHS. Earlier this year, it was sold to a new ownership group and renamed. It provides top-of-the-line healthcare expertise in a relaxing recovery home and offers both shorter and longer term rehabilitation for individuals with various medical conditions, including but not limited to fractures, hip replacement, wounds, amputations, diabetes, heart disease, stroke and other disabilities. It has a team of physicians, therapists, nurses and caregivers to provide each patient with a friendly and familiar environment that feels like home. Bloomsburg Care and Rehabilitation Center is located at 211 East 1st St., Bloomsburg, and can be reached at 570-784-5930, or visit its website or Facebook page.
Last year, the United Way of Columbia and Montour County, in partnership with Community Strategies Group and First Columbia Bank & Trust, initiated a revolving car loan program to assist individuals and families in need of transportation to help in gaining and/or keeping employment. Access (or lack thereof) to transportation in one of the top roadblocks to individuals and families gaining and keeping employment so that they can improve their lives and this program, which was started in 2017, is aiming to change that for qualified people in Columbia and Montour counties.
There are currently openings for qualified individuals and families in both the Berwick and Danville areas, and because the program is a revolving loan, there will also soon be openings for people in Bloomsburg. In the one-and-a-half years since the program began, it has run with a 100% success rate.
The program is for an individual or family that is currently unemployed or underemployed but could greatly increase their earnings if they had access to reliable transportation. Ideally, employment or an opportunity for greater employment will have been identified for the individual or family. Nonprofits, charities and other human services organizations are able to nominate a client who they believe is ready to make positive changes in their life and with transportation, will have the ability to pay back the auto loan and car insurance over time, along with other car maintenance expenses. Other eligibility requirement are outlined with the program application.
Read more about how this program made a positive change for a local family in this Daily Item article from earlier this year.
For more information or for questions about this program, please contact Adrienne Mael at the United Way of Columbia and Montour County by email or at 570-784-3134, or Beth Burke at Community Strategies Group by email or at 570-784-9373, ext. 113.
A recently-released report from the state legislature’s Nuclear Energy Caucus details possible policy solutions that could reduce the risk of premature closure of nuclear power plants in the state. A coalition that works to educate Pennsylvanians about the economic and environmental benefits of nuclear energy and the industry’s positive impact on local communities applauded the report. The Columbia Montour Chamber is a member of the Nuclear Powers Pennsylvania coalition.
NPP thanked Caucus leadership, including Co-Chairs, Senators Ryan Aument and John Yudichak, and Representatives Becky Corbin and Rob Matzie. In total, nearly 80 lawmakers, Republicans and Democrats alike, from both the House and Senate, are members of the Nuclear Energy Caucus.
“This bipartisan Nuclear Energy Caucus is the first such caucus anywhere in the United States – and the release of this report is a critical step forward for the 16,000 men and women whose livelihoods rely on Pennsylvania’s nuclear industry,” said Martin Williams, NPP Co-Chair and Business Manager of Boilermakers Local 13 in Philadelphia. “The members of my union and of this coalition would like to see our state government properly recognize the clean-air attributes of nuclear energy and level the playing field with other clean technologies, like wind and solar. By creating this report and now sharing it with their colleagues in the state House and Senate, along with Gov. Wolf, it is our hope it will set us on a path toward identifying solutions that will protect thousands of good-paying jobs and keep the air we breathe clean.”
“Over the course of the five hearings held by the Caucus, members heard from witnesses who detailed the economic and environmental benefits of nuclear energy and the industry’s positive impact on local communities throughout the Keystone State,” said Fred Gaffney, Chamber President. “We know that nuclear power is an important part of Pennsylvania’s energy mix. We encourage all lawmakers to read the Caucus report and to recognize the tremendous value of nuclear energy across the state.”
Pennsylvania today ranks second in the nation for nuclear power generating capacity. Nuclear energy is the single greatest contributor to Pennsylvania’s energy generation portfolio, representing 42% of the mix, while accounting for more than 90% of the Commonwealth’s clean power. However, that production is threatened with news that at least two of Pennsylvania’s five nuclear plants are preparing for premature closure without a legislative remedy. Three Mile Island in Dauphin County and Beaver Valley in Beaver County are slated for closure in 2019 and 2021, respectively. According to an April 2018 report from The Brattle Group, should those two plants close, along with two nuclear plants slated for closure in Ohio, it would reverse environmental benefits equal to 25 years of wind and solar development.
The report is available online.

Jennifer Rempe (center) of WVIA was the winner of a drawing for a $250 donation to the charity of her choice for attending the November Business After Hours at the Central Susquehanna Community Foundation. Presenting her with the check is Holly Morrison (right), president and CEO of the CSCF At left is Fred Gaffney, president of the Columbia Montour Chamber.
The Central Susquehanna Community Foundation gave attendees a brief education about community foundations in general as well as its work over the last 20 years as it hosted the final Chamber Business After Hours of the year back on Nov. 14 at its Berwick headquarters. In addition to learning more about the CSCF’s work and about the history and work of community foundations in general, attendees were able enjoy some delicious food from Lucy’s Kitchen & Catering, as well as beer from Berwick Brewing and local wine.
Members also had an opportunity to take part in a fun educational activity that allowed them to learn a little bit about community foundations and the CSCF while also having an opportunity to win a $250 donation to a charity of their choice. Each attendees picked up a four-question quiz on the way in, with the answers all scattered in clues throughout the building (answers to the quiz are noted below). All submitted quizes, whether they had the correct answers or not, were then entered into a drawing for the $250 donation prize. The winner was Jennifer Rempe of WVIA, who elected to make the donation to DJ Choices, a unique educational program that promotes opiate addiction awareness among students, parents and communities through school assembly programs and other forums and channels.
Business After Hours provide regular opportunities to build business relationships while learning about the services offered by other Chamber members. The next Business After Hours will be held on Wednesday, Jan. 30 at a location TBD. The first two Business After Hours of 2019 will be announced within the next week, while the remainder Business After Hours schedule for 2019 will be announced by the end of the month.
Answers to quiz questions:
1. George H.W. Bush created Community Foundation Week, November 12-18, in 1989 to recognize the work of community foundations throughout America and their collaborative approach to working with the public, private, and nonprofit sectors.
2. Central Susquehanna Community Foundation is celebrating its 20th Anniversary this year!
3. In 2017, the Foundation awarded $2.7 million in grants across our 5 ½ county footprint, through the 250+ funds we administer.
4. Name a board member you know! Our regional CSCF Board of Directors are: John Parker, Chair; Timothy Apple, Vice-Chair; JoAnn Ferentz, Treasurer; Nancy J. Marr, Secretary; Robert L. Albertson, O.D.; Sam Balukoff; Jeff Cerminaro; Paul R. Eyerly, IV; Peggy Fullmer; John M. Kurelja, Ed.D.; Heather H. Rowe; Rhonda Seebold; J. Donald Steele, Jr.; Connie Tressler; and, Wendy Tripoli.
Each year, the Kaiser Family Foundation and the Health Research & Educational Trust conducts a survey to examine employer-sponsored health benefit trends. This summary reviews the main points of the 2018 survey and suggests how they could affect employers.
Health Insurance Premiums
In 2018, the average premium rose 3 percent for single coverage and 5 percent for family coverage. The average premiums were $6,896 and $19,616, respectively.
However, premiums for high deductible health plans with a savings option (HDHP/SOs) were noticeably lower than the average premiums. HDHP/SOs annual premiums for single and family coverage were $6,495 and $18,602, respectively.
The premium for family coverage was, on average, lower at small employers (three to 199 employees) than at large employers—$18,739 compared to $19,972. Yet, premium costs varied widely across industry and regions in 2018.
Worker Contributions
The average worker contribution toward the premium was 18 percent for single coverage and 29 percent for family coverage. Although, employees at organizations with a high percentage of lower-wage workers (where 35 percent make $25,000 or less annually) made above average contributions—24 percent and 42 percent of the premium for single coverage and family coverage, respectively.
In terms of dollar amounts, workers contributed $1,186 and $5,711 toward their premiums for single coverage and family coverage, respectively. Workers enrolled in HDHP/SOs contributed less on average, paying $1,074 for single coverage and $4,631 for family coverage.
Plan Enrollment
The following were the most common plan types in 2018:
– Preferred provider organizations (PPOs)—49 percent of workers covered
– HDHP/SOs—29 percent of workers covered
– Health maintenance organizations (HMOs)—16 percent of workers covered
– Point-of-service (POS) plans—6 percent of workers covered
– Indemnity plans—under 1 percent
PPO enrollment has decreased by 8 percent over the last five years, and enrollment in HDHP/SOs has risen by 9 percent over the same period.
Employee Cost Sharing
Most workers must pay a share of their health care costs, and 85 percent had a general annual deductible for single coverage in 2018. Fifty-eight percent of workers had a deductible of $1,000 or more for single coverage. The average deductible for all workers was $1,350. The prevalence of HDHP/SOs has contributed to the increase of deductible amounts.
Even without a deductible, the vast majority of workers cover some portion of the costs from their in-network physician visits. For instance, 66 percent have a copayment for primary doctor visits and 24 percent have coinsurance.
Nearly all workers are covered by a plan with an out-of-pocket maximum (OOPM), but the costs vary considerably. Fourteen percent of workers with single coverage have an OOPM of less than $2,000, and 20 percent have an OOPM of $6,000 or more.
Availability of Employer-sponsored Coverage
Similar to the last few years, employers offer health benefits to at least some workers. Only 47 percent of very small employers (three to nine employees) offer benefits, while virtually every large employer (1,000 or more employees) offers coverage.
Health and Wellness Promotion Programs
Wellness programs help employees improve their lifestyles and avoid unhealthy habits. Small and large employers both offer wellness programs, with 53 percent of small employers and 82 percent of large employers offering at least one. Of these large employers, 35 percent offer participation incentives like gift cards or merchandise. Programs vary in topic and include subjects like smoking cessation, weight management and lifestyle coaching.
Over half of large employers have embraced telemedicine, with 74 percent offering health care services through this method. Of these employers, 39 percent offer financial incentives to receive health care services this way, opposed to an in-person physician visit.
Similar to the previous year, 13 percent of workers with small employers are elected in plans either partially or entirely self-funded, compared to 81 percent of workers with large employers. Despite conversations about insurers offering more self-funded plans to small employers, there has not been a noticeable increase in their enrollment.
In the past few years, level-funded plans have become more popular. Level-funded plans are health plans provided by insurers that include a nominally self-funded option for small or mid-sized employers that incorporates stop-loss insurance with relatively low attachment points. Of the employers with fewer than 200 workers, 6 percent reported that they had a level-funded plan, or nearly one-third of the respondents who said they had a self-funded plan.
This year continues a period of a stable market, characterized by relatively low-cost growth for employer-sponsored coverage. While premium growth continues to exceed earnings and inflation increases, the differences are moderately small. Additionally, while there have been some changes in terms of employer-sponsored health benefits, no trends have gained significant traction.
The recent trend of raising deductibles to offset premium increases is popular, but its growth has slowed. A reason for the slowed growth is that health benefits are a highly effective attraction and retention tool, especially in a strong economy and tight labor market, and employers want to recruit and retain top talent.
Looking forward, employers should begin to identify tools and resources they can use to offset higher premium growth. As costs continue to rise, the individual mandate repeal takes effect and possible political changes ensue, employers and employees may begin to see increased market movement.
For more information on benefit offerings or on what you can do to control your health care costs, contact JRG Advisors, LLC today by email or call 1-800-377-3539. Access to the benefits advisors at JRG is provided at no cost to all Chamber members through the ChamberChoice program.