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Member News – October 10, 2018

October 10, 2018
Member News
  • Following a weekend of Homecoming activities, Bloomsburg University will be welcoming parents and family members of BU students this weekend for Parents and Family Weekend. Activities begin on Friday and continue through the weekend, including a football game against East Stroudsburg beginning at 2 p.m. A full schedule of events is available online
  • The Bloomsburg Area YMCA will host a pair of free upcoming events for the community. Next Wednesday, Oct. 17, from 11:30 a.m. – 1 p.m. will be its Fall Fest, which will feature a potluck-style meal along with Wii bowling. Then, on Friday, Oct. 26 is its annual Trunk or Treat from 5:30-8 p.m. Join the Y and other local organizations for a night of spooky family fun featuring fun activities, a haunted walk-through and plenty of Halloween candy. If your organization would like to take part in this event, call 570-784-0188 or email by Oct. 15 to reserve your spot. 
  • NEPIRC, DRIVE and SEDA-COG will team up to host a Lunch and Learn titled “Cybersecurity Trends & Safeguards for Manufacturers on Tuesday, Oct. 23,  from 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. at Monty’s on the Bloomsburg University campus. This free seminar is specifically intended for manufacturers and helping them respond to current threats and trends in the cybersecurity world. Topics covered will include ransomware, hacking, breaches and disasters, and safeguards will also be presented including best practices for prevention, mitigation and incident response. See the flyer for more information, and register online, by email, or call 570-704-0018. 
  • The Press Enterprise will host a Career Expo on Wednesday, Oct. 24, from 2-6 p.m. at Berwick Golf Club. There is no cost to attend, and PA CareerLink Columbia/Montour Counties will also be on hand for some free job search workshops. There will also be door prizes every hour. Businesses interested in being a vendor are asked to register by Oct. 11. For more information or to register, call 570-387-1234 or visit the Facebook event page
  • MePush will be hosting a series of study sessions throughout the fall at its conference room at 130 Buffalo Rd., Lewisburg, for information technology professionals that are taking and interested in getting together to study for the Cisco CCNA exam. This major certification in the IT industry is a big undertaking for some, so MePush would like to offer a forum to help other IT pros in the area improve their skills and certifications. If interested, please email Art so MePush can have a headcount. 

Chamber on Hand for Ribbon Cutting at Danville Area High School’s New Performing Arts Center

October 9, 2018

The Chamber had the opportunity to take part in the Danville Area School District’s Homecoming festivities on Friday, Oct. 5, specifically by helping cut the ribbon on the high school’s new performing arts center. The ribbon cutting for the new facility, which opened in August, was held in between the Homecoming parade and the football game. 

Prior to the ribbon cutting, district superintendent Dr. Jason Bendle, as well as high school principal Jeremy Winn and director of student activities and services Chris Johns delivered brief remarks and acknowledgements, while noting that this project had been discussed and planned for years before finally being set in motion. Overall, from concept to completion, the project spanned several superintendents, administrators and school board members. The event was also attended by representatives from Montour County and the Borough of Danville, as well as several members of the public. Following the ribbon cutting, attendees were able to take a tour of the facility and check out the spacious new auditorium. 

Welcome George Automotive Services

October 8, 2018

More than 400 businesses and organizations belong to the Chamber to receive benefits and support efforts to strengthen their businesses and our region. Increased membership allows us to offer additional programs and benefits, have a stronger voice in advocacy and be involved in more activities and initiatives in our communities. The Chamber welcomes its newest member, George Automotive Services, to help us fulfill our mission.

George Automotive is a locally, family-owned automotive repair shop that offers highly skilled technicians, computer diagnostics and a great shop experience. While it specializes in European automobile repair, it repairs all makes and models. Founded in 2006 in Bloomsburg, it moved into its current location at 533 Jacobs Alley in Danville in 2017. It is open Monday-Friday from 7:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. and can be reached at 570-275-2610. For more information, visit its website, Facebook page, or email

5K to Benefit Substance Recovery

October 7, 2018

A 5K run/walk to benefit education and recovery from substance abuse in the area is scheduled for Saturday, Oct. 13 in Bloomsburg. The event is being sponsored by United in Recovery, a coalition of local organizations and citizens organized by the United Way of Columbia and Montour County. The Chamber is part of this coalition with a goal of reducing the abuse of opioids and other substances.

The course begins and ends at the Bloomsburg Fairgrounds and runs through the streets of Bloomsburg. Registration starts at 9:30 a.m. with the race beginning at 11. Awards will be presented in several categories. For additional information and to register, download the registration form and for questions, contact Adrienne at the United Way via email or call 570-784-3134. 

Williams Receives FERC Approval to Place Atlantic Sunrise Project Into Full Service; Project Goes Into Full Service Oct. 6

October 6, 2018

From Williams

On Thursday, Oct. 4, Williams reported that the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) has approved the Company’s request to place its Atlantic Sunrise project into full service. The Company plans to place the project into full service on Oct. 6, 2018.

Backed by long-term shipper commitments, the historic project increases the design capacity of the Transco pipeline, the largest-volume natural gas pipeline system in the United States, by 1.7 billion cubic feet per day (approximately 12 percent) to 15.8 billion cubic feet per day. In the process, the project further strengthens and extends the bi-directional flow of the Transco system, directly connecting Marcellus gas supplies with markets as far south as Alabama.

“This project makes the largest-volume pipeline system in the country even larger, further executing on our strategy to connect premier natural gas supply areas with the best markets in the country,” said Alan Armstrong, Williams president and chief executive officer. “The project is significant for Pennsylvania and natural gas-consuming markets all along the East Coast, alleviating infrastructure bottlenecks and providing millions of consumers direct access to one of the most abundant, cost-effective natural gas supply sources in the country.”

Williams chief operating officer Micheal Dunn added, “I’m proud of our project team for their focus and carefully executing this complex project in a safe and environmentally responsible manner. Their efforts have truly distinguished this project, positively collaborating with regulators, key stakeholders and communities to overcome challenges and install this critical infrastructure thoughtfully without experiencing any significant injuries or environmental issues. Even in the final months of construction, as some segments of the project area sustained more than 20 inches of rainfall, our teams acted quickly to restore the right-of-way and ensure environmental compliance requirements were met.”

Downtown Berwick Enhancement Efforts Moving Forward

October 5, 2018

Despite recent news about two distressed properties in Berwick’s downtown, there are proactive efforts underway to enhance the central business district. A committee, which is being coordinated by Community Strategies Group and includes representation from the Chamber, is meeting regularly to advance several initiatives. The community was provided an update on these efforts at a recent public meeting.

The Berwick: The Next Step committee meets twice a month to advance recommendations from a report developed in early 2017. The report was funded by several organizations, including the Chamber, to identify ways to enhance the downtown commercial district for the benefit of the entire community. A presentation on the efforts currently underway was delivered by several members of the committee on Sept. 18 at the Berwick Theatre.

Among the recommendations in the report is revitalization of a portion of the riverfront adjacent to the downtown. The area, recently acquired by a private individual, includes a 115 year old train station that served as the original gateway to Berwick. The vision of redeveloping the property includes river access, trail expansion, and retail and dining opportunities. Volunteers are being sought to find train cars built at the former AC&F factory that could also be brought back to the site. A news story about the area recently ran on Fox 56, and can be viewed below.

The report also includes a number of recommendations for supporting businesses and enhancing existing properties. The committee has begun reviewing the Borough’s business signage ordinance and expects to make recommend updates. One of the concerns expressed by business owners is the inability to have signs that are perpendicular to the building, limiting business visibility. In addition to gathering more input from businesses, coordination with PennDOT will be necessary as Rt. 11 through the downtown is a state roadway.

Funding assistance for new signs, awnings, and other building improvements could be available through a program administered by the PA Department of Community and Economic Development. Façade grants have been utilized previously in Bloomsburg and Danville. Up to $5,000 is available for each property and a 50% cash match is required. The committee will be reaching out to businesses and property owners to identify need for a summer 2019 application cycle.

Two other programs to encourage business and property development are being finalized. Included in the federal tax reform legislation that was passed in December of 2017 was the Qualified Opportunity Zone program, which encourages investment in lower income areas. The governor of each state was able to nominate census tracts and Senator John Gordner’s office worked to identify and submit a tract in Berwick, which includes the downtown. The nominations were approved by the federal government in the summer of 2018 and final program guidelines are expected to be finalized by the Treasury and IRS in the fall. The program will allow individuals to defer taxes on unrealized capital gains if they invest in an Opportunity Fund for at least five years. The funds can then be invested into properties within designated zones.

The Keystone Innovation Zone program has existed in Pennsylvania for over a decade with zones already located in Bloomsburg and Danville. New businesses that locate within a KIZ with intellectual property can earn up to $100k in sellable tax credits annually for up to 8 years. The application for a new zone in Berwick, which would include the downtown and BIDA complex, is pending state approval.

In addition to supporting and encouraging business growth, an important component to attracting visitors and retaining residents are opportunities for healthy living. In the spring of 2018, the Berwick Health and Wellness Fund, which is managed by the Central Susquehanna Community Foundation, awarded the Borough a grant to improve communications about the area’s opportunities and resources that support healthy living. The committee is administering the grant and hired a firm to compile the assets and develop marketing materials. These materials will be available to multiple entities in marketing the Berwick community.

The committee’s presentation, with contact information to get involved in these efforts, is available on YouTube.

State Budget Includes Funding for Jobseekers and Existing Employees

October 4, 2018

Gerald Oleksiak, PA Secretary of Labor & Industry, recently discussed workforce programs while touring the Sunbury CareerLink office and The Link mobile services unit.

The 2018-19 State budget includes $30 million for workforce development initiatives. Funding includes support for career exploration, entry-level job seekers, and those looking to enhance their skills. One goal of the initiative is to double the number of people in apprenticeship programs in Pennsylvania by 2025.

Gerald Oleksiak, Secretary of Pennsylvania’s Department of Labor and Industry, provided an overview of PAsmart during a recent visit to the PA CareerLink office in Sunbury. Since the Apprenticeship and Training Office was established in 2016, the number of apprentices across the state has increased 27% to 16,000. In addition to $20 million for STEM career education, the budget includes $7 for apprenticeships and $3 million for industry partnerships. The United States lags significantly behind other countries, especially those in Europe, in the number of people in apprenticeships. 

Oleksiak also toured The Link, a mobile CareerLink services unit being piloted in the Central Susquehanna region. The Link provides access to job search services with staff assistance to rural areas. Jennifer Noll told her story to Secretary Oleksiak about how access to CareerLink services through The Link was life-changing in helping her get from an “unthinkable situation” to a job with the Central Susquehanna Intermediate Unit. Follow The Link on Facebook for a schedule of upcoming locations. 

Resources for people exploring careers and training, as well as entrepreneurs looking to start a business, are available online

Member News – October 3, 2018

October 3, 2018

Member News

  • The Central Susquehanna Community Foundation‘s Women’s Giving Circle will hold its annual celebration tomorrow, Oct. 4 at the Pine Barn Inn from 6:30-8:30 p.m. This event, sponsored by First Keystone Community Bank, will celebrate another successful year for the Women’s Giving Circle, which was established to empower, connect and inspire women and girls by supporting initiatives and resources that better their lives. This event is open to the public and those individuals that may be interested in joining the Women’s Giving Circle. For more information, see the flyer, and RSVP by emailing or calling Karri Harter at 570-752-3930 ext. 6. 


  • The annual Covered Bridge Festival at Knoebels Amusement Resort, which is organized by the Columbia-Montour Visitors Bureau, is scheduled for this Thursday-Sunday, Oct. 4-7. Hours of the event are 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. on Thursday-Saturday, and 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. on Sunday. There is free parking and free admission. This year marks the 37th edition of the event, which will feature over 400 craft vendors and 38 food vendors, and the rides at Knoebels will also be open each day. View a list of the rides that will be open each of the four days. 


  • The Central Susquehanna Community Foundation will hold a luncheon this Friday, Oct. 5, from 12-1:30 p.m. at the Iron Fork’s banquet room to celebrate the grants made to community organizations through the Danville Area Community Foundation. Local nonprofit organizations will be presented with the 2018 grant awards. There is no cost to attend, but an RSVP is requested. RSVP online or by emailing or calling Karri Harter at 570-752-3930 ext. 6. 


  • Wild For Salmon will host a fall tasting event this Saturday, Oct. 6 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at its retail stores on 521 Montour Blvd. (Rt. 11) in Bloomsburg. Chef Josh has crafted up some salmon wellington (a great replacement for the traditional turkey), Thai fish and pumpkin soup, and smoked salmon puff pastry bites with a creamy goat cheese to taste. There is no cost to attend this event. 


  • As part of its economics lecture series, Bloomsburg University will sponsor a lecture featuring Stephanie Schmitt-Grohe, professor of economics at Columbia University, on Tuesday, Oct. 9, from 2-3 p.m. at Mitrani Hall in the Haas Center for the Arts. The talk is titled “Monetary Policy in Times of Low Inflation.” This event is free and open to the public. For more information, see the flyer.


  • NEPIRC, DRIVE and SEDA-COG will team up to host a Lunch and Learn titled “Cybersecurity Trends & Safeguards for Manufacturers on Tuesday, Oct. 23,  from 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. at Monty’s on the Bloomsburg University campus. This free seminar is specifically intended for manufacturers and helping them respond to current threats and trends in the cybersecurity world. Topics covered will include ransomware, hacking, breaches and disasters, and safeguards will also be presented including best practices for prevention, mitigation and incident response. See the flyer for more information, and register online, by email, or call 570-704-0018. 


  • The Press Enterprise will host a Career Expo on Wednesday, Oct. 24, from 2-6 p.m. at Berwick Golf Club. There is no cost to attend, and PA CareerLink Columbia/Montour Counties will also be on hand for some free job search workshops. There will also be door prizes every hour. Businesses interested in being a vendor are asked to register by Oct. 11. For more information or to register, call 570-387-1234 or visit the Facebook event page


  • MePush will be hosting a series of study sessions throughout the fall at its conference room at 130 Buffalo Rd., Lewisburg, for information technology professionals that are taking and interested in getting together to study for the Cisco CCNA exam. This major certification in the IT industry is a big undertaking for some, so MePush would like to offer a forum to help other IT pros in the area improve their skills and certifications. If interested, please email Art so MePush can have a headcount. 

Chamber Reduces Low Interest Loan Program Interest Rate to Three Percent

October 2, 2018

The Chamber’s Board of Directors recently voted to lower the interest rate for the Chamber’s low interest loan program to 3% on a permanent basis. Previously, the interest rate was an option of a variable rate at the Prime Rate or a fixed rate of Prime plus 50 basis points. Effective immediately, all otherwise qualified borrowers can access the loan program at a fixed 3% rate. 

The Chamber and its board recognize that starting and running a small business can be a challenge, particularly in the initial startup phase when cash flow can be short. At times, business owners may not have the ability to access a loan from a financial institution, or at least a loan that fits their needs. Therefore, the Chamber has set aside a fixed amount of funds for this low interest loan program. 

The minimum loan amount in this program is $5,000 and the maximum is $20,000. Loan terms should not exceed five years based off the useful life of collateral being pledged. To access the low interest loan program, applicants must be a member of the Columbia Montour Chamber, as well as meet all of the other qualifications laid out in the application guidelines

In addition to the regular low interest loan program, the Chamber is also offering special bridge loans with a special low interest rate of 3% to member businesses affected by the recent flooding in the area. These loans also have a 3% interest rate and are available through Dec. 31, and are for a maximum term of 30 months and a maximum amount of $10,000. 

For more information on the low interest loan program, special bridge loans or for questions, contact Fred Gaffney at 570-784-2522 or email

Welcome incept

October 1, 2018

More than 400 businesses and organizations belong to the Chamber to receive benefits and support efforts to strengthen their businesses and our region. Increased membership allows us to offer additional programs and benefits, have a stronger voice in advocacy and be involved in more activities and initiatives in our communities. The Chamber welcomes its newest member, incept, to help us fulfill our mission.

incept is a digital marketing solutions agency based in Buffalo, N.Y., but with an ownership partner based locally in Columbia and Montour Counties. incept connects business to clients and customers like never before through mobile marketing and communications solutions, including mobile SMS marketing and notifications, responsive web design, mobile and native apps. local SEO, full-service custom SEO, social media integration, and expert consulting/integration for the ever-evolving emerging technology segment. It works with clients to customize a digital and mobile marketing plan based on their audience, objectives, and individual needs, goals and means. incept can be reached at 570-204-8262 or at 1-800-829-7018, by email, or visit its website

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