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How to Shop for Your Electricity

May 24, 2018
From PPL Electric Utilities Once in a blue moon, things that sound too good to be true actually are true. Like this: You may be able to pay less for electricity, in return for a few minutes of your time and attention. There’s no trick involved and no sacrifice: You don’t have to go without A/C in the summer or heat in the winter to save. What’s the not-so-secret tip? Shop for your electricity supply. You can buy the electricity for your home or business from a number of state-licensed suppliers, who offer a variety of prices and terms. This could save you money. Or, if you take no action, PPL Electric Utilities will buy power for you and pass it along at no markup. We do our best to get a good price for you, but many suppliers sell power more cheaply. No matter which option you choose, PPL will bring the electricity to you safely and reliably over our delivery network. All you really need to do to shop is visit, a website operated by the state Public Utility Commission. The site lists PPL’s current price to compare, along with all the other current offers from state-licensed suppliers serving your area (If you don’t have a computer, you can call the PUC, which will send you a printout of the list). Additionally, Columbia Montour Chamber members can utilize one of the Chamber’s affinity programs through ChamberChoice, which works with OnDemand Energy Solutions, the largest energy broker in Pennsylvania, to get the cheapest electricity generation rates for its customers. If you don’t have time to shop yourself, OnDemand has energy brokers that can shop for you with your permission and without any obligation to buy. OnDemand also recently enhanced its already numerous offerings for commercial customers through its acquisition by Kinect Energy back in January. Members of the Chamber staff can help facilitate this process for individual members, or interested members can contact energy consultant Cheryl Hefft at 717-575-4807 or email, and reference the Columbia Montour Chamber.  You’ll need to take the time to carefully look at the offers from other suppliers. How long is the offer good for? Is the rate fixed, or is it variable – which means that it can change over the term of the contract? Is there a cancellation fee if you decide to end the contract before its term runs out? If you find an offer that’s lower than PPL’s price to compare, and the terms of the offer suit you, you can start the process of switching suppliers right then and there. And that’s how you pay less for electricity. At PPL Electric Utilities, we encourage customers to shop for their electricity supply. It can save you money. And shopping doesn’t hurt PPL financially, since the company doesn’t make any profit from the supply part of customers’ bills. In fact, many of our employees shop for their power. We’ll still be there to deliver the electricity, whenever you use it. We also encourage you to consult and know all your options before signing any electricity supply contract. If you’re contacted by a door-to-door solicitor, don’t be pressured into rushing into an agreement. Another company might have a better offer. Finally, if you switched suppliers two or three years ago but haven’t looked at the market since, we encourage you to take a fresh look. There may be better deals available than the terms you are currently paying. For any and all questions about shopping, you can also visit our website at About 45 percent of our customers shop for their electricity supply. As the season of air conditioning, pool pumps and high temperatures approaches, it’s worth giving some thought to joining them.

New Partnership Allows Employees of All Chamber Members, Spouses and Dependents Discount at Penn State World Campus

May 23, 2018

The Columbia Montour Chamber is pleased to announce a new partnership with one of its newest members, the Penn State World Campus, which will allow employees at all Chamber members, their spouses and legal dependents to receive a 5% off tuition through the Penn State World Campus, the online delivery unit of Penn State.

PSU World Campus works with PSU’s academic units and colleges to deliver more than 150 undergraduate and graduate degree and certification programs to online learners around the world. The PSU World Campus specializes in serving adult learners, corporate partners and the military, and offers services exclusively for active service members and veterans. PSU World also offers several convenient payment options designed to take into account the varying financial situations of those interested in taking classes online, whether individuals or corporate entities on behalf of employees. 

“Of all of the issues that can challenge a business or organization, workforce development is the top issue that our members tell us about, no matter the size or type of organization,” said Columbia Montour Chamber president Fred Gaffney. “We are excited to add this additional option and benefit for those individuals or their employers that want and are able to invest in furthering their education, whether it’s for helping an employee gain some new knowledge to help them advance within their organization or helping out a son or daughter get some additional credits towards their degree, to everything in between.”

The Penn State World Campus joins Bloomsburg University, Luzerne County Community College and Penn College as members in the universities category. All of these institutions offer various educational and professional development programs for working professionals looking to further their careers. Visit the PSU World Campus partnership page for additional information about this new benefit for Chamber members. 

Member News – May 23, 2018

May 23, 2018

Member News

  • Today, Thursday and Friday are the last days to check out the free art exhibit at the Weis Center for the Performing Arts, in collaboration with the Columbia-Montour Visitors Bureau and the Susquehanna River Arts initiative. This exhibit and installation featuring the work of 10 local artists runs through May 25 in the Weis Center’s upper Atrium Lobby. The exhibit is free and takes place on the upper level of the Atrium Lobby, which is open to the public from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. weekdays. Participating artists include: Annie Barnhart, Robert Brown, Pete Grimord, Joan Grimord, Gail Fox, Glen Klein, Abigail Kurecian, Sara Mika, Pam Thomas and William Whitmoyer. Each artist will have several samples of artwork on display. 


  • Wild For Salmon hosts its annual spring picnic, this year titled “Salute to Salmon” on Saturday, May 26, from 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. at its store on 521 Montour Blvd. (Rt. 11) in Bloomsburg. Chef Josh will be grilling up portions of Asian-glazed salmon with apple slaw for sale and offering free poke bar samples. Sockeye salmon purchases will also be discounted. Join the Wild For Salmon team for some more outstanding seafood tasting and wish the team of fishermen well as they prepare for their annual excursion up to Alaska to do their fishing in Bristol Bay in June and July. For more information, visit Wild For Salmon’s Facebook event


  • There is just one presentation left of “A Matter of Balance,” an award-winning program for older adults designed to manage falls and increase activity levels. Geisinger Health Plan and the Columbia-Montour Aging Office, Inc. have teamed up to bring this program to the area over the last two months, and the final program will be offered on Tuesday, May 29 from 10:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. at at Maria Joseph Continuing Care Community, located at 1707 Montour Blvd. (Rt. 11), Danville. Attendees will learn to view falls as controllable, set goals for increasing activity, make changes to reduce fall risks at home and exercise to increase strength and balance. Registration is required, and to do so, call the GHP wellness team at 866-415-7138. 


  • Art of Floating will hold a open house and day of celebration for its 5th anniversary on Saturday, June 9. Additional information, including sponsors and vendors will be announced soon, but as part of the event, Art of Floating will also be collecting donations for the Ronald McDonald House of Danville, and anyone that makes a donation will receive a 15% off coupon at Art of Floating. Items needed by RMHD include: sugar, mayo, powdered creamer, ketchup, chicken broth, cooking oil, 40-watt LED light bulbs, battery operated alarm clocks, all-purpose copier paper, non-stick frying pans, electric griddles, heating pads, HE laundry detergent, dishwasher detergent, anti-bacterial hand soap and postage stamps. 


  • The Bloomsburg Area YMCA will hold its 11th annual community yard sale on Saturday, June 9, from 6:30 a.m. – 1 p.m. to support youth development, healthy living and social responsibility in the community through programs at the Y. If you have stuff taking up space around your home that could become someone else’s treasure, look for the Steve Shannon truck in the Y parking lot to drop off your items and support a good cause. The Y will be accepting household items, bedding, games, toys, collectibles, small appliances in working condition, furniture, clean clothing, shoes and boots, dishes, holiday decorations, and more, but no TVs, printers, or computers. Any individuals or groups looking to volunteer for the yard sale or donate food for the bake sale can call the Y at 570-784-0188 or visit the front desk of the Y.

Members Get a Taste of the Theatre at May’s First Business After Hours

May 22, 2018

Ensemble interns perform excerpts from AHA! Amazing Inventors and their Extraordinary Inventions at Chamber Business After Hours on May 16.

Chamber members had a chance to see some excerpts from an ongoing production of the Bloomsburg Theatre Ensemble while also enjoying some delicious appetizers, beer from Berwick Brewing and other drinks, during a lively Business After Hours on May 16 at BTE, as the Ensemble continued the celebration of its 40th season, which is wrapping up and has just two shows remaining. 

In addition to the usual networking, catching up with old and current friends and acquaintances and meeting new ones that routinely occurs at Business After Hours, actors from BTE’s Theatre in the Classroom tour performed for attendees, an excerpt from their ongoing 2018 production, AHA! Amazing Inventors and their Extraordinary Inventions. BTE managing director Jon White-Spunner briefly addressed attendees and made note of the rarity of having a local theatre company in a rural area such as Bloomsburg, and the equal rarity of such an organization being around for 40 years (and counting). BTE board of trustees president Mark Gardner of M&T Bank (also a member of the Chamber’s board), also made an invitation to anyone interested in serving on the BTE board, as it is looking for new board members. Anyone interested in serving on the BTE board should contact White-Spunner by email. Around all of these activities, members also had a chance to feast on some great tasting appetizers and drinks, including some beer from fellow member Berwick Brewing, which included some of its recently bottled IPA (being bottled in the video below). 

Business After Hours provide regular opportunities to build business relationships while learning about the services offered by other Chamber members. The next Business After Hours will be held at Bloomsburg University’s Soltz Hall, located at 400 East 2nd St., Bloomsburg, on Wednesday, May 30, from 4:30-6:30 p.m. 

This Week in the Pennsylvania Legislature

May 21, 2018

From PA Chamber of Business & Industry

House and Senate lawmakers both return to session this week, with the Senate convening Monday through Wednesday and the House coming in Tuesday through Thursday.

With less than six weeks to go before the end of the 2017-18 Fiscal Year, the General Assembly met some headwinds last week in their quest for funding to balance the coming year’s spending plan. A question that had been tied up in court concerned whether the General Assembly could transfer $200 million from the state’s Joint Underwriting Association to the general fund. This question was answered last week when a federal Judge Christopher Conner ruled it could not, explaining, “The association’s function is inherently private. It is, as its core, an insurance company …The commonwealth cannot take those funds without just compensation.”   This order – which House GOP spokesman Steve Miskin called “overly broad,” could have larger implications on the Fiscal Code and means that the state will have $200 million less than it planned on for 2018-19. Wolf administration spokesman J.J. Abbott called the transfer “one of the many mechanisms passed by the General Assembly and signed into law to eliminate the deficit,” adding that the administration as reviewing the decision.

While elected officials contend with this new development, the PA Chamber is also urging lawmakers to pass legislation that would fix a recent anti-business ruling by the state Department of Revenue. Senate Bill 1056 – which passed the Senate late last month , and H.B. 2017 – which passed the House in March, would reverse the agency’s ruling issued last December that prohibits Pennsylvania taxpayers from taking advantage of 100 percent bonus depreciation when filing their corporate taxes, and would provide for a generally accepted depreciation schedule. The PA Chamber supports both bills as they would reverse the department’s action, which has made Pennsylvania less competitive and dissuades businesses from making purchases such as new equipment that would help to expand and improve their facilities.

State Senator John Gordner and PA Chamber director of government affairs Alex Halper will discuss these and other issues currently under consideration in Harrisburg at the Chamber’s spring legislative breakfast on Thursday, May 31 at the Greenly Center in downtown Bloomsburg. Cost is $20 for members and $30 for non-members, which includes a buffet breakfast. 

Zartman Construction Opens New Tool and Equipment Rental Shop, Bear Rental

May 20, 2018

On Saturday, May 19, the Columbia Montour Chamber helped the team at Zartman Construction cut the ribbon on its new venture, Bear Rental, a retail tool and equipment rental service. They were also joined by representatives from two other Chambers, as well as PA state rep. Lynda Schlegel Culver. Zartman owner and president Dave Zartman and Rep. Schlegel Culver each made brief remarks prior the the ribbon cutting. 

Bear Rental has a wide selection of tools and equipment available for rental. From small and simple items like shovels and rakes, all the way up to large scissor lifts and cranes, Bear Rental offers nearly anything that someone could need for a home improvement, landscaping or heavy construction project, whether it is for a weekend, do-it-yourself project, or a longer term construction project with a contractor. Zartman invested over $200K to add to its already vast inventory of tools and equipment in order to get Bear Rental up and running. Its motto is “problem solved.” 

Bear Rental, which is located inside the Zartman Construction facility on Route 11 between Danville and Northumberland, can be reached at 570-701-1525, via email or visit its website


Welcome Traditional Home Care

May 19, 2018

More than 400 businesses and organizations belong to the Chamber to receive benefits and support efforts to strengthen their businesses and our region. Increased membership allows us to offer additional programs and benefits, have a stronger voice in advocacy and be involved in more activities and initiatives in our communities. The Chamber welcomes its newest member, Traditional Home Care, to help us fulfill our mission.

Based on Dunmore just outside Scranton, Traditional Home Care recently moved into Berwick at 139 West Front St. It provides various services, mainly to seniors, to assist them in their homes with personal care, companionship, help around the home and much more. Its unique, evolving and multi-disciplinary approach to health care places an emphasis on the individual needs of the patient. Traditional’s goals are to restore the patient’s health and increase patient confidence in their own abilities so that they may lead healthier, more productive lives. Traditional’s Berwick branch can be reached at 570-507-9420 or visit its website

PA Chamber Urges Lawmakers to Address Protz Fix

May 18, 2018

From PA Chamber of Business & Industry

The PA Chamber is urging lawmakers to prioritize the consideration of legislation that would provide a fix to a financially devastating state Supreme Court decision related to workers’ compensation.

Last year, the Court’s decision in the Protz v. Workers’ Compensation Appeals Board case threw out the Impairment Rating Evaluation process, which for more than 20 years had been a fair and effective way for state-designated physicians to determine whether patients were healthy enough to someday return to work or should continue receiving wage-loss benefits indefinitely. The Court’s ruling – which was essentially based on a technicality – prompted the Pennsylvania Compensation Rating Bureau to file a mid-year loss cost increase, which is raising insurance premiums for Pennsylvania employers and will ultimately impose hundreds of millions of dollars in additional costs every year.

The PA Chamber has since spent time educating the business community about reasons behind these anticipated cost hikes while also advocating for a legislative fix. Senate Bill 963, which passed Committee and awaits further consideration in the Senate, and H.B. 1840, which awaits action by the House Labor and Industry committee, would update Pennsylvania’s workers’ compensation law to address the concern raised by the Supreme County. The concern centered on a provision of the Act that directed physicians conducting an IRE to use the most recent edition of American Medical Association guidelines. Since the guidelines are updated by AMA doctors periodically without oversight from the Pennsylvania legislature, the Court ruled the legislature has unconstitutionally delegated authority. The two bills, which were introduced by the respective chairs of the Senate and House Labor and Industry Committees, would address this concern by adopting the most recent edition of the AMA guidelines.

The PA Chamber is coordinating a broad-based coalition of supporters for this legislation. In memos sent to lawmakers earlier this year, the coalition – which is comprised of various business, local government, medical and school board groups – urged support for these bills to help save Pennsylvania employers from this heavy financial burden. “The IRE using AMA guides is a nationally accepted means of adjusting to changes that inevitably occur during the course of an employee’s recovery from injury,” the coalition wrote. “S.B. 963 will help ensure the constitutionality of the IRE process by updating the law with the most recent edition of the AMA guides and applying it to future claims. We urge you to support this bill and help save Pennsylvania employers hundreds of millions of dollars in increased insurance costs.”

Apprenticeship Summit at Penn College Highlights Skilled Trades

May 17, 2018

Earlier this month, business and education leaders from across the region, including representatives from the Columbia Montour Chamber and the Chamber Foundation, gathered at Pennsylvania College of Technology in Williamsport to discuss apprenticeships as one piece of the puzzle in addressing workforce needs. As employers of all sizes and sectors are challenged to find quality employees, statewide surveys show that those who invest in their employee development have the highest levels of satisfaction with their workforce. Programs and funding are being developed to support apprenticeships in a number of fields. 

Jim Nemeth, human resources director for North American operations at Autoneum (pictured), provided an overview of the mechatronics apprenticeship program that they developed with Penn College in collaboration with Kawneer and SEKISUI SPI. A traditional apprenticeship consists of 8,000 hours of on-the-job training combined with academic instruction of approximately 144 hours. Penn College recently partnered with the Central Pennsylvania Workforce Development Corporation to offer the program to other employers in the region with tuition assistance. Dr. Davie Jane Gilmour, Penn College president, also announced a $576K state grant to increase the College’s capacity in apprenticeship and pre-apprenticeship programs.

Dr. Robert Lerman of the Urban Institute noted at the Summit that apprentices make up just .28% percent of the U.S. workforce, which is significantly lower than a number of European countries. While funding was recently increased to $150 million by the federal government, the U.S. has a long way to go to catch up to those countries in fostering apprenticeships, according to Lerman. He and Nemeth agreed that the state and/or federal government needs be more proactive in certifying apprenticeships. Currently, labor unions are coordinating a number of certifications. Eric Ramsay, director of the apprenticeship and training office with the Pennsylvania Department of Labor & Industry, said that his office is getting additional resources to be able to certify apprenticeships.

Surveys conducted by the PA Chamber of Business & Industry in recent years echoed what our members are telling us, that finding skilled employees is their number one issue. Those surveys also show that employers who are proactive in investing in their employee development are more satisfied with their workforce. According to Dr. Gilmour, companies realize a $1.50 return on investment for every dollar invested in employee education.

The Columbia Montour Chamber and its Foundation are working to address member workforce needs on a number of fronts. The Foundation supports programs in our local school districts to develop employability skills in students, and expose them to career opportunities in our area. The Chamber and Foundation are working to connect members with educational and other resources to strengthen the skills of existing employees, in an effort to meet immediate needs. The Chamber is also advocating for long-term policy changes to better align our educational resources and encourage people to want to work. If you are interested in learning more about these workforce initiatives, contact Fred Gaffney at the Chamber at 570-784-2522 or email, or Jeff Emanuel at the Chamber’s Foundation at the same number or email.

Member News – May 16, 2018

May 16, 2018

Member News

  • The Wilkes Small Business Development Center will hold its next First Step workshop for aspiring entrepreneurs tonight, May 16 at 6 p.m. at its location at 85 South Main St., Wilkes-Barre. This event is intended to help aspiring business owners begin the process of successful business ownership, including evaluating business ideas, developing a business plan and exploring financing options. Cost is $20. To register, visit the link above or call 570-577-1249.


  • Service 1st Federal Credit Union last week announced a merger with NU Community Credit Union, which was approved by a vote of the NU membership on May 10. The merger also received approval from the Pennsylvania Department of Banking and Securities. The corporate title of the resulting credit union will be Service 1st Federal Credit Union. The effective date of the merger is June 1, with full account conversion scheduled for Aug. 2. NU Community Credit Union employees will be joining the Service 1st team. On Aug. 2, their branch, located at 2613 State Route 45, Milton, will become Service 1st’s eleventh office and available to all members.


  • The Bucknell Small Business Development Center presents the last of a three-part series on marketing to customers tomorrow, May 17, from 10-11:30 a.m. at 416 Market St., Lewisburg. Titled “Marketing Online: Getting Under the Hood With the Tools of the Trade,” this workshop will take a deep dive into social media analytics. It will show attendees how to access key customer demographic information and help manage social media strategy and maximize time efficiency on these platforms. For more information, visit the the Bucknell SBDC’s events page. Cost is $35 and registration can be done online or by calling 570-577-1249.


  • Red Rock Job Corps Center invites interested parties to bid on a repair project at its building in Lopez. The job requires the removal of flooring, constructing of a trench drain system in the crawlspace below the floor, connection of the drainage system to the main drain/sump pump, and installation of the new floor and repair of the remainder of the existing floor. See the scope of work for more information, and for additional information or questions, call 570-477-0203. A mandatory pre-bid walk through will take place tomorrow, May 17 at 10 a.m., during which a complete bid packet will be distributed. the bid due date is June 1


  • Penn College and WVIA Public Media invite K-12 students, teachers and parents to create their own original board games or video games in the Game On! Art Challenge. Inspired by the documentary “Working Class: Game On! Why Math Matters,” which aired on WVIA and can be viewed on WVIA On Demand, YouTube and the series website, this challenge invites entries of original games created by students in grades K-12, as well as teachers and parents in either classic board game style or in a video game format. The entry deadline is May 18. There are three categories: Grades K-6, 7-12 and teacher/parent. Email entries to Elaine Lambert, executive producer of the the documentary. For more information, visit here.


  • CSS Industries, Inc. (Berwick Offray) will conduct a job fair at the Columbia Montour Chamber building, located at 238 Market St., Bloomsburg, this Friday, May 18 from 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. Learn more about the company and the positions available. Whether you’re looking for full-time, part-time or even summer work for students, CSS has a spot for you. 


  • Montour Area Recreation Commission staff and volunteers are planning a major cleanup of the 6.2-mile long North Branch Canal Trail in Columbia and Montour Counties on Sunday, May 20, from 1-5 p.m. This is MARC’s most ambitious cleanup effort yet along the trail, therefore it is seeking additional volunteers, who are asked to wear boots or other sturdy footwear, long pants and gloves. Children may attend but must be supervised by a parent or adult at all times. Light refreshments will be provided and the event will be held rain or shine, unless thunderstorms or other severe weather in anticipated. Volunteers are asked to meet at the Danville Soccer Park across from the Danville State Hospital at 1 p.m., and from there, the group will be broken into teams and head out to the trail. Volunteers aren’t required to stay until 5 p.m. and may leave whenever needed. For more information, please contact Bob Stoudt at 570-336-2060 or email


  • The Weis Center for the Performing Arts, in collaboration with the Columbia-Montour Visitors Bureau and the Susquehanna River Arts initiative, is hosting a free art exhibit and installation featuring the work of 10 local artists from now through Friday, May 25 in the Weis Center’s upper Atrium Lobby. The exhibit is free and takes place on the upper level of the Atrium Lobby, which is open to the public from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. weekdays. Participating artists will include: Annie Barnhart, Robert Brown, Pete Grimord, Joan Grimord, Gail Fox, Glen Klein, Abigail Kurecian, Sara Mika, Pam Thomas and William Whitmoyer. Each artist will have several samples of artwork on display. 


  • Wild For Salmon will host its annual spring picnic, this year titled “Salute to Salmon” on Saturday, May 26, from 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. at its store on 521 Montour Blvd. (Rt. 11) in Bloomsburg. Chef Josh will be grilling up portions of Asian-glazed salmon with apple slaw for sale and offering free poke bar samples. Sockeye salmon purchases will also be discounted. Join the Wild For Salmon team for some more outstanding seafood tasting and wish the team of fishermen well as they prepare for their annual excursion up to Alaska to do their fishing in Bristol Bay in June and July. For more information, visit Wild For Salmon’s Facebook event


  • Geisinger Health Plan and the Columbia-Montour Aging Office, Inc. are teaming up to bring “A Matter of Balance,” an award-winning program, to the area for a series of presentations in April and May. This program for older adults and is designed to manage falls and increase activity levels. It is available to the public at no cost and will be held each Monday, through May 21, from 10:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. at Maria Joseph Continuing Care Community, located at 1707 Montour Blvd. (Rt. 11), Danville. The program will also be held on Tuesday, May 29 due to Memorial Day, and this will be the last class. Attendees will learn to view falls as controllable, set goals for increasing activity, make changes to reduce fall risks at home and exercise to increase strength and balance. Registration is required, and to do so, call the GHP wellness team at 866-415-7138. 


  • Art of Floating will hold a open house and day of celebration for its 5th anniversary on Saturday, June 9. Additional information, including sponsors and vendors will be announced soon, but as part of the event, Art of Floating will also be collecting donations for the Ronald McDonald House of Danville, and anyone that makes a donation will receive a 15% off coupon at Art of Floating. Items needed by RMHD include: sugar, mayo, powdered creamer, ketchup, chicken broth, cooking oil, 40-watt LED light bulbs, battery operated alarm clocks, all-purpose copier paper, non-stick frying pans, electric griddles, heating pads, HE laundry detergent, dishwasher detergent, anti-bacterial hand soap and postage stamps. 
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