Mike Atchie from Williams gives attendees at Tuesday’s Learn at Lunch an overview of the Atlantic Sunrise pipeline project. He also spoke about the WILLShop Local mobile app, which will encourage workers to patronize local businesses and which local businesses and sign up to be listed on for free.
Member News
Grand Opening and Ribbon Cutting at PFCU Tomorrow
Philadelphia Federal Credit Union (PFCU) will hold a ribbon cutting ceremony tomorrow, Aug. 10, at 11 a.m. at their new branch office located in the Route 11 Marketplace, 1615 Columbia Blvd. (Rt. 11), Bloomsburg. The ribbon cutting will be followed by a public grand opening featuring free food and giveaways, which will run until 2 p.m.
Next First Step Seminar in Bloomsburg Aug. 11
Have you ever thought about starting your own business, but weren’t quite sure if it would be right for you? Or maybe you want to know what paperwork you need in order to open your doors? These and several other common questions for small businesses will covered at the next First Step Seminar given by the Wilkes University Small Business Development Center (SBDC) this Friday, Aug. 11, at noon at the Downtown Bloomsburg, Inc. Business Incubator, 151 E. Main St., Bloomsburg. Laura Haden of the SBDC will speak about the different legal structures a business can be, how to write a business plan and create financial projections, and much more. Cost is $15 for the First Step book. Walk-ins are welcome but pre-registration is preferred. Register by calling 570-408-4334, email or online.
Bucknell SBDC Hosts Cybersecurity Workshop
Are you as secure as you think? Join Michael Frauenhoffer of MePush as he talks about compliance vs. actual security at StartUpLewisburg, 416 Market St., Lewisburg next Tuesday, Aug. 15 at noon. Hosted by the Bucknell Small Business Development Center, this event will also feature local pizza, networking and tours of StartupLewisburg, Bucknell University’s home for innovators and entrepreneurs in downtown Lewisburg. Register here.
Mandated Child Abuse Reporting Training Session Available
Montour County Children and Youth Services will host a free training for individuals who are mandated by law to report suspected child abuse next Thursday, Aug. 17, from 9 a.m.-12 p.m. The training program is put together by the Pennsylvania Family Support Alliance. Though this training is free, pre-registration is required. For more information or to register, fill out this form on the PFSA website. Those registering will receive an email once their registration has been processed, which will include the address for the training location.
Wild For Salmon Hosts Annual Fishtival Aug. 19
Help the crew at Wild For Salmon celebrate the return of its fishing team from its record-breaking season in Bristol Bay, Alaska as it hosts its annual Fishtival on Saturday, Aug. 19, from 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. outside its Bloomsburg store at 521 Montour Blvd. (Rt. 11). Owner Steve Kurian and his crew caught over 100,000 pounds of wild salmon during this year’s fishing season, and with harvest numbers so high, they want to share some with the public. There will be free samples of salmon cooked by Chef Josh and the Wild For Salmon crew, and several other visitors will be on hand to free tastings, including beer and wine samples from fellow Chamber members Turkey Hill Brewing and Freas Farm Winery. There will also be an educational booth this year discussing the importance of preserving the lifeblood of the business, Bristol Bay.
From ChamberChoice
In December 2016, employers faced one of the most dramatic changes in the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) in over 42 years. As a brief background, the FLSA establishes the federal minimum wage for all hours worked (currently $7.25 an hour), and overtime premium pay at one and one-half times an employee’s regular pay rate for worked hours exceeding 40 in one work week. The FLSA also exempts from overtime payments “any employee employed in a bona fide executive, administrative, or professional capacity”, generally referred to as the white collar exemption. Two of the three criteria for an employee to meet the white collar exemption is that the employee must be paid on a salary basis, and the salary must meet a minimum specified salary amount. The latter is known as the salary level test. The salary level test has been set at $455 weekly or $23,660 annualized, for some time.
In 2016, the Department of Labor under the Obama Administration increased the salary level test, more than doubling it, to $47,476 per year. This new salary threshold would have drastically expanded the number of employees eligible for overtime pay. Although scheduled to be effective December 1, 2016, causing a panic attack with employers, it was blocked from enforcement, when a nationwide preliminary injunction was issued by a federal court in Texas (which is in the Fifth Circuit). The preliminary injunction was appealed and is still pending today.
However, what the Trump Administration’s Department of Labor has decided to do is ask the Court not to address the validity of the 2016 rule and salary level test. This will give the DOL an opportunity to revisit the issue through new rulemaking. This request is in line with President Trump’s charge for federal agencies to review regulations with a focus on lowering regulatory burden.
On July 25, the DOL 25 issued a Request for Information (RFI). An RFI is an opportunity for the public to provide data and information that may be used to revise a rule. The RFI seeks comments on a variety of topics under the FLSA, but basically focusing on the salary level test which has been on hold.
Some of the issues for which the RFI seeks comment are:
- Whether the salary test should be updated based on inflation;
- Whether there should be a multiple salary level test and whether differences in employer size or locality should matter;
- What the impact of the 2016 rule was and did employers make changes in anticipation of the rule;
- Were specific industries/positions impacted more than others;
- Was the provision permitting 10% of the salary level test to be satisfied with bonuses appropriate; and
- Should the salary levels be automatically updated?
Of course, the merit of these comments will be dependent on the Fifth Circuit’s decision on whether the salary test is permissible to begin with. A favorable determination will provide the Department with information to proceed on a new rulemaking. Employers should continue to watch this issue until finalized.
U.S. Senator Bob Casey heard about the challenges of local businesses at a roundtable meeting held Monday in Danville. Common themes among the participants included the cost of health insurance, challenges of recruiting employees, lack of broadband in rural areas, and burdensome regulations. The meeting was organized by the Danville Business Alliance and held at Old Forge Brewing Company.
The approximately 30 attendees represented a cross-section of business types including members: Bason Coffee Roasting, Pine Barn Inn, G.S. Woods Financial Solutions, U.S. Gypsum, and Danville Child Development Center. Recruiting quality employees continues to be a challenge for all sizes and types of employers. Specific issues cited at the roundtable included the need to support skilled trades education, wages levels, and the inability for small businesses to afford health insurance coverage for their employees.
Following the recent failed attempts at repealing and replacing the Affordable Care Act, Senator Casey stated that there have been “more positive discussions about health care in the last ten days than in the last ten months.” He expects that targeted reforms to the existing legislation will advance in September. Improving the affordability of health insurance for small business owners and their non-subsidized employees will take longer, he admitted.
Another widespread hindrance to business growth is burdensome regulations. Larger employers talked about excessive environmental regulations while smaller employers asked for clarification on how certain rules might apply to their businesses. Legislation has already passed the House and has been introduced in the Senate (S. 951) which would require more public input and transparency in government agency rulemaking. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce and PA Chamber of Business and Industry are supporting this legislation. Senator Casey did not express his opinion on the bill.
Lack of broadband internet access in rural areas such as northern parts of Montour and Columbia counties also prohibits business development. The Senator has petitioned the Federal Communications Commission to keep federal dollars intended for infrastructure expansion in Pennsylvania. He feels that a long-term solution is a nationwide infrastructure enhancement package. The Columbia Montour Chamber has advocated for improved broadband and telecommunications infrastructure to both federal and state legislators.
Senator Casey thanked the participants for their input and pledged follow up on a number of specific questions.
More than 400 businesses and organizations belong to the Chamber to receive benefits and support efforts to strengthen their businesses and our region. Increased membership allows us to offer additional programs and benefits, have a stronger voice in advocacy and be involved in more activities and initiatives in our communities. The Chamber welcomes its newest member, Comfort Keepers, to help us fulfill our mission.
Comfort Keepers is a national company made up of franchises that provide in-home, non-medical care for seniors and other adults. Locally, the Bloomsburg office, located at 7185B Columbia Blvd. (Rt. 11), is one of several offices run by the local franchise group, which also has offices in Allentown, Bethlehem, Hazleton, Drums, Pottsville, Quakertown, Shenandoah, Stroudsburg, Sugarloaf and Wilkes-Barre. Comfort Keepers caretakers provide personal care services such as bathing, grooming and hygiene, mobility assistance, transferring and positioning, feeding, dementia care and medication reminders. Caretakers also can provide companionship, meal preparation, laundry services, light housekeeping, grocery shopping and respite care or relief for family members. Comfort Keepers in Bloomsburg services all of Columbia County. For more information, call 888-450-0890 or visit its website.
Students from throughout the region can attend the Central Columbia School District’s award winning, state-of-the-art Career Pathway high school free of charge to parents. By enrolling in a state-approved program at Central, students whose home school district does not offer that program may attend Central Columbia. The approved programs are three or four-year programs in agriculture operations and agriculture mechanization and three-year programs in engineering and accounting.
Incoming freshman may apply for admission in the two agricultural programs and incoming 10th graders may apply for admission to engineering, accounting or the two agricultural programs. Once admitted, students must stay in an approved program and make progress toward graduation. Enrolled students are fully recognized students at Central Columbia High School and may participate in all courses, activities and extra-curricular programs.
From the student’s and parent’s perspective, these programs work similar to programs at Columbia-Montour Vo-Tech where the student is enrolled in that school full time. The difference is that the programs are hosted by Central Columbia.
Central Columbia High School’s community open house is Sunday, Aug. 20, from 2-4 p.m. when all community members and interested parents and students may tour the building.
Interested parents and students should contact Chris Snyder or Jeff Groshek at the high school office at 570-784-2850, ext. 1000 to schedule a private tour and meeting to discuss the options. The school year begins August 24, so act quickly if interested.
The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), in its recent short-term energy outlook report, predicts that in 2017, natural gas will either exceed or equal coal as a source of electricity generation for the second straight year. Last year was the first that natural gas-fired electricity generation exceeded coal-fired generation, with coal generating 30% of U.S. electricity and natural gas responsible for 34%. In 2017, through the first four months, coal has provided 30% of U.S. electricity while natural gas has provided 28%, and the EIA expects that by the end of the year, both coal and natural gas will have each generated about 31% of the electricity in the U.S.
The EIA also recently released statistics that showed Pennsylvania as ranking second in the nation in natural gas production for the fourth straight year. Natural gas is a big part of the PA economy, and locally, a new natural gas pipeline is scheduled to get underway later this year. It will have an estimated economic impact of $85.5 million for Columbia County alone, and $1.6 billion for all of the project’s regions. The Atlantic Sunrise pipeline will expand the Transco gas pipeline system with a new pipe approximately 185 miles long connecting the existing pipeline just north of Columbia County to southeast Pennsylvania, which will allow for more efficient transportation of Marcellus Shale natural gas and should enable even more to be exported.
Williams is also encouraging all workers that come into the area to work on this project to patronize local businesses. More information about the opportunities for local businesses related to this pipeline project will be available at the Chamber’s next Learn at Lunch, sponsored by PPL Electric Utilities, this Tuesday, Aug. 8, at noon at Wesley United Methodist Church. Mike Atchie from Williams will talk about the different types of opportunities for local businesses to cater to the visiting workers and give an overall update on the project at this event. The cost to attend this event is $10 for lunch and those interested can register here.
From Bloomsburg Police Department
The Bloomsburg Police Department would like to notify motorists of pending parking restrictions on Main St. in Bloomsburg. These parking restrictions will be in effect for a micro-paving project contracted by PennDOT. The paving is scheduled to take place during the following nights.
Monday August 7, 2017; Parking WILL NOT be permitted on Main Street between East Street and West Street from 6:00 PM to 6:00 AM.
Tuesday August 8, 2017; Parking WILL NOT be permitted on Main Street between East Street and West Street from 6:00 PM to 6:00 AM.
Wednesday August 9, 2017; Parking WILL NOT be permitted on West Main Street between West Street and Ft. McClure Blvd. from 6:00 PM to 6:00 AM.
Any vehicles found parked in these locations during the date and time when parking is prohibited will be subject to ticketing and towing at the owners expense.
Motorist are encouraged to use the public municipal parking lots off of Main Street while visiting downtown Bloomsburg.
For questions contact the Bloomsburg Parking Enforcement Office or the Bloomsburg Police Department.
The Geisinger Education and Medical Simulation (GEMS) Center has recently been updated to provide opportunities for medical students and professionals to enhance their skills. The GEMS Center was designed to provide a comprehensive program of clinical skills education and assessment. This includes such things as standardized patients, task trainers, simulations, web-based modules and workshops for medical students, residents, attending physicians, nurses, and other members of the health care team.
The GEMS Center promotes clinical skill activities that support and enhance interprofessional and interdisciplinary teamwork, educational accreditation, maintenance of certification and patient safety and quality of care initiatives. These initiatives integrate simulation to effectively train and objectively assess applied knowledge, adequacy of skills and level of competence.
The newest section of the GEMS Center is located on the Geisinger Medical Center campus in the former Interim Lab Building by the School of Nursing.
Member News
LCCC Berwick Center Hosts Open House and Financial Aid Workshop Tonight
Luzerne County Community College will host an Open House on Wednesday, Aug. 2 from 3-8 p.m. at its Berwick Center, located at 107 S. Market St., lower level, Berwick. Attendees will have an opportunity to learn how to apply, what programs and degrees are offered, costs, as well as clubs and activities available to LCCC students. A financial aid workshop will be conducted at 5 p.m. as a part of this event. For more information, visit here, or call Rose Goin, center director at 570-759-3900 or email.
Weis Center at Bucknell University Announces 2017-18 Season Schedule
The 30th anniversary season at the Weis Center for the Performing Arts at Bucknell University features 33 events from across the United States and around the globe and includes Americana/roots, bluegrass, zydeco, classical, jazz, blues, world music, dance, and Family Discovery performances. Ten performances are free. Performances begin in late August and continue through April 2018.
The season will kick-off on Friday, Aug. 25, at 6 p.m. with a free outdoor concert on the Weis Center Plaza by Grammy-nominated Zydeco innovator Corey Ledet & His Zydeco Band. A second free outdoor concert will be offered on Thursday, Sept. 7, at 6 p.m. on the Weis Center Plaza by Ranky Tanky, a South Carolina-based quintet that performs Sea Island Gullah music.
For details of all 33 events of the Weis Center’s season, visit its website. To request a free hard-copy brochure, contact Lisa Leighton, marketing and outreach director, at 570-577-3727 or email.
Philadelphia Federal Credit Union to Host Ribbon Cutting and Grand Opening of New Branch
Philadelphia Federal Credit Union (PFCU) will hold a ribbon cutting ceremony next Thursday, Aug. 10, at 11 a.m. at their new branch office located in the Route 11 Marketplace, 1615 Columbia Blvd. (Rt. 11), Bloomsburg. The ribbon cutting will be followed by a public grand opening featuring free food and giveaways, which will run until 2 p.m.
Next First Step Seminar in Bloomsburg Aug. 11
Have you ever thought about starting your own business, but weren’t quite sure if it would be right for you? Or maybe you want to know what paperwork you need in order to open your doors? These and several other common questions for small businesses will covered at the next First Step Seminar given by the Wilkes University Small Business Development Center (SBDC) on Friday, Aug. 11, at noon at the Downtown Bloomsburg, Inc. Business Incubator, 151 E. Main St., Bloomsburg. Laura Haden of the SBDC will speak about the different legal structures a business can be, how to write a business plan and create financial projections, and much more. Cost is $15 for the First Step book. Walk-ins are welcome but pre-registration is preferred. Register by calling 570-408-4334, email or online.
Bucknell SBDC Hosts Cybersecurity Workshop
Are you as secure as you think? Join Michael Frauenhoffer of MePush as he talks about compliance vs. actual security at StartUpLewisburg, 416 Market St., Lewisburg on Tuesday, Aug. 15 at noon. Hosted by the Bucknell Small Business Development Center, this event will also feature local pizza, networking and tours of StartupLewisburg, Bucknell University’s home for innovators and entrepreneurs in downtown Lewisburg. Register here.
Mandated Child Abuse Reporting Training Session Available
Montour County Children and Youth Services will host a free training for individuals who are mandated by law to report suspected child abuse on Thursday, Aug. 17, from 9 a.m.-12 p.m. The training program is put together by the Pennsylvania Family Support Alliance. Though this training is free, pre-registration is required. For more information or to register, fill out this form on the PFSA website. Those registering will receive an email once their registration has been processed, which will include the address for the training location.
Wild For Salmon Hosts Annual Fishtival Aug. 19
Help the crew at Wild For Salmon celebrate the return of its fishing team from its record-breaking season in Bristol Bay, Alaska as it hosts its annual Fishtival on Saturday, Aug. 19 from 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. outside its Bloomsburg store at 521 Montour Blvd. (Rt. 11). Owner Steve Kurian and his crew caught over 100,000 pounds of wild salmon during this year’s fishing season, and with harvest numbers so high, they want to share some with the public. There will be free samples of salmon cooked by Chef Josh and the Wild For Salmon crew, and several other visitors will be on hand to free tastings, including beer and wine samples from fellow Chamber members Turkey Hill Brewing and Freas Farm Winery. There will also be an educational booth this year discussing the importance of preserving the lifeblood of the business, Bristol Bay.