From ChamberChoice
Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) have become one of the more popular spending accounts for both employees and employers. HSAs are tax-favored IRA-type trust or custodial accounts that can be contributed to by, or on behalf of, “eligible individuals” who are covered by certain High-Deductible Health Plans (HDHPs). The HSA can be used to pay for certain qualified medical expenses of the eligible individuals and their spouses and tax dependents.
Only an “eligible individual” can establish an HSA and make HSA contributions or have them made on his or her behalf. There are two groups of individuals who are ineligible for HSA contributions: those who can be claimed as tax dependents, and those who are entitled to Medicare. As a side note, “entitled to Medicare” means enrolled in and receiving Medicare benefits. Thus, mere eligibility for Medicare benefits (without enrollment) will not disqualify an individual from HSA eligibility.
An HSA-eligible individual can make contributions (up to statutory limits) to an HSA and get an “above-the-line” tax deduction, which means that the contributions reduce the individual’s adjusted gross income before itemized or standard deductions are considered. On the other hand, instead of an “above the line” deduction, many employers permit employees to contribute to an HSA on a pre-tax basis through the employer’s cafeteria plan [Note: An employee having deductions done pretax through an employer cannot also take an above the line deduction on tax forms]. Any investment earnings generated on HSA funds are also generally tax-free. HSA funds withdrawn for qualified medical expenses escape federal taxation entirely.
In order to be eligible to establish an HSA, an individual must be covered under an HDHP for the months for which contributions are made to the HSA. In addition, an eligible individual cannot have coverage under any non-HDHP that provides coverage for any benefit covered by the HDHP. IRS guidance interprets this coverage restriction to mean that any other health coverage, that is not a HDHP would disqualify an otherwise eligible individual unless it only constitutes preventive care, certain permitted coverage, or certain permitted insurance. As a reminder, this prohibition on having other non-HDHP coverage includes health plans such as health Flexible Spending Accounts (health FSAs) or Health Reimbursement Arrangements (HRAs).
Recently, the IRS issued the inflation adjusted amounts applicable to HSAs and HDHPs. The following chart compares the 2017 and 2018 limitations.
It’s not too early to start reviewing current employee benefits offered and planning on what to provide in 2018. An employer currently offering a HDHP in conjunction with an HSA needs to ensure that any health plan limitations will meet the IRS requirements.
As a benefit to Chamber members, JRG Advisors, the management team behind ChamberChoice, are available on a consultative basis to assist members in planning their healthcare benefits offerings. They can be reached at 1-800-377-3539 or visit their website for more information.
From PA Chamber of Business & Industry
With the last month of the fiscal year officially underway, House and Senate lawmakers return to session for what are sure to be several busy weeks with a focus on the budget and related policy items. The House has even extended its week by scheduling Thursday, June 8 as a voting session day.
Much attention will be paid to the General Assembly’s efforts to pass and send to the governor’s desk S.B. 1, a comprehensive public pension reform measure that would offer different retirement options to new state and public school employees, as opposed to the current, defined benefit pension plan that has proven to be unsustainable. The PA Chamber is advocating for this measure to rein in the steady growth of the public pension systems and ensure that they can remain intact for future generations of workers. Gov. Wolf has indicated that he would sign the legislation. According to a Pennlive story, the governor has confirmed that he has worked with legislative leaders toward the “matrix of a good pension reform bill,” adding, “I’m happy to sign a pension reform bill that makes it to my desk.”
In the House, business-related bills on the calendar include: H.B. 1213, which would provide much-needed limitations on the practice of taxing districts spot appealing individual property assessments.
It is possible the Senate may consider bills of interest to members that have already received committee approval: S.B.128, which would ban municipalities from passing leave and sick-day requirements stronger than those mandated by the state and federal government; S.B. 586, which would provide much-needed limitations on the practice of taxing districts spot appealing individual property assessments; and S.B. 725, which would require approval of the General Assembly before implementation of a state plan under the federal Every Student Succeeds Act.
The new mobile app being developed by Williams to help workers from out of the area working on the Atlantic Sunrise gas pipeline project find local goods and services, was featured last week on a news report on WBRE-TV, which also included interviews with Chamber members Wagner’s Trophies and Steph’s Subs.
Any local business that would like to be included on this app can register, free of charge. Follow the link below from the Chamber’s Facebook page to view the video clip.
On Friday, June 2, North Shore Railroad celebrated the three industry awards that it received this year with a reception and awards ceremony in Northumberland. The short line railroad company received three awards in 2017: the Marketing Award from the American Short Line and Regional Railroad Association, the Railway Age Short Line Railroad of the Year Award, and the Norfolk Southern Short Line of the Year honor. While it is usually impressive to win just one of these prestigious industry awards in a given year, to win all three is remarkable and unprecedented. Representatives from all three organizations came in from out of town to be in attendance and present North Shore with the awards.
See the video below from the Chamber’s Facebook page for Chamber President Fred Gaffney’s brief remarks at the ceremony.
Last week, it was announced that Chamber members that utilized the ChamberChoice business insurance program through Penn National Insurance will receive an 8% dividend in cash back for policies written and retained during the program’s fifth year (May 1, 2015 – April 30, 2016). The actual dollar amount that Columbia Montour Chamber members enrolled in the program will receive back this year is $38,695.38. This brings the five-year total of dividends distributed back to Columbia Montour Chamber members to more than $173,000. Checks for this year’s dividends will be mailed to participating members during June.
Overall, since the program’s inception in 2011, over $6 million has been returned to member businesses across all Chambers that offer this program through ChamberChoice, with an average annual dividend of 7.4%.
To see if this program could be a good fit for your business, contact Chamber members Associated Insurance Management at 570-275-0100 or Hutchison Insurance Agency at 570-784-5550, for a no-obligation quote.
Member News
Knoebels Voted Favorite Traditional Amusement Park for Fifth Straight Year
For the fifth consecutive year, Knoebels Amusement Park was voted the Favorite Traditional Park in the National Amusement Park Historical Association’s (NAPHA) 31st annual Amusement Park and Attractions Survey. Knoebels was also named the Best Park for Families, beating out Walt Disney World among many others, and the Phoenix was named the Favorite Wooden Roller Coaster.
North Shore Railroad Garners Third Industry Award of the Year
North Shore Railroad (NSHR) was recognized last week as the Norfolk Southern (NS) “Short Line of the Year” at NS’ Short Line Convention held in Norfolk, Va. NSHR’s Lycoming Valley Railroad in Lycoming County and Union County Industrial Railroad also received NS 250 Business Initiative Awards at the same event. This marks the third highly coveted industry award that NSHR has garnered this year. In March, it received an American Short Line and Regional Railroad Association marketing award, as well as the Railway Age Short Line Railroad of the Year honor.
Pennsylvania State Representative Lynda Schlegel Culver commented, “I applaud the commitment and dedication of the employees and leadership of North Shore Railroad for rising to the challenge and meeting and exceeding the needs in the transportation network. North Shore Railroad has been integral for the transportation industry in our area and our state, and I wish them many years of continued success.”
Attend a Yoga Mala Event to Help Beautify Downtown Danville
Join your community in raising awareness and funds to help beautify downtown Danville as you help Mill Street become a thriving and vibrant downtown destination for everyone to enjoy. A yoga mala event will bring together community members to support this common cause this Sunday, June 4, at 2 p.m at Goose Cove Field at the Montour Preserve. Those that attend will be guided through 108 sun-salutations to honor growth, transformation, and new beginnings. This is a donation-based event, and the public is welcome. All donations raised will help provide for new public amenities such as bicycle racks, flowers and decorative plant potters, benches, and much more in downtown Danville.
Free Cancer Screenings in Bloomsburg
Geisinger Health System will provide free skin cancer screenings next Tuesday, June 6 from 1–4 p.m. at Geisinger Bloomsburg, 2407 Reichart Road, Bloomsburg. Appointments are required. To register, visit or call 800-275-6401.
First Columbia Hosts Ribbon Cutting and Grand Opening for New Danville Branch
First Columbia will celebrate the opening of its new community banking office at 400 Walnut St., Danville, with a ribbon cutting and a pair of grand opening events next week. The ribbon cutting will be held on Thursday, June 8 at 8 a.m. at the new branch. Then, later that day, as well as the following day, June 9, there will be a pair of public grand opening events from 11 a.m. – 4 p.m., which will feature community picnic buffets.
Next First Step Seminar in Bloomsburg Set for June 9
Have you ever thought about starting your own business, but weren’t quite sure if it would be right for you? Or maybe you want to know what paperwork you need in order to open your doors? These and several other common questions for small businesses will covered at the next First Step Seminar given by the Wilkes University Small Business Development Center (SBDC) on Friday, June 9, at noon at the Downtown Bloomsburg, Inc. Business Incubator, 151 E. Main St., Bloomsburg. Laura Haden of the SBDC will speak about the different legal structures a business can be, how to write a business plan and create financial projections, and much more. Cost is $15 for the First Step book. Walk-ins are welcome but pre-registration is preferred. Register by calling 570-408-4334, email or online at
Downtown Bloomsburg Incorporated (DBI) is leading the effort to establish a business incubator/work co-space in downtown Bloomsburg. Currently, its partners include Bloomsburg University, the Columbia Montour Chamber of Commerce, Kawneer, and the Wilkes University Small Business Development Center. It has secured a location and is working to design, build out and promote this new venture. It has one of the busiest locations in Bloomsburg.
The intention is to bring entrepreneurial-minded individuals of all ages together under one roof to share ideas and work together to start and grow their business ideas in Bloomsburg. DBI will also offer educational opportunities such as website design, social media consultation, financial projections, marketing plans and business plans for existing businesses in the community designed to accelerate their success while creating jobs and revenue for the region.
How can you help? Like any new venture, this project has numerous needs. DBI wants to establish a professional, first class facility for its clients. Its committee has identified a wish list of furnishings, appliances, equipment and supplies needed for the facility. It is requesting assistance in the form of donations of any new or gently used items, or a monetary donation for it to purchase the necessary items. Additionally, discounts on items and/or labor would be greatly appreciated.
Wish List
- Paint and painting supplies including rollers, brushes, pans, drop cloth and tape
- Conference table and chairs
- Printer/copier/scanner
- Flat screen television and wall mount
- Security camera system
- Projector
- Lockable filing cabinets
- Phone system
- Refrigerator
- Microwave
- Coffee Pot
- Office supplies including copy paper, hanging files, file folders, staplers, staples, paper clips, ink pens
Please contact Andy Gegaris, DBI Downtown Manager at 570-784-2522 or email with any questions or concerns.
Thank you in advance for your time and consideration of this request.
The Celebrate Historic Berwick festival, which was previously scheduled for May 13 before being postponed due to rain, will be held this Saturday, June 3. The festival started by the Chamber to encourage people to come to Berwick is now being coordinated this year by the Berwick Area Marketing Committee. Live music, ethnic food, kids activities, and competition to crown the best pizza in Berwick will be held from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. this Saturday on Market Street in front of the Jackson Mansion. There will be craft beer along with wine from Freas Farm Winery and O’Donnell Winery. Gold sponsors for the event are the Central Susquehanna Community Foundation, First Keystone Community Bank, and the Berwick Industrial Development Association.
Find out more as the event draws near on Facebook.
Chamber members that utilize the ChamberChoice business insurance program through Penn National Insurance will receive an 8% dividend delivered back to them in form of a check for policies written and retained during the program’s fifth year (May 1, 2015 – April 30, 2016). Members enrolled in the program should expect to receive their checks in the month of June.
Since the program’s inception in 2011, over $6 million has been returned to member businesses in dividends out of over $30.9 million in annually paid premiums. The average annual dividend return in the five years of the program has been 7.4%. Columbia Montour Chamber members enrolled in the program have received over $140,000 in dividends over the last five years.
To see if this program could be a good fit for your business, contact Chamber members Associated Insurance Management at 570-275-0100 or Hutchison Insurance Agency at 570-784-5550, for a no-obligation quote.