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Chamber and Visitors Bureau to Dissolve Partnership

March 2, 2017
The Chamber of Commerce and Columbia-Montour Visitors Bureau recently announced that the organizations will return to operating as independent entities. The dissolution of the Columbia-Montour Partnership for Community Development, which was initially communicated at the Partnership’s annual dinner, is expected to be complete by March 31, 2017. Long-standing Chamber and Visitors Bureau programs will continue uninterrupted, and members should receive separate dues invoices for each organization in March. (more…)

Find Your Next Employee at the March Job Fair

February 23, 2017

The 2017 PA CareerLink Job Fair for Columbia County is quickly approaching. The event is co-sponsored by the Chamber, Sykes Enterprises, and WHLM and serves as a prime venue to connect employers and post-secondary schools with hundreds of students and potential employees from the Central Pennsylvania area. (more…)

Budget Hearings Begin in Harrisburg

February 21, 2017

From PA Chamber of Business & Industry

This week kicks off several weeks of State budget hearings, where lawmakers on the House and Senate Appropriations Committees will hear from the heads of state-run agencies, state row offices and educational institutions that receive state funding. These hearings, which are held each year in the weeks following the governor’s budget address, give these entities the opportunity to weigh in on the level of funding that the administration has proposed they receive in the coming fiscal year and allows committee members to ask questions about the funding and the function of their agencies. Updates will be provided in the coming weeks and the Columbia-Montour Chamber will be planning a budget breakfast later this spring.

Bloomsburg Council Considering Signage Changes

February 21, 2017

Bloomsburg Town Council is considering changes to its zoning ordinance related to business signage in its Commercial, Commercial-Residential, and Business Campus districts. While existing signs would be grandfathered, some of the proposed changes would prohibit new signage that is similar to what is currently being used.

A public hearing is scheduled for Monday, February 27th at 6:00 p.m. at Town Hall prior to Council’s vote.   A copy of the proposed amendment is available here , and at Town Hall during normal business hours. The Chamber’s Board of Directors is expressing concerns about the proposed changes in a letter to Council. Additionally, there appears to be conflicting language in amendment.   Business and commercial property owners in the Town are encouraged to review these proposed changes and attend Monday’s hearing to express any concerns.

Candidate Academy Encourages People to Run for Local Office

February 17, 2017

An upcoming informational program aims to encourage people to run for local office. The Candidate Academy will outline the basic requirements, issues, expectations, and practices associated with public service. The no-cost program is being presented by the Joint Governmental Affairs Committee of the Columbia Montour Chamber of Commerce and Columbia-Montour Visitors Bureau and sponsored by ArchCentral Architects of Bloomsburg.

The Candidate Academy will be held on Thursday, February 23rd from 6:00 to 8:30 p.m. in the front meeting room of the Bloomsburg Fire Hall, 911 Market Street. Anyone considering running for a local office such as borough or town council, township board of supervisors, or school board, or who would simply like to better understand the election process is welcome to attend. Topics to be covered will include: timing and deadlines for circulating and filing petitions, campaign financing, reporting requirements, ethics, the Sunshine Act, and other issues. A panel of local elected officials will also share their insights about campaigning and public service.

The last day for candidates to circulate and file nomination petitions for the 2017 elections is March 7th.

As space is limited, anyone interested in attending should register online or by calling the Chamber of Commerce at 570-784-2522. For more information, contact Fred Gaffney, Chamber President, by phone or email at

Outstanding Businesses and Individuals Recognized

February 17, 2017

Member businesses and individuals of the Chamber and Visitors Bureau were recognized during the organizations’ Annual Meeting Thursday, February 9th. The event was held at Rolling Pines Golf Course & Banquet Facility in Berwick, and sponsored by PPL Electric Utilities.

Five awards were presented to recognize businesses and individuals for their significant contributions to the community. To begin, The Travel & Tourism Buddy Award, sponsored by Knoebels Amusement Resort, was presented to Bob Stoudt, Executive Director of the Montour Area Recreation Commission. The Small Business of the Year Award, sponsored by First Columbia Bank & Trust, was presented to Freas Farm Winery. The Large Business of the Year Award, sponsored by The Columbia Alliance of Economic Growth, was presented to Central Columbia School District. The Community Progress Award, sponsored by Berwick Hospital Center, was presented to Geisinger Health System – Woodbine. The Outstanding Citizen Award, sponsored by Berwick Industrial Development Association, was presented to Daniel S. Jankowski. Daniel is an RN in the Emergency Department at Geisinger Bloomsburg Hospital. Outside of his work at the hospital, he has been a dedicated community volunteer and advocate for the Benton area.    A special thank you to those who were able to attend this year’s meeting, and to all sponsors of the event who made the night possible.

Wolf Budget Includes Additional Investments in Education and Business

February 8, 2017

On Tuesday, PA Governor Tom Wolf unveiled his 2017-18 budget proposal. His General Fund budget of $32.3 billion represents an increase of $571.5 million, or 1.8 percent, over the current spending plan. Cuts and savings of $2 billion are included to avoid “broad-based tax increases”. Wolf continues to advocate for additional spending on education. Included in his budget is a $100 million increase for Pre-K to 12 basic education. The budget also would provide an additional $8.9 million for the 14 universities of the State System of Higher Education.

The plan seeks to support manufacturers by establishing an apprenticeship grant program and a manufacturing training-to-career grant program. A “one-stop-shop” would be created within the Department of Community and Economic Development to streamline the process for business establishment or expansion. An additional $2.5 million is proposed to assist economic development organizations in reaching out to identify employer needs. The Governor’s budget also provides $6.1 million for tourism marketing at the state level. Of immediate concern to the business community, the Governor continues his push for an increase in the minimum wage to $12 per hour.

A severance tax on the natural gas industry is again being proposed. And, the expansion of sales tax is also included in the budget, but limited to specialty software and computer services, prepared food sold to airlines, aircraft maintenance and repair, and business storage that does not contribute to a justifiable return in increased business investment. Cuts and savings amounting to a projected $2 billion include consolidating state agencies. The Department of Corrections and the Board of Probation and Parole would be merged into a new Department of Criminal Justice. A new Department of Health and Human services would merge the program functions of the departments of Human Services, Health, Aging, and Drug and Alcohol Programs.

A summary of the Governor’s proposal is available here. Additional details on the impact of the proposed budget will be provided in the coming weeks. A budget breakfast program is also being scheduled for members this spring.

State Preemption of Local Leave Mandate Bill Clears Senate Committee

February 6, 2017

From PA Chamber of Business & Industry

Last week, the Senate Local Government Committee advanced legislation that would establish state preemption of laws that require employers to implement specific employee leave policies.

Senate Bill 128, co-sponsored by Senator Gordner, was authored in light of recently enacted laws in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh that require employers to adopt a one-size-fits-all employee leave and paid time off policy. These mandates fail to take into account the size, industry and financial stability that make businesses unique. They especially harm businesses that operate in multiple jurisdictions, as they force employers to take on new administrative complications and costs as they tailor their HR policies to a patchwork of local laws.

Before the committee meeting to consider S.B. 128, the PA Chamber sent a memo urging support for the bill because it would help employers and improve the state’s business climate. The Columbia Montour Chamber supported similar legislation that moved through the House in 2014.   The legislation now awaits consideration by the full Senate.

Join Us For an Evening of Fellowship and Member Recognition

January 24, 2017

The Columbia Montour Partnership will recognize businesses and individuals that have worked to strengthen our region at the upcoming Annual Meeting. The event is sponsored by PPL Electric Utilities and will be held at Rolling Pines Golf Course on Thursday, February 9th starting at 5:00 p.m. Join us in celebrating our region and the accomplishments of our members.

Awards include: Outstanding Citizen sponsored by BIDA, Small Business of the Year sponsored by First Columbia Bank and Trust Co., Large Business of the Year sponsored by the Columbia Alliance for Economic Growth, Community Progress sponsored by Berwick Hospital Center and the Buddy Award sponsored by Knoebels Amusement Resort.

The cost to attend is $50 for members and $60 for non-members. Corporate tables of eight are also available for $350 per table. Please be sure to send your RSVP card back by this coming Tuesday, January 31st to ensure your spot at this year’s meeting.  If you have not received an invitation in the mail or want to pay via credit card, please call Eleanor at 570-784-2522.  Space is limited!

This year’s award nominees have been announced:

Outstanding Citizen Award
Ann Marie Hess
Daniel S. Jankowski
Harry Mathias

Small Business of the Year
Forever Green
Freas Farm Winery
Ken Pollock Ford-Lincoln, Inc

Large Business of the Year
Central Columbia School District
Mahindra of Bloomsburg
MetroCast Communications

Community Progress Award
Columbia County Commissioners
Geisinger Health System-Woodbine

Welcome the Chamber’s Newest Members

January 5, 2017

More than 580 businesses and organizations belong to the Chamber and Visitors Bureau to receive benefits and support efforts to strengthen our region. Increased membership allows us to offer additional programs and benefits, have a stronger voice in advocacy, and be involved in more activities and initiatives in our communities.

The Chamber and Visitors Bureau welcome three organizations that joined last month to help us fulfill our mission:

Ceiba Tools, LLC – 83 Schoolhouse Road, Bloomsburg

Invicta Tattoo – 120 East Main Street, Bloomsburg

Nickle Plate Bar & Grill – 954 State Route 487, Elysburg

Additional contact information is available on the Chamber’s Online Directory.

A reminder that anyone who recommends membership will receive a $25 gift certificate when that organization joins.

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