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Business Coalition Urges Flexibility in Overtime Rule Mandates

September 28, 2016
From PA Chamber of Business & Industry The PA Chamber led a statewide coalition of associations and industry groups last week in sending a letter to lawmakers on the Senate Labor and Industry Committee, urging their support for legislation that would help to mitigate the impact of federal overtime requirements – particularly as new, more challenging rules are scheduled to take effect on Dec. 1, 2016.   Senate Bill 1360 was authored following a joint public hearing this summer, where employers and representatives from the nonprofit, health services and higher education communities all described how the rule will lead to higher costs. For some, this could mean converting employees from salary to hourly, more burdensome record-keeping, a tighter work schedule and fewer training opportunities. The bill aims to help employers manage federal overtime rules by allowing for accommodations to these requirements that are not yet covered under Pennsylvania law – e.g., letting employees maintain salary status through use of a “fluctuating work week,” offering flexibility in the definition of compensable “hours worked” and qualifying certain employees as exempt. “The new rules will be effective soon and while there is nothing state lawmakers can do with respect to the federal rule itself, Senator Baker’s bill will help in a meaningful way those nonprofits, human service agencies, educational institutions and others in your district who will be impacted,” the coalition letter stresses.   In related news, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce is leading a broad coalition of business groups in filing a legal challenge to the overtime rule, arguing that the Department of Labor exceeded its statutory authority in issuing the regulation and violated the Administrative Procedure Act. In addition to the private groups’ suit, a coalition of 21 states filed a challenge at the same time reinforcing the range of entities that will have severe problems complying with this regulation. “The [U.S.] Chamber is grateful to be joined by a coalition of states and state attorneys general who are committed to improving economic growth and career opportunity, and to defending the rule of law,” said Randy Johnson, senior vice president of Labor, Immigration, and Employee Benefits for the U.S. Chamber.

911 Consolidation Expected to Save Costs and Improve Safety

September 28, 2016

Columbia and Montour counties are working toward the consolidation of 911 systems to save costs long-term and improve emergency response. As Montour County is implementing GIS mapping as part of the consolidation, some businesses and residences will have address changes. Despite this inconvenience and the possibility of associated costs, the Chamber Board supports the process.

The counties have been discussing consolidation for many months as a way to save costs associated with periodic equipment upgrades. In Montour County, the lack of GIS mapping can lead to confusion and delayed response time for emergency personnel, particularly in more rural areas. Considering the goal of improving response time and safety, the Chamber Board voted unanimously to support the consolidation last Tuesday.

Address changes are not anticipated to be implemented until at least April, 2017. Affected residences and businesses will be notified by the County. The Post Office will also recognize the old and new address for those impacted for a period of one year.

Employers Urged to Assess New Overtime Eligibility Regulations

September 27, 2016

Earlier this year, the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) issued a final rule aimed at expanding overtime eligibility to millions of American workers. With an effective date of December 1, employers are left with little time to review the classifications of workers currently treated as exempt under the white collar exemption and communicate changes to employees. At the September Learn at Lunch held last Tuesday, Amy Britton and Marcia Cooney with Bucknell University provided an overview of the new rule and considerations for employers. A number of additional resources are provided in this article.

The DOL’s final rule increases the minimum salary employers must pay white collar workers to maintain their exempt status from $455 to $913 per week, but does not make any changes to the job duties test. The Chamber’s member benefits provider, ChamberChoice, has provided a summary of the key provisions of the new overtime rule. The DOL has held several webinars explaining the changes, including information specifically for non-profit organizations, which are archived for viewing. Guidance on calculating overtime is also available through the DOL website.

Bloomsburg Council Approves Saturday Parking Meter Enforcement

September 15, 2016

On Monday, Bloomsburg Town Council voted unanimously to begin enforcing parking meters on Saturdays in the downtown commercial district. The stated reason for adding Saturday enforcement is to prevent the “warehousing” of vehicles in public spaces. While The Chamber supports the goal of keeping parking available for customers, President Fred Gaffney asked for more careful consideration of the issue before implementing changes.

Council first considered changing enforcement times in December of last year. The Chamber was joined by dozens of local businesses in asking for additional data on the perceived issue of vehicle warehousing and the development of a more comprehensive strategy for managing Bloomsburg’s parking inventory. The issue was tabled and the Parking Sub-Committee created. As there wasn’t time to coordinate an additional study of downtown parking utilization prior to summer, no additional data has been collected to date. At the request of Council, the Sub-Committee recommended that parking meter enforcement be changed from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday, to 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Saturday.

The Chamber conducted a poll of downtown businesses to gather their input on the perceptions of parking availability. Of the 36 businesses that participated, only seven felt that parking availability was most difficult on evenings and/or weekends. Twenty-nine of the respondents, representing 81 percent, were opposed to Saturday enforcement, and only 3 businesses were in support. The results of the poll were provided to Council prior to Monday’s meeting. Despite this input, Council voted unanimously to implement the changes.

Police Chief Roger Van Loan anticipates the changes will take effect in approximately six weeks after the information on the meters is updated.

State ChamberPAC Issues Endorsements for General Election

September 15, 2016

Last Wednesday, ChamberPAC, the political arm of the Pennsylvania Chamber of Business & Industry, announced its endorsements of state House and Senate candidates in the November General Election. Senator John Gordner and Reps. Kurt Masser (107th) and David Millard (109th) have been endorsed. ChamberPAC supports pro-job, pro-growth candidates and incumbent lawmakers who are dedicated to improving Pennsylvania’s business climate and growing the economy.

“If we truly want to move the Commonwealth forward, we need elected officials in Harrisburg who are committed to strengthening the state’s competitive edge and advancing policies that will allow the private sector to thrive and create jobs,” said PA Chamber President Gene Barr.  “On behalf of the state’s broad-based business community, we are proud to offer our support to these dynamic candidates and look forward to working with them in the upcoming legislative session.”

A full list of endorsed candidates is available here. In addition to the legislative candidates, ChamberPAC also endorsed John Rafferty for Pennsylvania Attorney General this June.

The Columbia Montour Chamber of Commerce does not endorse candidates and does not fund the ChamberPAC.

Learn About the New Overtime Pay Changes Over Lunch

September 1, 2016

After 12 years with no change, President Obama announced profound changes to the minimum salary threshold for employees to be considered exempt from overtime pay. This new threshold has caused concern for many employers and employees across the country. Ranging from the cost of basic compliance to the emotional reaction by employees on company morale, employers have many things to consider as they prepare to meet the new guidelines by December 1st.  Amy Britton and Marcia Cooney, both with Bucknell University, will review the requirements of the new FLSA changes at the September Learn at Lunch and will walk attendees through a number of factors for consideration.

The cost for this Learn at Lunch will be $15 and include lunch and drinks. Please note that this month’s event will be an hour and a half long and is sponsored by PPL Electric Utilities. Register by clicking here or call Eleanor at 570-784-2522.

Bloomsburg Council Seeks Further Input on Parking Requirements

September 1, 2016

On Monday, Bloomsburg Town Council voted to send a proposed ordinance that would require off-street parking for downtown development back to committee for further review. The Chamber, Downtown Bloomsburg Inc., and others had expressed concerns about the potential impact of the proposed requirements on downtown development. The Town’s Community and Economic Development Committee is seeking further input in revising the proposed ordinance.

The proposed ordinance would require that any new development in the downtown commercial district provide off-street parking. This requirement could also apply to existing buildings with a change of use, such as if an office space became a retail store. The intent is to ease the demand on public parking. The boards of the Chamber and Downtown Bloomsburg Inc. expressed concerns about the impact of this proposed requirement in a joint statement.   A special hearing was held Monday on the proposed ordinance.

Prior to hearing comments from the public, Mayor Sandy Davis stated that Council recognized a number of issues with the draft and suggested further review by committee. Council voted unanimously to send the draft back to CommD. The Chamber and others applauded Council for allowing more time to discuss the concerns and work toward a solution that promotes growth of the central business district.

Parking Requirement Could Deter Business Growth

August 18, 2016

Bloomsburg Town Council is considering an ordinance that would require that any new development in the downtown commercial district provide off-street parking. This requirement could also apply to existing buildings with a change of use, such as if an office space became a retail store.

The intent of this change is to keep public parking available for customers. The Chamber of Commerce and Downtown Bloomsburg Inc. support this goal and feel off-street parking should be required for new housing in the district. However, developers should have the flexibility to provide that parking in other areas, so that existing buildings are not turned into parking lots.

We also feel that commercial developments in the downtown should not have to provide off-street parking, as such a requirement would deter business development and growth.

A hearing is scheduled for Monday, August 29th at 6 p.m. at Town Hall, followed by a special meeting of Council to vote on the proposal. We are asking that the proposed ordinance be revised in order to encourage long-term, balanced growth in Downtown Bloomsburg.

Click here for the proposed ordinance.

Click here for our complete statement.

Chamber Supports Local Enforcement of Licensed Establishments

August 17, 2016

On Tuesday, the Chamber issued a statement supporting Berwick Borough’s request to the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board (PLCB) to monitor noise from establishments with liquor licenses. State statute prohibits any amplified music or entertainment from being heard beyond the property line of a licensed establishment. The Borough’s request is an attempt to support local establishments that wish to provide live entertainment to customers.   The state statute allows municipalities to request an exemption and have a local ordinance apply in its place. A public hearing was held by the PCLB on Tuesday morning in Berwick to gather input on the request.

The Chamber Board approved a statement in support of the Borough’s request which was provided at the hearing.   “The Borough has an established Noise Control Ordinance (99-3) to protect the safety and wellbeing of its citizens. It has demonstrated responsible application of this Ordinance in balancing the interests of citizens and businesses. It is therefore reasonable that the Borough take responsibility for enforcing noise violations at liquor license establishments as it does for all other entities, rather than subjecting these establishments to a separate, more restrictive set of guidelines.”

The PLCB can take up to 30 days to issue a decision on the request following the hearing.

Autoneum and Former Windsor Foods Protected from Flooding

August 17, 2016

From SEDA-Council of Governments

A major industry and employer in Bloomsburg is now protected from flooding, thanks to the Columbia County Flood Risk Management project.   An Aug. 5 inspection of the U-shaped flood wall that surrounds Autoneum North America Inc. and the former Windsor Foods site showed that both places would be protected if there was a flood. With over 700 employees, Autoneum is the largest private employer in Columbia County. While the former Windsor Foods site is vacant, the building is now protected to maintain its potential for reuse, industrial development, and local employment.   The $30 million project is on-budget and is 95 percent complete with full completion expected by November, said Glenda Ruch, who oversees the project for SEDA-Council of Governments (SEDA-COG) on behalf of Columbia County.

“It’s hard to believe that construction of the project started in March 2015 with the official groundbreaking in April, and we are now so close to completion,” Ruch said. “Achieving this project milestone is a tremendous accomplishment.”   While work will continue on the project over the next few months, most of the major construction components have been completed or are almost done. Some of the remaining work includes the installation of lighting on the H-pile wall behind the fairgrounds grandstand, finalizing the storm water and sanitary sewer pump stations, installation of fencing, seeding, and paving.   The completed flood wall is about 1 mile long and up to 16 feet high. The height is based on the highest flood on record ─ Tropical Storm Lee in 2011. The wall is 1.5 feet above that storm’s level.

The system consists of three types of flood protection. H-piles with pre-cast concrete panels inserted are used near Autoneum with openings in the wall and closures for high water situations. Mechanically stabilized earthen levees have been constructed along Schley and West 11th streets, along with conventional earthen levees. There will be eight closure structures in the system.   To remove water away from the flood wall, a pump station for storm water was built along Snyder’s Run near Autoneum. Three pump stations for sanitary sewage also were built on Scott and West 11th streets.

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