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An Unexpected Boost to Value – From Income Taxes

June 28, 2023

An Unexpected Boost to Value – From Income Taxes

Source: McKonly & Asbury
By: Eric Blocher, CPA, ASA, CVA

In my last article, “What A Difference A Year Can Make – Interest Rates,” I discussed factors that are out of a business owners’ control that can impact the value of their businesses. I highlighted increasing interest rates and other economic factors, such as inflation (increasing costs for materials and labor), that can negatively impact the value of a business. On the other hand, positive impacts can also occur; for example, if your business is a Pennsylvania C Corporation it may have become more valuable in 2023.

Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf signed House Bill 1342 (H.B. 1342) into law in July 2022. One of the most important aspects of H.B. 1342 is that it established a phased in reduction of the Pennsylvania Corporate Net Income (PACNI) tax rate, which will be effective in the 2023 tax year. Through 2022 the PACNI tax rate has been 9.99%. However, beginning in 2023 the PACNI tax rate is reduced to 8.99%. In subsequent years, the PACNI tax will be reduced to 8.49% in 2024, 7.99% in 2025, 7.49% in 2026, 6.99% in 2027, 6.49% in 2028, 5.99% in 2029, 5.49% in 2030, and 4.99% for tax years beginning January 1, 2031 and years thereafter. The 5% decrease in PACNI results in future tax savings and an immediate increase in the value of a Pennsylvania C Corporation.

Any decrease in the effective tax rates (a combination of the Federal and State tax rates) of a business will have valuation implications. If you are using a Discounted Cash Flow methodology, the projection period will be longer to account for the time until the effective tax rate has stabilized. As the tax rate changes the Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) will change each year if the Company has debt. The present value factor used to discount the cash flows each year should be tied to the WACC for that year and the applicable effective tax rate for that year.

I have estimated the effective tax rates for Pennsylvania C Corporations to be 28.10% for 2023, 27.71% for 2024, 27.31% for 2025, 26.92% for 2026, 26.52% for 2027, 26.13% for 2028, 25.73% for 2029, 25.34% for 2030, and 24.94% for 2031. I have based the tax rate calculations on the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 and PA H.B. 1342.

To explore the potential impact of a decreasing effective tax rate, I ran two simplified valuation scenarios using the same WACC assumptions of 20% debt / 80% equity, a 22% cost of equity and a 7% cost of debt. I used identical inputs of annual earnings before tax of $1 Million, no depreciation, no capital expenditures, and no incremental working capital requirements. The only difference in the two scenarios is the change in the effective income tax rates and the resulting impact on the WACC. The first scenario used a static 29% tax rate (a reasonable assumption prior to the impact of H.B. 1342) and the second scenario used the effective tax rates calculated above. The result of the first scenario is a calculated enterprise value (the value of both debt and equity) of $4,158,311. The second scenario with decreasing effective tax rates resulted in an enterprise value of $4,293,082, a 3.24% increase in value. The only difference in the two scenarios is the decreasing effective tax rates. In this case, a change in tax rates results in an increase in the value of a business operating as a Pennsylvania C Corporation.

Visit our webpage for more information on McKonly & Asbury’s Business Valuation Services. Should you have questions about the impact of increasing interest rates, or business valuations in general, don’t hesitate to contact T. Eric Blocher CPA, ASA, CVA.

Member News – June 28, 2023

June 28, 2023

Member News – June 28, 2023

Commonwealth University - Bloomsburg Offers Parking Help

Commonwealth University - Bloomsburg is making their hospital parking lot available until classes start on August 21, 2023, for those customers and business owners who are losing their parking spaces due to the construction on the East Pine Avenue lot construction. Thank you to Commonwealth University - Bloomsburg for the help to Bloomsburg businesses.

Drive through Senior Expo Planned

On Wednesday, August 2, 10:00 am - 1:00 pm there will be a Drive through Senior Expo sponsored by State Representative Robert Leadbeter's office. See flyer for more details.

BIDA Works with Berwick Borough Police Department for Active Shooter Training

Berwick Industrial Development Association (B.I.D.A.), worked with Berwick Borough Police Department and Chief Kenneth Strish and their active shooter training program which included volunteers from the community.  See the full press release here.

Knoebels Celebrating 50th Birthday of Haunted Mansion

June 30th at 11:00 am with a panel of Haunted Mansion legends and birthday cake.  Check out all they have planned for this spooky celebration.

Town of Bloomsburg Presents an Independence Day Celebration

Starting at 4:00 pm at Bloomsburg Town park there will be an Independence Day Celebration including fireworks at dusk.  See flyer for more details.

Bloomsburg Children's Museum Announces July Programs

The Bloomsburg Children’s Museum, 2 West 7th Street, is pleased to announce its July 2023 programs. See the full July Calendar here.

Mark Sassani Show at The Exchange

Now through July 21st Mark Sassani's Solo Show will be at The Exchange.  His fine-art expression consists mainly of colorful landscapes of east-central and northern-tier Pennsylvania. See full show details here.

Concert Series at the Jackson Mansion

June 1 - August 31 with all concerts starting at 7:00 pm unless otherwise stated on the concert schedule. See the full concert schedule.

Innoteck wins International Award

For the third year, InnoTek has placed in the top 501 MSPs and IT Companies Worldwide - coming in at #279! This award sees over thirty thousand applicants every year, and recognizes the best managed service providers in the world.  Congratulation to Fred Reck and the Innotek team!

Danville Concert Series at Memorial Park

Tuesdays throughout the summer concerts will be held at Memorial beginning at 7:00 pm.  For a full list of performers and dates visit Danville Area Arts Facebook page.

Penn College to launch paramedic certificate program in early 2024

The noncredit paramedic certificate program, requiring an EMT certification, will begin on January 2. Those who are interested in the program are invited to attend an information session on Thursday, June 29 at 7 p.m. Learn more about this program.

Bloomsburg Town Park Concert Series

Wednesday's June - August from 7:00 - 8:30 at the Town of Bloomsburg Bandshell which is located at the corner of Ft. McMlure Blvd. and Market St.  Check out the town's Facebook for a full schedule. 

McKonly & Asbury to hold State and Local Tax Webinar June 29th

This free, one-hour webinar will start at 2:00 p.m. EDT. One “Tax” CPE credit is available for this webinar. The level for this webinar is basic and there are no prerequisites for attending. This program is a live webinar that offers the opportunity to ask questions and interact with the presenters. Sign up here.

CSIU To Hold Free Trainings

Educators, First Responders, and Community Members register today for  free trainings on Youth Mental Health First Aid and QPR Suicide Prevention.  See a full list of dates and times here.

Villa Sacred Heart Summer Festival Planned

July 8th, 10:30 - 5:00 Villa Sacred Heart in Danville will host a Summer Festival.  Baked goods, Flea Market, food trucks, and more!

WWII Weekend Happening in July

The annual WWII weekend hosted by the Stuart Tank Memorial Association will be happening July 14th - July 16th.  This free event features battle and weapon demonstrations, military and food vendors. Learn more.

IMC to host Webinar Series

The Innovative Manufacturers' Center will be hosting a free four-part webinar series about attracting and retaining employees. The series starts July 25th.  See full details.

NEPIRC Manufacturing Day: October 13

Join NEPIRC on Friday, October 13th to celebrate the many contributions of our region’s manufacturing industry! At Manufacturing Day, you’ll be able to see product demonstrations; learn more about the cool products made right here in our local communities, and more!

Quality Living in Columbia and Montour Counties Now Available!

June 26, 2023

Quality Living in Columbia and Montour Counties Now Available!

The Columbia Montour Chamber of Commerce, in partnership with The Columbia-Montour Visitors Bureau and Victor Koons Graphic Design, is pleased to present to the community our newest publication for 2023, Quality Living in Columbia and Montour Counties.  This image book includes information about business/industry, demographics, education, healthcare, housing/real estate, recreation, arts/culture, and more, and is now available to our community in print, via download, and via the Chamber's website as an easy-to-view flipbook.

Take a look at the guide's permanent online page here.


Request copies by calling Brenda Flanagan, Administrative Assistant, at (570) 784-2522 or by emailing


Member News – June 21, 2023

June 21, 2023

Member News – June 21, 2023

Berwick Historical Society to Host Grand Opening

June 24th will see the grand opening of the David A Sadock House in Berwick.  Visit and tour the home of the Berwick Historical Society Library & Museum from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm. Some of the areas and displays include the Prominent Citizens of Berwick, Berwick Business, Historic Homes, ACF Military Room, Fashions of Berwick, Berwick Schools, Genealogy, and Book Room.

PA Careerlink Weatherization Job Recruitment Events

PA CareerLink® sites in the Central Region are pleased to announce two events to provide an opportunity for the public to learn more about energy-efficiency careers in weatherization and meet directly with hiring employers. June 22nd at their Bloomsburg office from 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm and then June 28th, 10:00 am - 12:00 pm.  See full details about these events here.

Frosty Valley Announces New Resort App

Book Tee times, course notifications, GPS distancing, and more are available through Frosty Valley's brand-new resort app.  Get the new app here.

Concert Series at the Jackson Mansion

June 1 - August 31 with all concerts starting at 7:00 pm unless otherwise stated on the concert schedule. See full concert schedule.

Bloomsburg Children's Museum Partners on Summer Passport

The Bloomsburg Children’s Museum has partnered with Lykens Valley Children's Museum, Lewisburg Children's Museum, and the Discovery Center for the Heart of PA Children’s Museum summer passport program.

Visit each museum before August 31st, 2023, and receive a stamp on your card. Once you collect all the stamps, leave your card at the last museum you visited. Prizes will be drawn on September 8th. Passport cards can be picked up at any participating Children's Museum, the Columbia-Montour Visitors Bureau, or the Susquehanna River Valley Visitors Bureau.

Town of Bloomsburg Named to World Atlas "11 Best Small Towns in Pennsylvania"

World Atlas rates Bloomsburg among the 11 best small towns in PA.  As it's the ONLY town in PA, The Columbia Montour Chamber respectfully advises World Atlas to bump Bloomsburg to the very top of their list.  What do you think?

Innotek Computer Consulting Launches Newsletter Series

Check out the June edition of the new series at!

Summer Safety Tips from the American Red Cross

Tips include first aid and more!  Visit

Danville Concert Series at Memorial Park

Tuesdays throughout the summer concerts will be held at Memorial beginning at 7:00 pm.  For a full list of performers and dates visit Danville Area Arts Facebook page.

Penn College to launch paramedic certificate program in early 2024

The noncredit paramedic certificate program, requiring an EMT certification, will begin on January 2. Those who are interested in the program are invited to attend an information session on Thursday, June 29 at 7 p.m. Learn more about this program.

Bloomsburg Town Park Concert Series

Wednesday's June - August from 7:00 - 8:30 at the Town of Bloomsburg Bandshell which is located at the corner of Ft. McMlure Blvd. and Market St.  Check out the town's Facebook for a full schedule. 

McKonly & Asbury to hold State and Local Tax Webinar June 29th

This free, one-hour webinar will start at 2:00 p.m. EDT. One “Tax” CPE credit is available for this webinar. The level for this webinar is basic and there are no prerequisites for attending. This program is a live webinar that offers the opportunity to ask questions and interact with the presenters. Sign up here.

CSIU To Hold Free Trainings

Educators, First Responders, and Community Members register today for  free trainings on Youth Mental Health First Aid and QPR Suicide Prevention.  See a full list of dates and times here.

Villa Sacred Heart Summer Festival Planned

July 8th 10:30 - 5:00 Villa Sacred Heart in Danville will host a Summer Festival.  Baked goods, Flea Market, food trucks, and more!

WWII Weekend Happening in July

The annual WWII weekend hosted by the Stuart Tank Memorial Association will be happening July 14th - July 16th.  This free event features battle and weapon demonstrations, military and food vendors. Learn more.

IMC to host Webinar Series

The Innovative Manufacturers' Center will be hosting a free four-part webinar series about attracting and retaining employees. The series starts July 25th.  See full details.

NEPIRC Manufacturing Day: October 13

Join NEPIRC on Friday, October 13th to celebrate the many contributions of our region’s manufacturing industry! At Manufacturing Day, you’ll be able to see product demonstrations; learn more about the cool products made right here in our local communities, and more!

How to Grow Your Small Business Instagram Following

June 21, 2023

How to Grow Your Small Business Instagram Following

Source: US Chamber of Commerce, CO
By: Jamie Johnson , US Chamber Contributor

Your Instagram profile can help you increase your website traffic and even bring in more sales. Here are seven ways to grow your Instagram following in 2023.

Optimize your profile

The first step to growing your Instagram following is to optimize your profile so you’ll attract the right audience. Start by coming up with a username that reflects your brand — ideally, this will be the name of your business. It should be simple, straightforward, and easy to spell.

From there, you’ll create a bio and utilize keywords that your target market will be searching for. You should also include a link to your website so potential customers can easily learn more about your business.

Come up with a content calendar

Creating a content calendar will help you plan and organize your Instagram posts, ensuring that they fit with your overall content strategy. You should start by identifying three to four content themes for your page that align with your business and appeal to your target audience. This will give structure and variety to your Instagram posts.

You should also identify your posting frequency, which will vary depending on your audience and what you’re willing to commit to. It’s important to choose a posting frequency that you can stick with over the long run.

Use relevant hashtags

Hashtags are one of the best ways to help new people find you on Instagram. It’s a good idea to use a combination of popular and niche hashtags to maximize your potential reach. And if you run a local business, you can use location-specific hashtags to connect with local customers.

Hashtags can be a powerful tool to help your profile get found on Instagram, but it’s important not to overdo it. Instagram will let you use up to 30 hashtags per post, but actually using that many could make your page look spammy or cluttered.

You can use Stories to highlight upcoming events or build anticipation around product launches.

Engage with your audience

Engaging with your audience on Instagram will help you start forming relationships that will lead to customer loyalty and increased sales. Every time a customer comments on one of your posts, make sure you respond thoughtfully. You should also respond to any direct messages you receive.

Running contests or giveaways is a great way to encourage your audience to participate and generate a buzz about your business. And make sure you share any user-generated content created by your audience.

Track your analytics

Review your Instagram analytics regularly so you understand what type of content resonates the most with your audience. Which topics do your followers seem to engage with more? When are the best days and times to post?

Your analytics will also give you advanced insights about your audience demographics. This information will help you understand what’s going well, and adjust your strategy as needed.

Utilize Instagram Stories

Instagram Stories are a great way to connect with your audience and give them a behind-the-scenes look at your brand and create transparency. You can use Stories to highlight upcoming events or build anticipation around product launches.

You can also create tutorials or hacks related to your products and services, which will position you as a trusted expert in your industry. You can also offer exclusive promotions and discounts that are only available to your Stories users.

Regularly promote your Instagram profile

Promote your Instagram page on any other online platforms you use. For example, you can include a link in your email signature, on your website, and in any blog posts you write.

You can also collaborate with complementary businesses to promote one another’s products and services, giving you access to a whole new potential market. You can also use Instagram ads to create targeted ads that reach a wider audience.

CO- a publication of the US Chamber— aims to bring you inspiration from leading respected experts. However, before making any business decision, you should consult a professional who can advise you based on your individual situation.

The Columbia Montour Chamber is a proud member of the US Chamber and a clearinghouse of meaningful content by subject matter experts for the businesses in Columbia and Montour Counties.

Minimum Wage Bill Passes PA House

June 21, 2023

Minimum Wage Bill Passes PA House

The Pennsylvania House of Representatives just passed House Bill 1500, legislation to significantly increase the minimum wage in Pennsylvania that would likely result in job losses, fewer employment opportunities and higher costs to consumers.

Pennsylvania's Independent Fiscal Office (IFO) explained in a report last month that approximately 30,000 Pennsylvanians would lose their jobs or see reduced hours if a $15 minimum wage were implemented.

Moreover, the IFO noted that "rural and small employers are more likely to be impacted by the proposal," which increases Pennsylvania’s minimum wage to $15 by 2026, requires annual increases thereafter, and increases labor costs on restaurants by as much as 320% in just a couple years.

Representatives Leadbeter and Stender voted Nay on the bill, which passed the House with 103 votes to 100.


Economic Viewpoints: Inflation Came Down in May But Was Still High

June 16, 2023

Economic Viewpoints: Inflation Came Down in May But Was Still High

Source: U.S. Chamber of Commerce
Author: Curtis Dubay, Chief Economist, US Chamber of Commerce

Retail sales rose 0.3% in May. In April, sales rose 0.4%.

June 16, 2023

Why it matters: Retail sales declined in February and March after a big jump in January. Two months of consecutive growth is encouraging.

But: Consumers’ ability to spend is still likely to decline as the year goes on. Inflation is only now slightly below wage gains and savings are spent down while credit card balances have risen sharply.

By the numbers:

  • Sales were up at motor vehicles and parts dealers (1.4%), furniture stores (0.4%), electronics and appliance stores (0.2%), building material and garden supply stores (2.2%), food and beverage stores (0.3%), sporting goods and hobby stores (0.3%), general merchandise stores (0.4%), non-store retailers (mostly online sellers) (0.3%), and food and drinking places (0.4%).
  • Sales were down at gas stations (2.6%) and miscellaneous stores (1%).

Looking ahead: A robust job market could put a floor beneath consumer spending and keep it stronger than in previous economic slowdowns.

Inflation Came Down in May But Was Still High

June 14, 2023

The Consumer Price Index, the broadest measure of consumer prices, rose 4% annually in May but was down from April, when it was 4.9% and well down from the peak of 9.1% in June 2022.

  • On a monthly basis, inflation rose 0.1% from April to May. This is a drop from March to April when prices rose 0.4%.

Why it matters: Despite the progress, inflation remains well above the 2% target and the underlying data is more concerning.

  • Core prices, which strip out volatile elements like food and energy, rose 5.3% on an annual basis and 0.4% from April to May.
  • The Federal Reserve looks more closely at core prices than the overall inflation number.

Looking ahead: The Fed could still pause interest rate hikes at its meeting this week, but if core prices continue to remain high, it will have to resume rate increases, perhaps as soon as July.

Credit Card Debt Surges in April

June 9, 2023

Consumers are spending up their credit card balances at a sharp rate. In April, they rose 1.1%, and in March they rose 1.2%.

Why it matters: This could have significant repercussions for consumer spending and economic growth.

  • The big picture: During Covid, consumers paid down their credit card balances by $127 billion.
  • Consumers added $272 billion to their credit card balances since March 2021. Balances are now 13% larger than their pre-Covid peak.

However, income has grown in that period. As a share of income, credit card debt is still below its pre-Covid level and well below its average over the last 20 years.

Looking ahead: Consumers can’t add much more to their card balances, especially with tightening credit standards. Credit will be less able to bridge the gap between inflation and wages (inflation is still rising faster than wages). This could put downward pressure on consumer spending, which would also put downward pressure on economic growth.

Credit Card Debt Surges

339,000 Jobs Created in May

June 7, 2023

The labor market remains hot, making it more challenging for the Federal Reserve in its efforts to tame inflation.

  • 339,000 jobs were created, while expectations were for 188,000.

Why it matters: The labor market is the most important data point the Fed looks at when gauging how its policies affect inflation.

Be smart: The labor force grew by 130,000. We are now almost 2.4 million workers above the pre-pandemic participation level.

  • But, if we had the same participation rate now as in February 2020, there would be 1.95 million more workers in the labor force.

By the numbers:

  • Wages rose 0.3% from April and 4.3% annually from May 2022.
  • Education and Health added 97,000 jobs; Professional and Business Services 64,000; Government 56,000; Leisure and Hospitality 48,000; Construction 25,000.
  • Industries that lost jobs in May were Information (9,000) and Manufacturing (2,000).

What's next: With another strong jobs report, the Fed is likely to raise rates again when it meets later this month.

What’s With the Resilient Housing Market?

May 26, 2023

Despite the enormous headwinds from sharply higher mortgage interest rates, the housing market is proving to be resilient after demand fell off steeply when interest rates initially rose.

Why it matters: Demand for homes still exceeds supply, and prices are likely to remain steady as long as this situation continues.


  • Home builders’ optimism is up in recent months.
  • Housing starts are rebounding. New permits are down the last two months, but that’s after a 10% jump in February.
  • New Home sales were up 4% in the last two months. Existing home sales are down the last two months, but that was after a 14% gain in February. Pending sales were flat in April.

Be smart: Even with higher mortgage rates, there are still more buyers than sellers.

  • Buyers are coming back into the market because prices have come down as interest rates have risen.
  • Supply is constrained because existing homeowners are hesitant to put their homes on the market, giving up a low-rate mortgage for one with a higher rate.

Looking ahead: While prices will stay below pandemic highs, expect them to remain steady as long as demand outpaces supply.

Housing market Stabilizing

Business Economists Forecast Modest Growth Through 2024

May 24, 2023

Business economists are lukewarm on the economy. The National Association of Business Economists (NABE) regularly releases a survey of prominent economists where it asks them about their outlooks for the economy. The responses from their most recent survey are interesting:

Economists in “the latest NABE Outlook Survey are divided as to whether a recession in the U.S. is likely in the next year. The median forecast calls for economic growth through 2024 to be modest. Interest rates are expected to decline and inflation is expected to slow in 2024, while job growth is anticipated to moderate, and the unemployment rate to rise.”

Why it matters: The NABE economic outlook is similar to ours at the Chamber. We see a slow economy in 2023 with a 65% chance of a recession this year.

Looking ahead:

  • We do not think interest rates are likely to fall in 2024 unless a significant, unforeseen shock happens to the economy.
  • On the debt limit, it’s impossible to know how long it would take for a breach of the debt limit to cause a global financial crisis, so it’s best not to test it.

Read more from the US Chamber:

  • Economic Data: Comprehensive quantitative snapshots of business sectors and topics to help business and political leaders make informed decisions.
  • Workforce Data: Capturing the current state of the U.S. workforce.
  • Small Business Index: The MetLife & U.S. Chamber of Commerce Small Business Index is released on a quarterly basis and is compiled from 750 unique online interviews with small business owners and operators each quarter. The Index delivers a comprehensive quantitative snapshot of the small business sector as well as explores small business owners’ perspectives on the latest economic and business trends.
  • Middle Market Business Index: The survey panel consists of approximately 1,500 middle market executives and is designed to accurately reflect conditions in the middle market.

About the authors

Curtis Dubay is Chief Economist, Economic Policy Division at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. He heads the Chamber’s research on the U.S. and global economies.

New Member Highlight – Cardinal Estate Planning

June 14, 2023

New Member Highlight – Cardinal Estate Planning

We are pleased to highlight Genesis House who joined the Chamber in May of 2023.

Founded in 2022 by Nick Lutz of Berwick, Cardinal Estate Planning exclusively focuses on elder law, asset protection, estate planning and other closely related practice areas.

Over the course of Nick's career he has helped hundreds of families in northeast and central PA protect their assets from nursing home cost and guided families through their  short and long-term planning goals.

Learn more about Cardinal Estate Planning.


Chamber Day at the Capitol Key Takeaway: Engage with Your Chamber

June 14, 2023

Chamber Day at the Capitol Key Takeaway: Engage with Your Chamber

By Chris Berleth, President, Columbia Montour Chamber of Commerce

Last year, a small, mom-and-pop restaurant along Route 61 in Schuylkill County discovered that their lower, experience-based unemployment compensation tax rates were being assessed a gigantic rate increase. Turns out, that since they were forced into prolonged, pandemic-related shutdowns, their rate reverted to a default level. Yikes.

Thankfully, they were a member of their local chamber, who brought up the issue in a coalition call with the PA Chamber of Business & Industry and several other regional chambers. As it turns out, that Schuylkill County-based mom-and-pop shop wasn’t alone. More than 2,700 businesses in Pennsylvania who had rehired their staff post-pandemic were also assessed rate increases, and under the law, there was nothing that could be done to help them short of legislative action.

Chamber leaders are frequently asked, “what exactly does a chamber of commerce do?” While the precise answer varies by region, the best answer that applies to all Chambers remains: “we advocate for our members.”

In this instance, the Schuylkill Chamber of Commerce elevated the issue to the right people, and a coalition of more than 60 chambers, including the Columbia Montour Chamber, was born. Thanks to the PA Chamber of Business & Industry, who organized efforts in Harrisburg, the legislature passed S.B. 1083, which brought the relief these businesses needed.

You might be thinking, “Chris, this is old news, why retell it?” My answer is a call-to-action and a reminder: engage with The Columbia Montour Chamber, so that we can help you in the same way!

Yesterday (June 13), Taryn Crayton, Director of Member Engagement, and I had the opportunity to participate in “Chamber Day at the Capitol”, a partnership between the Pennsylvania Association of Chamber Professionals and the state Chamber. The event was packed with invaluable information, including insight into the state budget and its negotiations, policies that will make Pennsylvania more competitive and attractive to workers, and some policies that could negatively impact your organizations.

Speaker of the House Joanna McClinton (D-Philadelphia) shared about the importance of continuing to make the Commonwealth competitive through reduction of the corporate net income tax. House Appropriations Chair Jordan Harris (D – Philadelphia) and Senate Appropriations Chair Scott Martin (R-Lancaster) discussed how to better fund education, and their agreement to have the Motor Vehicles License Fund be entirely focused on repairing bridges and roads. PA Secretary of Community and Economic Development Rick Siger outlined a plan for improved efficiency in permitting.

The PA Chamber gave an overview of the influence on the courts, and reminded Chamber leaders of meaningful upcoming elections for offices like the State Supreme Court, Auditor, Treasurer, and more.

A panel of workforce experts, including our very own Hope Lineman (Hope serves on the Board of the Foundation of the Columbia Montour Chamber of Commerce, and works as Advisor to the Chancellor for Workforce Innovation, PASSHE), shared how higher education institutions are working together to offer valuable resources to train a generation of new workers in an “ecosystem of skills-based education”.

We discussed permitting reform at the state and federal level, the now-open grant process for broadband expansion through the Pennsylvania Broadband Development Authority, and had an especially important conversation about the future of the PJM grid, PA’s energy exports, and renewable energy.

More than 80 Chamber leaders from across the Commonwealth met with state officials, including our own delegation. While the Senate was not in session, the event was attended by Representative Robert Leadbeter and newly-sworn-in Representative Michael Stender.

The event was packed with information, and on the 90-minute return drive, Taryn said this, “Before I joined the Chamber, I wasn’t quite sure what to expect. Now I get it. We’re into everything for our members. If they need it, we need to help them make connections. We engage at this level so that they get something by engaging with us.”

I couldn’t have said it better myself.

Friends, your membership gains you access to resources like these, and it means that whether you’re aware of it or not, we’re working to stay connected on your behalf. We need your help. We’d love to connect with you individually, and would love your input in Chamber committees, including Government Affairs, Ambassadors, New Ventures, and the Manufacturing Council.

For more information on how to get connected, contact us anytime at 570-784-2522, or email Taryn Crayton, at

Promote Summer Events in July ChamberPack!

June 14, 2023

Promote Summer Events in July ChamberPack!

Summer is upon us!

Don't miss the opportunity to keep the dog days of summer at bay by getting your event, program, workshop, promotion or regular business services in front of Chamber Members by being apart of the next Chamber Pack.

ChamberPack is a cost-effective way to get your information to the Chamber's 400+ members. Just provide copies, and we'll take care of compiling and sending the mailing. The next ChamberPack will be headed to mailboxes just after July 4th.  Remember, your fliers need to be submitted for approval by June 26th and are due at the Chamber by June 30!

Call the Chamber at 570-784-2522 to reserve your space or click here for more information.

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