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Member News – June 14, 2023

June 14, 2023

Member News – June 14, 2023

MC Federal Credit Union wins Award

MC Federal's “The Road to Financial Wellness” a six-week course with topic areas for each week has won the CrossState Credit Union Association’s Desjardins Adult Financial Education Award. This program will now advance to the national level of competition. Congratulations to them and good luck at the national level!

Nespoli Jewelers Celebrating Two Milestones

This summer Nespoli Jewelers of Berwick is celebrating 25 years of third-generation ownership and 77 years in business.  Congratulations Jonathon Nespoli and to the Nespoli Family.

Celebration Villa to host VA Benefit Informational Session

This June 15th event is open to the public beginning at 2:00 pm. If you have questions about VA benefits that are available, join Bridget Kingston the local Columbia County VA rep at Celebration Villa Berwick.  See session flyer here.

SBDC's Business Startup Basics Workshop June 15th

The SBDC's Business Startup Basics in-person workshop helps aspiring entrepreneurs take the First Step to successful business ownership. This free workshop will begin at 9:30 am.  Register here.

Virtual Pennsylvania Careerlink Agricultural Roundtable Discussion

Join PA Careerlink for a vitural discussion about today's most pressing challenges for the Central PA Agricultural Industry.  June 20th at 10:00.  Click here to Register.

Concert Series at the Jackson Mansion

June 1 - August 31 with all concerts starting at 7:00 pm unless otherwise stated on the concert schedule. See full concert schedule.

Community Giving Foundation Announces new Funds

Two testamentary funds have been established by former Chamber Board member Mark Gardner with Community Giving Foundation. The first will be focused on support for non-profit organizations in Columbia and Montour counties and the second is a scholarship fund for students graduating from Danville Area School District.  Learn more about these funds.

Penn College to launch paramedic certificate program in early 2024

The noncredit paramedic certificate program, requiring an EMT certification, will begin on January 2. Those who are interested in the program are invited to attend an information session on Thursday, June 29 at 7 p.m. Learn more about this program.

2nd Annual Recovery Picnic to be Held in June

Susquehanna United Way's United in Recovery program will be hosting its 2nd Annual Recovery Picnic on June 15, 11:00 am - 1:30 PM at 163 Briar Creek Lake Park Road, Berwick, PA, 18603. RSVP to the event here.

Bloomsburg Town Park Concert Series

Wednesday's June - August from 7:00 - 8:30 at the Town of Bloomsburg Bandshell which is located at the corner of Ft. McMlure Blvd. and Market St.  Check out the town's Facebook for a full schedule. 

McKonly & Asbury to hold State and Local Tax Webinar June 29th

This free, one-hour webinar will start at 2:00 p.m. EDT. One “Tax” CPE credit is available for this webinar. The level for this webinar is basic and there are no prerequisites for attending. This program is a live webinar that offers the opportunity to ask questions and interact with the presenters. Sign up here.

CSIU To Hold Free Trainings

Educators, First Responders, and Community Members register today for  free trainings on Youth Mental Health First Aid and QPR Suicide Prevention.  See a full list of dates and times here.

Press Enterprise to hold "Best of the Best" Contest

Nominations for the Press Enterprise's "Best of the Best" contest close on the 18th.  This contest is a community-voted contest recognizing exceptional local businesses. For more information on this contest reach out to the Press Enterprise at

Berwick Historical Society to Host Grand Opening

June 24th will see the grand opening of the David A Sadock House in Berwick.  Visit and tour the home of the Berwick Historical Society Library & Museum from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm. Some of the areas and displays include the Prominent Citizens of Berwick, Berwick Business, Historic Homes, ACF Military Room, Fashions of Berwick, Berwick Schools, Genealogy, and Book Room.

IMC to host Webinar Series

The Innovative Manufacturers' Center will be hosting a free four-part webinar series about attracting and retaining employees. The series starts July 25th.  See full details.

NEPIRC Manufacturing Day: October 13

Join NEPIRC on Friday, October 13th to celebrate the many contributions of our region’s manufacturing industry! At Manufacturing Day, you’ll be able to see product demonstrations; learn more about the cool products made right here in our local communities, and more!

State Chamber Releases 2023-2024 Budget and Session Priorities

June 12, 2023

State Chamber Releases 2023-2024 Budget and Session Priorities

June 12, 2023

Harrisburg - The PA Chamber of Business & Industry released an outline of their 2023 Budget and Session Priorities to capitalize on Pennsylvania's enormous potential and make it the most competitive state in the nation for business.  What makes PA such a great place, according to the state Chamber?  From its prime location to its rich history, strong infrastructure, industrial diversity, business resources, world-class economic institutions, and hardworking people, the Keystone State "has it all".

The PA Chamber's policy priorities include tax reform, permitting reform, and workforce development such as:

  • Tax Reform
    -Accelerate PA’s corporate net income tax phasedown.
    -End Pennsylvania’s penalty on start-up businesses by removing or raising the cap on net operating losses.
    -Improve the tax system for small businesses through accelerated sales tax, bonus depreciation, and net operating loss reform.
  • Permitting Reform
    -Third party review of permits.
    -Codify the Governor’s One Stop Shop.
    -Streamline permit appeals.
    -Stop draining agency resources.
    -Shot clocks and deemed approved.
  • Workforce Development
    -Bridge the job skills gap.
    -Address childcare challenges.
    -Expand the workforce pool.
    -Cultivate the next generation of skilled workers.

Check out the full document here, which outlines each of the policy positions and how they can help PA become more competitive.

On June 13, Chris Berleth, President of The Columbia Montour Chamber of Commerce, and Taryn Crayton, CMCC Director of Member Engagement, will meet in Harrisburg with Chamber and state officials to discuss policies impacting business in 2023-2024.



Member Highlight – Genesis House

June 12, 2023

Member Highlight – Genesis House

We are pleased to highlight Genesis House who joined the Chamber in May of 2023.

Genesis House, Inc. was established in May 1985 and provides substance abuse counseling services to both male and female adults, and adolescents.

The main focus of their substance abuse program is on creating and developing acceptance and awareness of the addiction process, role fulfillment, expansion and use of support services, and cognitive behavioral change to support recovery. To learn more about their services click here.

Member News – June 7, 2023

June 7, 2023

Member News – June 7, 2023

Compassus Bloomsburg Celebrates Ribbon Cutting

Congratulations to Compassus, who last evening cut the ribbon on their Bloomsburg location! Compassus provides a full suite of post-acute care services in support of patients and their families.

Berwick Mayor Wins Mayor of the Year

Congratulations to Berwick Mayor Tim Burke on being named the Association of Mayors and Boroughs of PA 2023 Mayor of the Year!

Bloomsburg Children's Museum Receives $13,000 PPL Foundation Grant

Bloomsburg Children's Museum received $13,000 DEAI grant from the PPL Foundation. These funds will support the Museum's program called, "Including DEAI for future vitality and sustainability." The program will develop a pathway to career readiness for people with disabilities using Museum training resources.

June 8th Dale Carnegie Webinar

This free webinar will take place on Thursday, June 8, 2023, at 8:30 a.m. EST. This program is a live webinar that offers the opportunity to ask questions and interact with the presenters. Please note this webinar is limited to the first 100 participants.  Register here.

SEDA-COG Employee Receives Designation 

Betsy Kramer, SEDA-Council of Governments (SEDA-COG) Revitalization Coordinator, earned the designation of Certified Economic Developer (CEcD), a national recognition that denotes a mastery of skills in economic development, professional attainment, and a commitment to personal and professional growth.  The CEcD Certification Program is the most prestigious designation in the economic development profession. Kramer was 1 of 32 economic development professionals nationwide who earned the designation.  Congratulations Betsy!

CSIU To Hold Free Trainings

Educators, First Responders, and Community Members register today for  free trainings on Youth Mental Health First Aid and QPR Suicide Prevention.  See a full list of dates and times here.

Community Strategies Group Honored

Community Strategies Group was honored with the Kathy Possinger Achievement Award by the PA DCED during a conference held in Hershey.  The award is in memory of Possinger, who served as a special advisor to the secretary of the state Department of Human Services before her death in 2021.

Brett Bauer of McKonly & Asbury Wins Award

McKonly & Asbury is pleased to announce that Principal Brett Bauer was recently awarded the 2023 Young Leader Award presented by the Pennsylvania Institute of CPAs (PICPA). Learn More. 

Press Enterprise to hold "Best of the Best" Contest

Nominations for the Press Enterprise's "Best of the Best" contest close on the 18th.  This contest is a community-voted contest recognizing exceptional local businesses. For more information on this contest reach out to the Press Enterprise at

2nd Annual Recovery Picnic to be Held in June

Susquehanna United Way's United in Recovery program will be hosting its 2nd Annual Recovery Picnic on June 15, 11:00 am - 1:30 PM at 163 Briar Creek Lake Park Road, Berwick, PA, 18603. RSVP to the event here.

Berwick Historical Society to Host Grand Opening

June 24th will see the grand opening of the David A Sadock House in Berwick.  Visit and tour the home of the Berwick Historical Society Library & Museum from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm. Some of the areas and displays include the Prominent Citizens of Berwick, Berwick Business, Historic Homes, ACF Military Room, Fashions of Berwick, Berwick Schools, Genealogy, and Book Room.

IMC to host Webinar Series

The Innovative Manufacturers' Center will be hosting a free four-part webinar series about attracting and retaining employees. The series starts July 25th.  See full details.

NEPIRC Manufacturing Day: October 13

Join NEPIRC on Friday, October 13th to celebrate the many contributions of our region’s manufacturing industry! At Manufacturing Day, you’ll be able to see product demonstrations; learn more about the cool products made right here in our local communities, and more!

2023 Chamber Insurance Program Reports Dividend

June 7, 2023

2023 Chamber Insurance Program Reports Dividend


Chambers of Commerce Service Corporation (CCSC) is pleased to announce that Penn National Insurance has declared a 3% dividend for the Chamber Choice Business Insurance program. Members who placed their insurance coverage with Penn National Insurance during the 2021/2022 program year and remained active chamber members and policyholders through the end of the program year, will receive a dividend check during the month of June. This year’s dividend totaled over $640,000.00. Over the past 11 years, Penn National Insurance has returned an average of 6% in dividends each year, and an aggregate total of $12.9 million to the business community.

The Chamber Choice Business Insurance program is just one of many benefits that CCSC offers its member Chambers. The partnership between Penn National Insurance and CCSC was designed to provide a value-added membership benefit that would help Chambers attract and retain members.

An important aspect of this group insurance program is preventing loss and controlling claims costs. Because dividends are based on the group’s collective loss experience, a business that may have had a significant loss may still be eligible to receive a dividend.

The program is sold exclusively through local, independent agents who can offer chamber members a variety of coverages and pricing on property and casualty insurance, including business owners, commercial auto, property, general liability, inland marine, and workers’ compensation. Dividends are paid on all of these coverages. In addition, through safety consulting, Penn National Insurance and local independent insurance agencies encourage member businesses to develop safety practices to substantially reduce or eliminate workplace injuries.

The Columbia Montour Chamber of Commerce is proud to offer this program to its members, through its members. To learn more about this chamber program, contact Taryn Crayton, Director of Member Engagement at

Environmental Sustainability in Manufacturing

June 7, 2023

Environmental Sustainability in Manufacturing

Source: Mckonly & Asbury

Over the past year, we have covered many manufacturing trends such as Industry 4.0, the economyfraud, the skilled-labor shortagecreative labor solutions, and more. However, one topic which up until this point has not been emphasized is environmental sustainability in manufacturing. According to a recent Forbes article, sustainability is one of the top five manufacturing trends in 2023:

“With consumers increasingly showing that they care about sustainability and ethical production and are willing to base their buying decisions on it, 2023 is set to be the year where it becomes a business priority for companies as well as a matter of morals and principles.”

While the degree to which your customers are willing to base their buying decisions on your sustainability efforts varies greatly from industry to industry, the fact that environmental issues have risen to the top 5 trends warrants the attention of all manufacturers. Beyond the moral reasons to consider embracing environmental sustainability, there are several ways in which it could benefit an organization financially and operationally.

Reduce Expenses

Electricity bills in Pennsylvania have increase by an average of 73% between December 2020 and December 2022. This has led many manufacturers to begin calculating ROI on projects that are designed to reduce energy costs, such as investing in solar (taking advantage of the 30% solar tax credit), replacing old machines with energy efficient ones on the plant floor, or increasing the use of sensors and IoT technology.

Beyond the cost savings from using less electricity, companies are constantly looking to further reduce the amount of scrap from the manufacturing process. Whether it’s achieved by repurposing scrap or selling it, reducing the amount of scrap that goes into landfills helps both the environment and the bottom line.

Increase Revenue

Later this year, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is expected to finalize their new disclosure rules standardizing the climate-related impact that public companies are required to disclose. The SEC’s plans initially included a requirement for public companies to disclose information about greenhouse gas emissions from upstream and downstream activities in its value chain. If investors begin to weigh investment decisions based in part on the new climate-related disclosures, then it is reasonable to expect public companies to take a closer look at the sustainability practices of their suppliers.

While purely speculation at this point in time, it is not far-fetched to imagine a day in the not-too-distant future when government contractors will have to disclose similar climate-related information as public companies are doing now. So, whether you supply parts to a public company or provide any government contracting work, there is a chance your environmental impact could contribute to either losing revenue or gaining new business depending on your company’s willingness to embrace environmental sustainability.

Create Market Buzz

A growing number of people are concerned about the environmental impact of the products they’re connected to. This is especially true for younger generations entering the workforce. At a time when attracting and retaining labor is an enormous challenge for manufacturers, many are using their environmental accolades to create market buzz in hopes of getting more applicants. Anecdotally, I have seen this on countless websites and even during plant tours, where manufacturers proudly display certifications, awards, and infographics to show current employees, applicants, and visitors that they not only prioritize environmental sustainability but stand out from their competition with respect to innovative solutions to climate-related issues.

There are many reasons to consider increasing your emphasis on environmental sustainability. Whether you intend to broadcast your environmental initiatives or you’re simply trying to keep up with possible future reporting requirements, ultimately to get started you’ll first need to figure out which environmental metrics are most important for your company to begin tracking.


For more information regarding McKonly & Asbury's manufacturing experience, be sure to visit our Manufacturing Services page and don’t hesitate to reach out to a member of our manufacturing team.

2023-2024 Member Directory Sales Ending

June 7, 2023

2023-2024 Member Directory Sales Ending

Sales for the printed 2023 – 2024 Membership Directory will end on July 28th.  This publication is a primary method for promoting members and helping to make business connections. Our mission is to represent local employers in supporting vibrant, sustainable communities. The Directory will be published in late summer and distributed throughout the year to organizations, residents, students, and others interested in our area.

The Directory is an attractive, full-color publication that represents our members and region. All members are automatically listed in the publication both alphabetically and categorically. Members also can further promote their organization with display ads ranging from an enhanced listing to a full page. You can get a full look at the advertising opportunities available this year by clicking here.

Given his outstanding success with the Directory project, The Chamber is pleased to continue its partnership with member Victor Koons Graphic Design to handle sales, design, layout, and printing of the Directory and sales representative Lois Wolfe.

If you have any other questions or concerns, please contact Taryn Crayton, our Director of Member Engagement at 570-784-2522 or  Also, let us know if you’d like to receive additional directories at your business location at any time throughout the year.

Submit Your Content for Business Matters

June 7, 2023

Submit Your Content for Business Matters

The Columbia Montour Chamber is pleased to continue its partnership with the Press Enterprise for Business Matters, a quarterly print tab publication distributed to the newspaper's online and print readership.  How does the partnership work?  Chamber members are invited to work directly with the Chamber to submit stories and member updates at no charge, and the Chamber will assemble that content.  The Press Enterprise handles the rest, offsetting distribution and printing costs with ads made my Chamber members.

June 28 is the deadline for content submissions ahead of the July 5th publication.

Don't miss the chance to advertise to this wide audience.

Submit content to the Chamber by emailing stories, pictures, and testimonials here.

55 Chambers Join Forces on Childcare Appeal

May 31, 2023

55 Chambers Join Forces on Childcare Appeal

55 Chambers of Commerce from across the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, including the Columbia Montour Chamber of Commerce, joined forces with the Pennsylvania Economic Development Association in an appeal to state officials regarding childcare this week.  In a letter dated May 30, the appeal, which was sent to Governor Josh Shapiro, department secretaries, and leaders in the House and Senate, was led by Chester County, Delaware County, and Westmoreland Chambers respectively,  asked legislators to take four key steps to make childcare more accessible and affordable for workers, to assist in growing the workforce, and to reduce the more than $2.88 billion in losses to employers and $3.47 billion in losses to the Commonwealth.  Legislative action advocated by the coalition includes:

  • Employee Childcare Public Private Partnership - Legislation to create a tax credit for employers who furnish employee childcare in the amount of the employer's cost in furnishing employee childcare. Legislation to incentivize employers to fund childcare for their employees by splitting the cost with the state, and providing tax credit incentives to employers who participate.
  • Childcare Tax Credit for Parents – Expanding the Child and Dependent Care Enhancement Program. Last year’s budget included funds for up to 30% of childcare-related expenses that filers claim on their federal return. This program is meant to support working families by lessening their tax liability. A total of $24.6 million went into the program for last FY and is now a permanent fixture of the state’s tax code. However, expanding the program will allow more middle-income parents to return to the workforce is. $21,614 annually, an impact to all families of any income bracket.
  • Retention and Recruitment – Proposals potentially being considered during the current state budget negotiation to offer rebates/incentives for nursing, teaching and policing jobs should be extended to the childcare community. Hiring incentives would be a great first step to address the ongoing issue of low wages ($12.43/hour statewide average) currently paid to childcare workers being a disincentive to join this critical field.
  • Regulatory Reform – The Chamber Community is advocating that any future regulatory proposals must ensure proper stakeholder input from childcare providers with special consideration to infant care. In addition, any changes do not lead to increased costs for providers.

See the full list of signers below:

Kelly Goodman-Shaffer, Bedford County Chamber of Commerce

Joe Hurd, Blair County Chamber of Commerce

Jordan Grady, Butler County Chamber of Commerce

Amy Bradley, Cambria Regional Chamber of Commerce

Nicole Deary, Carlisle Area Chamber of Commerce

Tea Jay Aikey, Central PA Chamber of Commerce

Greg Scott, Chamber of Business and Industry of Centre County

Laura Manion, Chester County Chamber of Business and Industry

Courtney Herzing, Clarion Area Chamber of Business and Industry

Chris Berleth, Columbia Montour Chamber of Commerce

Jeff Emanuel, Foundation of the Columbia Montour Chamber of Commerce

Steven L Christian, Cumberland Valley Business Alliance (CVBA)

Trish McFarland, Delaware County Chamber of Commerce

Jonathan Wright, Downingtown-Thorndale Regional Chamber of Commerce

Lori L. Moran, East Liberty Quarter Chamber of Commerce

Wendy Klinghoffer, Eastern Montgomery County Chamber of Commerce

Laurie Ryan, Exton Region Chamber of Commerce

Briana Tomack, Greater Latrobe - Laurel Valley Regional Chamber of Commerce

Pamela Kelly, Greater Montgomery County Chamber of Commerce

Chellie Cameron, Greater Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce

Matt Smith, Greater Pittsburgh Chamber of Commerce

Michelle Mikitish, Greater Pittston Chamber of Commerce

Jim Gerlach, Greater Reading Chamber Alliance

Bob Durkin, Greater Scranton Chamber of Commerce

Katie L. Walker, Greater West Chester Chamber of Commerce

Lindsay Griffin-Boylan, Greater Wyoming Valley Chamber of Commerce & Chamber of Business & Industry

Mary Ann Severance, Great Valley Regional Chamber of Commerce

Melody Longstreth, Greene County Chamber of Commerce

Beth Black, Grove City Area Chamber of Commerce

Ryan Unger, Harrisburg Regional Chamber & CREDC

Yvonne Martin, Huntingdon County Chamber of Commerce

Mark Hilliard, Indiana County Chamber of Commerce

Rhonda Kelley, Juniata River Valley Chamber of Commerce

Heather Valudes, Lancaster County Chamber of Commerce

Karen Groh, Lebanon Valley Chamber of Commerce

Amy Beitel, Ligonier Valley Chamber of Commerce

Gina Grone, North Side/Shore Chamber of Commerce

Rosanne Barry Novotnak, Norwin Chamber of Commerce

Christine Grove, Oxford Area Chamber of Commerce

Steve McKnight, Pennsylvania Economic Development Association

Brian Schill, Peters Township Chamber of Commerce

Jessica Capistrant Remington, Phoenixville Regional Chamber of Commerce

Cheryl B. Kuhn, Southern Chester County Chamber of Commerce

Bernard Dagenais, The Main Line Chamber of Commerce

Robert S. Carl, Jr, The Schuylkill Chamber of Chamber

Eileen Dautrich, TriCounty Area Chamber of Commerce

Chris Ardinger, Tuscarora Area Chamber of Commerce

Leanne Engle, Upper Perkiomen Valley Chamber of Commerce

Susan Williams, Venango Area Chamber of Commerce

Dan DeBone, West Moreland County Chamber of Commerce

George Book Jr., West Shore Chamber of Commerce

Rachel Cathell, Western Chester County Chamber of Commerce

Gina Suydam, Wyoming County Chamber of Commerce

Kevin Schreiber, York County Economic Alliance

Member News – May 31, 2023

May 31, 2023

Member News – May 31, 2023

Bloomsburg Library to "Chill Out"

June 2 from 5:00 - 8:00 the Bloomsburg Library will host "Chill Out! Cool Science with Liquid Nitrogen".  Gasp in amazement as rubber balls shatter and ice cream is made in seconds! Learn about how temperature affects metals and gases through plenty of hands-on demonstrations.  This event is in collaboration with the Science in Motion program through Bloomsburg University with Brandon Brown as the presenter.

SEDA-COG Receives $1 Million EPA Brownfields Revolving Loan Fund Grant

SEDA-Council of Governments (SEDA-COG) has been awarded a highly competitive $1 million grant from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The grant is funded by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. This award will create the opportunity to assist the SEDA-COG region by capitalizing a Brownfields Revolving Loan Fund (RLF) and further expanding its already established and successful EPA Brownfields program under the SEDA-COG Community Services Division.

June 8th Dale Carnegie Webinar

This free webinar will take place on Thursday, June 8, 2023, at 8:30 a.m. EST. This program is a live webinar that offers the opportunity to ask questions and interact with the presenters. Please note this webinar is limited to the first 100 participants.  Register here.

CSIU To Hold Free Trainings

Educators, First Responders, and Community Members register today for  free trainings on Youth Mental Health First Aid and QPR Suicide Prevention.  See a full list of dates and times here.

Hayden Power Group Lawyer Speaks at National Cybersecurity Summit

Hayden Power Group's General Counsel, Rebecca Warren, was selected through a nationally competitive search process to be a speaker at the 2023 ACC Foundation's Cybersecurity Summit, which was held May 8 and May 9 in Los Angeles, California, at UCLA's Luskin Conference Center. Warren presented on the topic: "Ransomware v. Extortionware: Evolving Threats."

Williams Regional Energy Access Project Update

The Regional Energy Access Expansion project will help ease supply constraints affecting customers in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Maryland, providing enough natural gas supply to serve approximately 3 million homes. Learn more about the progress of this project here.

Press Enterprise to hold "Best of the Best" Contest

Nominations for the Press Enterprise's "Best of the Best" contest close on the 18th.  This contest is a community-voted contest recognizing exceptional local businesses. For more information on this contest reach out to the Press Enterprise at

2023 Covered Bridge Photo Contest Returns! - Experience Columbia -Montour Counties

Each year, the Visitors Bureau holds a photo contest to produce a 550-piece puzzle featuring one of the area-covered bridges. The 2023 Covered Bridge Photo Contest runs from Saturday, April 1st through TONIGHT at midnight EST. We’re excited to see another fantastic set of entries from everyone! Click HERE to learn how to enter!

Governor's Safety Award Nominations Open

Proud of your safety and prevention program?  Consider applying for the Governor's Award for Safety Excellence.  Nominations are due June 1.

2nd Annual Recovery Picnic to be Held in June

Susquehanna United Way's United in Recovery program will be hosting its 2nd Annual Recovery Picnic on June 15, 11:00 am - 1:30 PM at 163 Briar Creek Lake Park Road, Berwick, PA, 18603. RSVP to the event here.

Berwick Historical Society to Host Grand Opening

June 24th will see the grand opening of the David A Sadock House in Berwick.  Visit and tour the home of the Berwick Historical Society Library & Museum from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm. Some of the areas and displays include the Prominent Citizens of Berwick, Berwick Business, Historic Homes, ACF Military Room, Fashions of Berwick, Berwick Schools, Genealogy, and Book Room.

IMC to host Webinar Series

The Innovative Manufacturers' Center will be hosting a free four-part webinar series about attracting and retaining employees. The series starts July 25th.  See full details.

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