Chamber Releases 2022-2023 Annual Report
At the Columbia Montour Chamber's Annual Meeting, sponsored by PPL Electric Utilities, Board Chair Chris Stamatedes reported on the health of the organization by way of the 2022-2023 Annual Report. Thanks to the ongoing support of members, the Chamber remains strong entering its 83rd year. In his review of the report's highlights, Stamatedes noted the uptick in in-person Chamber events, strong member engagement through local advocacy efforts, the hiring of new staff, and the strategic focus on the workforce by both the Chamber and its Foundation.
Check out the highlights of the past year here, in the 2022-2023 Annual Report.
Governor Shapiro signed an executive order last week aiming to cut down on red tape that delays permitting and certification processes by establishing standard response times and offering a money-back guarantee if applicants don’t receive a response by a date certain.
The order directs all state agencies, boards, and commissions to compile within 90 days a catalog of licenses, certificates, and permits they issue for the Governor’s Office to review and establish realistic timeframes for application consideration going forward. Once those recommendations are implemented, the agency will be required to respond to an applicant by the determined date or refund the application fee costs.
The order also calls for a review of existing application services so they can be modernized and made more efficient. The governor signed the executive order at a press conference where cosmetologists, nurses, barbers, and other professionals who rely on state-issued licenses shared stories of challenges they experienced under the current system.
The business community has long listed permit delays as a deterrent to economic growth in the Commonwealth. Permit delays cost time, and money and ultimately may lead to projects being shelved completely, job loss, and missed economic opportunities in every region of the Commonwealth.
“Today, with this Executive Order, Governor Shapiro has launched Pennsylvania on a new path,” Acting Secretary of the Commonwealth Al Schmidt said in a press release. “People shouldn’t have to suffer through long wait times to put their skills and knowledge to good use. Together, with the Governor’s Office, we will work to ensure Pennsylvanians can get to work in a timely fashion without having red tape hold them back.”
More information about the executive order can be found in this Philadelphia Inquirer story.
Meuser Named Chair of Small Business Subcommittee
Congressman Dan Meuser has been named Chairman of the Subcommittee on Economic Growth, Tax, and Capital Access of the Small Business Committee in the 118th Congress. Meuser has also been selected to serve on the Subcommittee on Rural Development, Energy, and Supply Chains. He is interested in speaking with local small business owners in a virtual meeting scheduled for February 15th.
"I look forward to returning to the Small Business Committee this Congress as Chairman of the Subcommittee on Economic Growth, Tax, and Capital Access where I will be fighting for small businesses in Pennsylvania’s 9th Congressional District and across the country as they continue to contest with the threats of increased taxes and burdensome regulations," said Rep. Meuser. "As chairman, I will be dedicated to focusing on issues vital to the success of Main Street America such as access to capital, examining the impact of federal taxes and regulations, and fostering an environment that allows our small businesses to thrive."
The Subcommittee on Economic Growth, Tax, and Capital Access jurisdiction includes evaluating the operation of the financial markets in the United States and their ability to provide needed capital to small businesses. In addition, the Subcommittee will review federal programs, especially those overseen by the SBA, aimed at assisting entrepreneurs in obtaining needed capital. Since the tax policy plays an integral role in access to capital, this Subcommittee also will examine the impact of federal tax policies on small businesses.
Members are invited to join Congressman Meuser for a Zoom event on February 15 from 10:15 am to 11:15 am. Contact Tom Gerhard, Deputy District Director, if you are interested in participating, at
Dissolution of a Business
Dissolving a business can be caused by many factors; some of which are good, and some not so good. A great reason for dissolving a business is when it is thriving, and a new type of business is needed or because of a transactional sale. Other reasons include failure to file annual reports or filing taxes, bankruptcy, or voluntarily closing it. A certificate of dissolution, also known as an article of dissolution, filed with your states Secretary of State will legally end your company’s existence in its respective state of incorporation.
If a business is not fully dissolved, the tax requirements will never close, and it is technically still in operation. The potential for late fees, failure to file notices and penalties could accumulate, despite having closed your business doors for the last year or more. By following the steps outlined below, taking proactive measures to formally end your business will help end reporting obligations and keep you from paying unnecessary late fees and penalties. The documents are included in your business records will determine how long your records should be retained. A good rule of thumb is at least seven years according to the AICPA. This link provides in-depth details on the IRS website to assist with dissolving your business.
Step One: Get Approval
Company owners must approve the dissolution of a corporation or LLC. With a corporation, all shareholders must approve the action. An LLC (Limited Liability Corporation) has members who need to grant approval. Shareholders and members of a small business tend to be involved in the day-to-day operations and will know more about the situation at large. The bylaws of a corporation, or operating agreement of an LLC should outline the dissolution process and who to obtain the approvals from. To comply with the formalities of a corporation, the Board of Directors should draft an approval to dissolve the business. The shareholders will then vote on this item and will document both actions to place in the corporate record book.
Step Two: File the Certificate of Dissolution with the State
Once the votes have been cast in favor of dissolution, the paperwork must be filed with the state where the corporation or LLC was originally formed. If a company is qualified to operate in other states, dissolution paperwork must also be filed in applicable states. Filing the Certificate of Dissolution or Articles of Dissolution may vary by state. Some states will require filing documents before notifying the creditors and resolving any claims. Other states will require a tax clearance certificate for the company before the certificate of dissolution can be filed. If there are any back taxes owed by the corporation or LLC, they must be resolved first before next steps can be taken.
Step Three: File Federal, State, and Local Tax Forms
Although the business is being dissolved and the operations will be ending, that does not mean that the tax obligations immediately cease to exist. The business closing must be formalized with the IRS, and the state and local taxing agencies. The IRS website includes a helpful business closing checklist; including helpful forms and links to applicable state and local dissolution obligations. If the business has employees, additional payroll specific account closures will need to be completed to close your employer withholding and unemployment accounts.
Step Four: Closing Accounts and Obligations
Once the dissolution of the business has been approved and the correct tax forms, debts and obligations have been satisfied, the company needs to start winding down their business affairs. This could include settling debts, notifying customers, suppliers, landlords, insurers, and vendors. Employees need to be notified, all licenses, permits, and registrations need to be canceled. Once this dissolution has been approved and operations have ceased, the business will no longer be operatory or able to conduct business. Only final closing operations should be continued, including the liquidation of any assets.
Step Five: Notify Creditors of Closing
All company creditors should be notified by mail with ample information or by publicly posting in a creditable newspaper indicating their business’s intent to dissolve the business. Be sure to include an updated mailing address for any potential claims, a deadline for submitting applicable claims, and a statement that they will be barred if not received by the deadline.
Step Six: Settle Creditor’s Claims
A creditor’s claim can be accepted or rejected by the company. Any accepted claims must be paid, or arrangements made with the creditors for repayment. If there are any rejected claims, the creditors need to be advised in writing that the company has rejected the claim. Be sure to reach out to an attorney to assist and advise you on the process and related statutes.
Step Seven: Distribute Assets
After all the claims have been paid, the remaining assets may be distributed to the company owners. Assets are generally allocated according to shareholders or members based on their percentage of ownership. For example, if you own 80% of the business, you will receive 80% of the remaining assets. Any distributions must be reported to the IRS, normally on the Final Tax Return filed. If the corporation has multiple stock classes, the corporate bylaws will outline the procedure for asset disbursement to shareholders. For an LLC, disbursement procedures should be outlined in the underlying partner or operating agreement. If there are any specific questions on distributing assets, please be sure to contact your accountant, tax advisor or attorney for advice.
The article was shared with the Columbia Montour Chamber of Commerce by member McKonly & Asbury, which has a wonderful and knowledgeable team dedicated to helping with all of your business needs. They are available to help advise you on starting your business, best practices, tax planning, tax filing, and dissolving a business when needed. If you would like to talk to one of the professionals in their Entrepreneurial Support & Client Accounting Segment on this topic or any other business-related topic, please do not hesitate to contact McKonly & Asbury with the links included here.
Our Next Great Workforce Begins at Pennsylvania Free Enterprise Week!
The Columbia Montour Chamber Foundation is a proud supporter of Pennsylvania Free Enterprise Week, a hands-on program entirely funded and taught by PA business leaders. Please consider sharing this outstanding opportunity with students in your sphere of influence, so that they may become better and more productive members of the workforce.
Source: Foundation for Free Enterprise Education
“PFEW is unique in that it gave me a glimpse into the business world in a way that I don't think I could have experienced otherwise. There have also been incredible speakers with powerful messages that will change my life. The lessons in business and in life that I have learned here will be unmatched in any other event that I attend. Students need to experience this hands-on learning that will prepare future generations to become the next community leaders and understand what employers want and need.”

Julia is pictured here, front row, second from left, with her team, "Chewnines", a pet supply company, at PFEW 2022
This quote from PFEW 2022 graduate Julia Bianchin from Butler Area Senior High School in Butler County describes why we support Pennsylvania Free Enterprise Week. PFEW prepares students like Julia to assume roles as our next great employees, employers, and community leaders. Because workforce development remains the top priority of Pennsylvania businesses, this program is needed more than ever.
Julia is pictured here, front row, second from left, with her team, Chewnines, a Pet Supply Company, at PFEW 2022.
Offered by the Foundation for Free Enterprise Education (FFEE), PFEW is a hands-on program entirely funded and taught by practitioners from the PA business community, and that’s why it is so effective. Students form teams and run a modern manufacturing company using a powerful college-level simulation. They make the same decisions you make every day. Volunteer mentors provide guidance and insight into modern business operations.
Students attend PFEW on a fully tax-deductible $695 sponsorship donated by a business, foundation, organization, or individual, and they will discover business and the American free enterprise system, and develop the skills today’s employers need. FFEE is an approved Educational Improvement Organization through the PA Educational Improvement Tax Credit (EITC) program. I encourage you to provide PFEW sponsorships for our local students and, if possible, volunteers for the sessions.
FFEE offers two additional programs that prepare students for the workforce. The Stock Market Game (SMG) teaches students in grades 4-12 about investing and financial literacy, and the Speaker Series helps students explore careers and discover the knowledge and skills needed to become great employees. All Foundation programs are singularly focused on promoting the ideals of free enterprise and developing our young people into productive, engaged employees and leaders. To learn more about these fantastic FFEE programs, visit or contact Scott Lee, VP of marketing & development for the Foundation for Free Enterprise Education at (814) 833-9576 ext. 8, or
Member News – February 1, 2023
PPL Addresses Issues With Billing, Responsiveness
PPL Electric Utilities President Stephanie Raymond reached out to customers to address recent issues with billing and responsiveness to customers. Read her message here. For PPL's Customer Bill Fact Sheet and support guide, click here.
Small Business Roundtable (Zoom) with Congressman Dan Meuser
Members are invited to join Congressman Dan Meuser for this Zoom event on February 15 from 10:15 am to 11:15 am. Contact Tom Gerhard, Deputy District Director with your interest.
Berwick Area YMCA Wellness Center Progressing
Recently, the Berwick Area YMCA shared a video about the progress of their new wellness Center and gymnasium. Check it out!
Beware Local Scam
First Keystone Community Bank has shared that a company going by the name of "Bench Craft Golf" is calling local businesses trying to sell them space on scorecards at local golf courses. This is a scam. Please share as you are able.
Susquehanna Valley Medical Specialties Welcomes Dr. Marek Kurowski
Dr. Kurowski, M.D., M.B.A., M.P.T. is board certified in Pain Management and Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.
Exchange Gallery Concludes "Dreams" Event with Reception
The "Dreams" storytelling program featuring daydreams, aspirational dreams, nightmares, and other visions as content will culminate with a reception on February 3 from 5:00 pm to 7:30 pm.
Community Giving Foundation Welcomes New Board Members
Congratulations to John Grabusky, Geisinger, and Ryan McNally, Evangelical Community Hospital, on your appointments. Read more about John and Ryan.
Geisinger Promotes Interventional Cardiologist to Chief of Structural Heart Disease
Shikwar Agarwal, M.D., M.P.H., has been promoted and will oversee integration and growth of services across the health system for patients with disease of the heart valves. Read more.
Members Working Together: Wild for Salmon, Columbia County Christian School
Steve and Jen from Wild for Salmon brought an awesome presentation to the 1st through 5th graders last week. Check out some great photos!
Liberty Solar Farm Community Informational Meeting Tonight
Drop in anytime between 6 pm and 8 pm at the Pine Barn Inn as Lightsource bp introduces their solar team and answers questions about solar projects. For questions, send Lightsource bp an email.
Bloomsburg Public Library Hosts Valentine's Day Card-Making Event for Kids February 4 at 10 am
Extra cards will be delivered to local nursing homes.
Columbia Montour AVTS Welcomes Community February 5
CMAVTS will hold an Open House from 1 pm to 4 pm. See the graphic for more details. Prospective students are welcome from 1 pm to 2 pm, and the event opens to the general public from 2 pm to 4 pm.
30th Annual Martin Luther King Jr. Commemorative Program
Commonwealth University - Bloomsburg Campus will celebrate this annual lecture and presentation by welcoming Ndaba Mandela, grandson of Nelson Mandela to campus. The event is set to take place Monday, February 6 at Carver Hall at 6 pm.
Downtown Bloomsburg, Inc. Invites Businesses & Local Residents February 7
Downtown Bloomsburg, Inc. (DBI) is hoping to hear from community stakeholders- including downtown businesses and local residents, to better support and energize the downtown. If you are interested in being a part of the conversation, join DBI's Board of Directors on Tuesday, February 7 at 6 pm at Brewskis.
After four years, the downtown festival will return to Main Street in Bloomsburg on April 29. For more information, visit
Learn about applications and licenses needed to start a business, different types of business structures (sole proprietorship, LLC, etc., financing options, presented by a local banker, types of insurance a new business will typically need, presented by a local insurance agency, and SBDC Services available as you start your business.
Zartman Construction Announces 50th Anniversary Celebration
Mark your calendars and join Zartman Construction at their facility at 3000 Point Township Drive, Northumberland, from 4:30 pm to 8:00 pm on May 3, as they give tours of the facility, view and learn about a wide array of equipment and enjoy delicious catered food. RSVP to Peggy Hunt by Monday, April 24, 2023.
Opinion: Long-standing partners will consider best interest of community
The article below was submitted to The Danville News and the Press Enterprise as an op-ed by Columbia Montour Chamber President Fred Gaffney, following the January 25 zoning hearing in the Danville Borough.
I attended Danville Council’s public hearing on January 25th to provide The Columbia Montour Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors’ comments in support of a change of zoning on a parcel of land to allow for the development of a behavioral health hospital. Several others who provided public comments expressed concern for the well-being of the current property owners, the Sisters of Saints Cyril & Methodius. Those concerns demonstrate the appreciation for the Sisters and their property. Consider all that they have developed and maintained on those properties over many years: the Basilica, Maria Hall, Maria Joseph Continuing Care Community, and the Pre-K and Kindergarten programs. Clearly, the Sisters are much more than caring ladies in service, but also smart, successful businesswomen who have contributed significantly to the health and economic vitality of the area.
Now, the Sisters have recognized that maintaining the aging structures on this one parcel are not financially viable for them. They are attempting to work with Geisinger, a long-standing partner in providing care, to maintain as many of these structures as possible, while addressing an urgent need for behavioral care in our area. Based upon comments by Sisters Barbara Sable and Michael Ann Orlik at the hearing, I am confident that these two long-standing Danville entities will do what is in the best interests of the community and its residents if this project is allowed to move forward.
Fred Gaffney
The Columbia Montour Chamber of Commerce
Chamber Announces 2023 Award Nominees
The Chamber will honor one award recipient in each category at its annual dinner at Frosty Valley Resort on February 8, 2023.
The Columbia Montour Chamber of Commerce is proud to announce the nominees for the organization’s 2023 Annual Awards. The awards will be presented at the Annual Meeting. This year’s event is the 82nd for the organization and will be held at the Frosty Valley Resort on February 8th at 5:00 p.m.
This meeting provides an opportunity to recognize organizations and individuals for their extraordinary efforts in serving the community throughout the year. The Chamber will present five awards: Small Business of the Year, Large Business of the Year, Nonprofit of the Year, Community Progress Award, and the Outstanding Citizen Award.
The Outstanding Citizen Award, the longest-tenured award, was first presented in 1970. The organization added the Small Business of the Year, the Large Business of the Year, and the Community Progress Award in 2011. The Nonprofit of the Year was first introduced in 2020.
Criteria for the awards are as follows:
Businesses with less than 30 employees that have demonstrated business leadership as evidenced by diversification and creativity in the development of new products, services, and/or markets, and who have demonstrated staying power, positive response to adversity, and community involvement are eligible for the Small Business Award. Businesses which meet the same stringent criteria and have more than 31 employees are eligible for the Large Business Award.
501(c)3 organizations with fewer than 100 employees that have met the requirements of the business of the year award and have also demonstrated aid to the community through personal and/or business resources, leadership, or support of community projects or other board participation are eligible for the Chamber’s annual Nonprofit Award.
Organizations that improve the internal/external appearance of a commercial property through new construction, renovation/restoration, or remodeling and have completed construction within the last three calendar years qualify for the Chamber’s Community Progress Award.
Individuals who are employees or volunteers of a member of the Chamber and are involved in civic activities beneficial to the Columbia-Montour region and project a positive community image are eligible for the Chamber’s highest individual recognition, the Outstanding Citizen Award.
Nominees for the 2023 Annual Awards are as follows:
Nonprofit of the Year – Sponsored by PNC Bank
- The Good Samaritan Mission – Danville, PA
- Community Giving Foundation – Berwick, PA
- Hand in Hand Family Resource Center – Berwick, PA
- Bloomsburg Children’s Museum – Bloomsburg, PA
- Central Susquehanna Opportunities – Shamokin, PA
Community Progress Award – Sponsored by World Kinect Energy & My Benefit Advisor
- Lions Gate – Bloomsburg, PA
- Bason Coffee & More – Danville, PA
- Elmdale Inn Bed & Breakfast – Bloomsburg, PA
Outstanding Citizen – Sponsored by B.I.D.A.
- Rachel Shaffer, Bloomsburg University, Columbia County Historical & Genealogical Society
- Harry Mathias, Mathias Educational Leadership Consulting, LLC
Small Business of the Year – Sponsored by First Columbia Bank & Trust
- Shanty Secrets – Danville, PA
- InnoTek Computer Consulting – Bloomsburg, PA
Large Business of the Year– Sponsored by DRIVE
- Millville Mutual Insurance – Millville, PA
- MC Federal Credit Union – Danville, PA
To attend the dinner and awards ceremony in support of these outstanding nominees, register here.
The mission of the Columbia Montour Chamber of Commerce is to represent local employers in supporting vibrant, sustainable communities in Columbia and Montour counties.
How to Improve Work Performance in 2023

When we think about how to improve our productivity, we see there are three areas that need improvement to increase professional performance: emotions, mindset, and physical health. When we harness these three aspects of our lives, then we can master our performance at work.
Mindset Mastery
Of all the things you can improve at work, mastering your mental state might be the most important. When we’re feeling negative at work, we will be less productive. Feeling stressed or depressed puts cognitive function in decline and makes problem-solving more difficult.
To master our mindset, we must start with being intentional. Being intentional means slowly and consistently directing/redirecting our thoughts to more positive outcomes. The more we do this, the more automatic it will become.
Mindset also means staying open-minded. In the changing modern business landscape, problems are best solved with novel solutions that move the company forward. Mastering your mindset means you can harness your productivity and creative output.
Emotional Mastery
When it comes to the emotional side of life, there are always opportunities for improvement at work. Emotions are a part of being human, and the goal, therefore, is not to remove our emotions but simply to recognize them for what they are saying and then consciously choose our actions rather than blindly reacting.
To master our emotions, we must be intentional in our actions. When an emotional situation comes up, try to identify the emotion you’re experiencing, ask yourself what the feeling is telling you, and then choose a responsible action in response. Being emotional—such as thinking negatively or being angry—at work can distract you from work and lower productivity.
Another aspect of mastering emotions is being in a psychologically safe space. Coming to work every day with a feeling of fear is no way to increase productivity. If you’re a leader, make sure you’re fostering a truly psychologically safe space. If you’re a worker feeling unsafe, find a trusted coworker or manager and let them know how you’re feeling. You won’t be truly productive until you feel safe at work.
Physical Mastery
Whether we’re tired, our back aches, or we have a sniffly nose, it is impossible to be at our best at work when our physical body isn’t well. Overworking, especially pushing ourselves when we’re sick, can result in burnout, chronic illness, and absenteeism—not to mention a drop in productivity.
To master our health at work, we must make changes. If you aren’t taking time for lunch or aren’t eating a balanced meal, then make an effort to do so from here on out. Ask if your company provides standing desks, which have been shown to increase productivity by up to 46%. Take breaks during the day to rest your eyes, get fresh air, or do some light stretching. When you aren’t distracted by your body, you’ll improve your performance at work.
Work – Productivity Tips
Try Calendar Blocking
Be protective of your time. Consider how much time you will need for each project and find a chunk of your calendar to schedule it in. Use these blocks for dedicated working time, and don’t allow any meetings or distractions during those hours.
Be Aware of Timing
Remember Parkinson’s Law? Your work will stretch to take up the time you give it. When calendar blocking your tasks, don’t overextend yourself. Deep work can only occur for a couple of hours at a time. Productivity goes down after that. Schedule work in small chunks and learn to manage your time.
Avoid Task Switching
Multitasking is a lie. What’s really happening is that your brain is task-switching between the two tasks quickly, which causes us to lose focus on one thing or another for a few seconds as our brain switches. This kills productivity. Avoid task switching/multitasking at all costs.
Use Performance Reviews
During a performance review, areas of improvement may not be listed or discussed. If they are, pay particular attention to what is suggested and see how it might integrate with your new productivity hacks and habits. If not, don’t be afraid to ask your leaders for more specific feedback.
Final Thoughts
There will always be opportunities for improvement at work. If you want to learn more about harnessing your power and becoming more productive, then you should explore Take Command: A Dale Carnegie Book. From controlling mindset and emotions to setting up an intentional life, this book can help put you on a path to better work (and life) performance.
As an owner of the Dale Carnegie Mid-Atlantic franchise, McKonly & Asbury is able to offer an extension of services to our clients and friends of the firm, expanding our expertise in the areas of leadership, team building, and people development as Dale Carnegie offers programs in leadership, management development, customer engagement, service, sales, communication, and more.
Member News – January 25, 2023
Montour Preserve Habitat Restoration Work Day Accomplishes Much
Thanks to 21 volunteers, 4 staff and 132 hours worked, MARC's habitat restoration work day cleared invasive species of brush, and restored 3.8 acres of open field habitat for local bird species. Way to go!
Craft Catering Achieves Five for Five on Wedding Wire and The Knot
Congratulations to Craft Catering, who recently achieved milestone status - "five stars, for five years running", on WeddingWire and The Knot. Specifically, Craft Catering has been awarded the lone "2023 Couples Choice Award" in the catering division in the Scranton region on WeddingWire. The award recognizes local wedding professionals who demonstrate excellence in quality, service, responsiveness and professionalism. Winners are determined by the review from more than one million WeddingWire couples. For the second year in a row, The Knot has also rated Craft Catering as "Best of Weddings". Hat's off to Toni-Ann and company!
DRIVE Receives NREDA 2022 Organization Excellence Award

Students are Back!
Students returned to Commonwealth University - Bloomsburg Campus last Friday, in advance of the Spring semester. Welcome back!
DTB Horizons Featured on "The Fatherhood Challenge" Podcast
Lenora Edwards, owner of DTB Horizons, was recently featured on this podcast to talk about speech and brain development and emotional regulation for dads. Tune in!
Congratulations Bloomsburg Children's Museum Science Fair Winners!
On Thursday, January 19, the Bloomsburg Children's Museum hosted it's annual science fair. Students from across the region participated in the event, which was open to the community. Check out the full list of winners and some awesome pictures from the event in the science fair's annual impact report!
Bloomsburg YMCA Releases 2022 Annual Report
The Bloomsburg YMCA has been busy! Check out their annual report here.
First Columbia Bank & Trust Employees Give Back
In 2022, First Columbia Bank & Trust Co. employees raised $6,282 during dress down days for charities and community organizations. Congrats!
Geisinger Nurse Sara Renz, RN Featured in "Careers that Work"
PBS recently featured Sara Renz, RN in this video about the life of an emergency room nurse.
SEDA-Council of Governments (SEDA-COG) Announces New Fiscal Controller
SEDA-Council of Governments (SEDA-COG) is pleased to announce that Jamie Carnes, a 5-year staffer, has been promoted to Fiscal Controller. Carnes began her career in finance over 10 years ago, gaining experience in financial statement preparation, general ledger activity, and capital spending management. Her career with SEDA-COG began with her role as a Finance Analyst where she served several different departments. Read more about Jamie.
Bloomsburg Fair Queen Named PA State Fair Queen's Miss Congeniality
Congratulations to Abigail Jerome, the 2022 Bloomsburg Fair Queen, for being named Miss Congeniality at this year's PA State Fair Queen Competition.
Commonwealth University President Appointed to DRIVE Board of Directors
Dr. Bashar W. Hanna, president of Commonwealth University, has been appointed to serve on the board of directors for DRIVE. Read more.
Service Electric Cablevision Deploys Fiber-to-the-Home
Northumberland, Pennsylvania – Service Electric Cablevision, a leading provider of residential and business Internet, TV and Phone services is excited to announce it has completed deploying Fiber-to-the-Home (FTTH) to residents in a Snyder County network expansion area south of Selinsgrove, PA. Residential and Commercial customers in the Selinsgrove expansion area now have access to fast, reliable matching download and upload Internet speeds ranging from 100M to 2 Gig, Plume Whole-Home Wi-Fi, TiVo Stream IPTV service and Home Phone.
“It is exciting to provide a high quality wired broadband service to residents of an area where no such service was previously available, especially when delivering service over a totally fiber optic network. The Snyder County network expansion consisted of approximately 20 miles of fiber routing and passed over 300 homes.” said Sam Haulman, General Manager of the Sunbury System. “We are also pleased to announce that construction has started on another FTTH network expansion project located in Mount Pleasant Township, Columbia County. This build consists of approximately 50 miles of fiber routing and will pass over 500 homes. Service is expected to be available to residents late in the first quarter of 2023.”
Please visit to learn more about the available services.
After four years, the downtown festival will return to Main Street in Bloomsburg on April 29. For more information, visit
Stay ahead of changing construction methods and code requirements. Partnering with The American Institute of Architects, Kawneer's next webinar will help businesses understand the types of aluminum windows, current testing standards, installation methods and performance. Register here.
Learn about Quality of Earnings reports, why they are beneficial to business owners or acquirers, and learn how it can be used to assist with business planning. The webinar is free, and offers one "specialized knowledge" CPE credit. Register here.
Lions Gate Apartments is hosting free community events. On January 26, Kevin Haile returns with piano and percussion from 6pm - 8pm.
Thomas Beaver Free Library to Host Winter Sowing Demonstration January 28
The Thomas Beaver Free Library Will Host Penn State Extension Master Gardeners for a Winter Sowing Demonstration on Saturday January 28, 2023 at 11am. Get a head start on next year without spending too much money! Jump-start your garden!
The Barn at Frosty Valley to Host Open House Sunday, January 29
Are you or someone you know engaged? Visit the barn and onsite accommodations and connect with the venue's representatives. One lucky couple will win a free wedding! Learn more!
Susquehanna Valley United Way's United in Recovery Program to Host Student Event January 30
DJ Choices and SVUW’s United in Recovery program are joining forces to educate students in Warrior Run School District about the dangers and consequences of illegal drug use. By using popular music and spectacular lighting effects, students will attend a special school assemble and hear true, heartfelt stories from special guests who have been affected by substance use disorder. Programs and resources will then be shared with students to empower themselves or refer others for help.
The event will take place on Monday, January 30th, 2023 and will feature two different school assemblies. (Middle School: 9:30am - 10:30am, and High School: 1:45pm - 2:45pm.) Location: Warrior Run Middle School Auditorium, 4860 Susquehanna Trail, Turbotville, PA 17772
Join David Hammarberg, Partner and leader of the firm’s SOC, Cybersecurity, Forensic Examination, and Information Technology practices, as he discusses the top 10 security practices your firm should currently be doing or implementing in the next year. Security is always changing, and organizations need to assess risks and mitigate those risks quickly. Each attendee should leave knowing they have some actionable steps to make their organization more secure. Register here.
Bloomsburg Public Library to Host Valentine's Day Card-Making Event for Kids February 4 at 10am
Extra cards will be delivered to local nursing homes.
Downtown Bloomsburg, Inc. To Host Downtown Businesses & Local Residents February 7
Downtown Bloomsburg, Inc. (DBI) is hoping to hear from community stakeholders- including downtown businesses and local residents, to better support and energize the downtown. If you are interested in being a part of the conversation, join DBI's Board of Directors on Tuesday, February 7 at 6pm at Brewskis.
Learn about applications and licenses needed to start a business, different types of business structure (sole proprietorship, LLC, etc., financing options, presented by a local banker, types of insurance a new business will typically need, presented by a local insurance agency, and SBDC Services available as you start your business.
On social media, North Shore Railroad has kicked off a new campaign this month, highlighting businesses which don't have boutiques or storefronts, but which manufacture their products right here in Pennsylvania, and ship them via freight. Be part of the campaign and support your neighboring businesses by searching and using the hashtag #SHOPMANUFACTUREDLOCAL.
Montour DeLong Fair Dates Announced
This year's event will take place July 24 - 29, 2023.